Informations sur la Protection des Données pour les Candidats

Bienvenue sur notre page dédiée à la protection de vos données personnelles. Chez Pernod Ricard, nous nous engageons à garantir la confidentialité et la sécurité de vos informations tout au long du processus de recrutement. Afin de vous fournir des informations transparentes et précises, nous avons élaboré des notices d'information sur la protection des données spécifiques à chaque pays.

Pour consulter les informations relatives à la protection de vos données personnelles candidat, veuillez sélectionner le pays dans lequel vous postulez.

Nous vous remercions de l'intérêt que vous portez à Pernod Ricard et nous vous souhaitons bonne chance dans votre démarche de candidature.

  • Datenschutzhinweis für Bewerber

    Der Schutz Ihrer Privatsphäre und Ihrer persönlichen Daten ist für Pernod Ricard sehr wichtig. Pernod Ricard respektiert Ihr Recht auf Privatsphäre, wenn Sie sich über diese Plattform / Website für eine Beschäftigung bewerben, und zwar in Übereinstimmung mit den geltenden Datenschutzgesetzen und -bestimmungen, wie z. B. der Allgemeinen Datenschutzverordnung (im Folgenden „DSGVO“). Diese Datenschutzhinweise für Bewerber (im Folgenden „Hinweis“) sollten in Verbindung mit den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für die Nutzung der Website des Bewerbers gelesen werden.

    Mit dieser Mitteilung soll beschrieben werden, wie die Pernod Ricard Deutschland GmbH, als Datenverantwortliche, personenbezogene Daten von Personen bearbeitet, die sich auf eine Stelle bewerben.

    Welche personenbezogenen Daten erfassen wir?

    Das Unternehmen erhebt die folgenden persönlichen Daten:

    - Identifizierungs- und Verwaltungsdaten (wie Identität, Anrede, Namen, Geburtsdatum und -ort, Wohnort, persönliche Telefonnummer und E-Mail-Adresse, Bilddaten (Passbild), Angaben zur Nationalität, Aufenthaltsgenehmigung oder sonstige erforderliche Bewilligung für die Einstellung eines Bewerbers ausländischer Nationalität)

    - Ergebnisse von Tests / Beurteilungen, die während des Einstellungsverfahrens durchgeführt werden können, die vertraulich bleiben und deren Mitteilung nur vom Antragsteller eingeholt werden kann

    - Daten zu beruflichen Fähigkeiten (z. B. Fähigkeiten, Ausbildung, Diplome, Arbeitszeugnisse, frühere Berufserfahrungen und gegebenenfalls Karriereweg innerhalb der Pernod Ricard-Gruppe)

    - Informationen zu der Stelle, für die sich der Bewerber bewirbt (z. B. Tätigkeits- und Funktionsbezeichnung, Art der Verpflichtungen)

    Vertrauliche personenbezogene Daten im Sinne von Artikel 9 der DSGVO dürfen nur verarbeitet werden, wenn Sie dem ausdrücklich zugestimmt haben. Diese Einwilligung kann jederzeit widerrufen werden.

    Wie erheben wir Ihre persönlichen Daten?

    - Das Unternehmen verwendet im Rahmen seiner Rekrutierung relevante und notwendige Methoden und Techniken, die aus den folgenden bestehen:
    - Vorstellungsgespräche von Pernod Ricard und / oder einem auf Rekrutierung spezialisierten Drittanbieter,
    - Überprüfung von Diplomen, Referenzen und Berufserfahrung durch einen auf Rekrutierung spezialisierten Drittanbieter,
    - Logiktests / Englischtests, die für die Position erforderlich sein können
    - Fachliche Beurteilungen (Lösung von schriftlichen praktischen Fällen usw.)

    Warum erheben wir personenbezogene Daten?

    Das Unternehmen erhebt, speichert, verwendet und verarbeitet die personenbezogenen Daten des Bewerbers ausschließlich zur Verwaltung des Einstellungsprozesses.

    Die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten ist daher notwendig, um vor dem Abschluss eines Arbeitsvertrags Maßnahmen im rechtmäßigen Interesse des Unternehmens ergreifen zu können, d.h. den Kandidaten vor dem Stellenangebot zu bewerten.

    Personenbezogene Daten sind auch erforderlich, um den Antrag des Bewerbers zu bearbeiten, den Bewerber während dieser Bearbeitung zu kontaktieren, seine Fragen zu beantworten und / oder zusätzliche Informationen anzufordern.

    Wer sind die Empfänger Ihrer persönlichen Daten?

    Zu den Empfängern Ihrer persönlichen Daten gehören:

    - die auf die Einstellung von Mitarbeitern der Gesellschaft spezialisierten Dienstleistungs-unternehmen
    - die Personalabteilung
    - die für die Einstellung verantwortlichen Mitarbeiter einer Fachabteilung
    - Regulierungsbehörde oder Justizbehörden, falls erforderlich
    - andere Pernod Ricard Gesellschaften

    Wie lange bewahren wir Ihre persönlichen Daten auf?

    Personenbezogene Daten werden von der Personalabteilung gemäß den geltenden Aufbewahrungsrichtlinien und -verfahren des Unternehmens sowie gemäß den örtlichen Gesetzen und Bestimmungen aufbewahrt.

    Werden Ihre persönlichen Daten in andere Länder übertragen?

    Da es sich bei der Pernod Ricard-Gruppe um eine weltweite Organisation handelt, werden einige personenbezogene Daten, die sich auf den Antragsteller beziehen, möglicherweise von anderen Unternehmen der Gruppe weltweit verarbeitet. Personenbezogene Daten können in Länder übertragen werden, in denen andere Datenschutzgesetze gelten als in dem Land, in dem Sie Ihre personenbezogenen Daten übermittelt haben.

    In diesem Fall ergreift die Pernod Ricard Gruppe die geeigneten Maßnahmen, um die Sicherheit der personenbezogenen Daten sowohl während des Transports als auch am Empfangsort zu gewährleisten, indem sie die von der Europäischen Kommission festgelegten Vertragsklauseln im Einklang mit dem geltenden Recht umsetzt.

    Welche Rechte haben Sie bezüglich Ihrer persönlichen Daten?

    - Sie können den Zugriff auf Ihre persönlichen Daten anfordern.
    - Sie können verlangen, dass Ihre persönlichen Daten berichtigt werden, wenn diese unrichtig, unvollständig oder veraltet sind.
    - Sie können die Löschung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten verlangen (i), wenn Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nicht mehr für die Datenverarbeitung erforderlich sind, (ii) wenn Sie Ihre Einwilligung zur Datenverarbeitung ausschließlich aufgrund dieser Einwilligung widerrufen haben, (iii) wenn Sie der Datenverarbeitung widersprochen haben, (iv) wenn die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten rechtswidrig ist; (v) wenn die personenbezogenen Daten gelöscht werden müssen, um einer für das Unternehmen geltenden rechtlichen Verpflichtung nachzukommen.
    - Sie können die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung anfordern (i), falls die Richtigkeit Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten in Frage gestellt wird, damit Pernod Ricard die Richtigkeit dieser Angaben prüfen kann, (ii) wenn Sie Ihre personenbezogenen Daten einschränken möchten, anstatt sie zu löschen, obwohl die Verarbeitung rechtswidrig ist, (iii) wenn Sie möchten, dass das Unternehmen Ihre personenbezogenen Daten speichert, weil Sie diese im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Ansprüche für Ihre Verteidigung benötigen (iv), wenn Sie der Verarbeitung widersprochen haben, das Unternehmen jedoch prüft, ob dies der Fall ist. Es gibt berechtigte Gründe für eine solche Verarbeitung, die Ihre eigenen Rechte außer Kraft setzen können, wenn die Datenverarbeitung auf dem berechtigten Interesse des Unternehmens beruht.
    - Sie können die Übertragbarkeit der von Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellten personenbezogenen Daten anfordern, wenn die Verarbeitung der personenbezogenen Daten auf Ihrer Einwilligung oder der Erfüllung eines Vertrages beruht und automatisiert erfolgt.
    - Sie haben das Recht, der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten durch uns zu Direktmarketingzwecken, zu Marketingzwecken auf der Grundlage von Profilerstellung zu widersprechen oder wenn die Datenverarbeitung auf dem berechtigten Interesse des Unternehmens basiert (außer wenn es zwingende Rechtsgründe für die Verarbeitung nachweisen kann).
    - Sie haben das Recht, eine Beschwerde bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde einzureichen, wenn Sie der Meinung sind, dass die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten die DSGVO verletzt.

    Wie können Sie uns kontaktieren?
    Wenn Sie Fragen, Beschwerden oder Kommentare zu dieser Mitteilung oder zu unseren Verfahren zur Sammlung von Informationen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns:

    Pernod Ricard Deutschland GmbH
    Habsburgerring 2
    50674 Köln
    oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an

  • Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos

    La protección de su privacidad y de sus datos personales es muy importante para Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respeta su derecho a la privacidad cuando solicita empleo a través de esta plataforma/sitio web, de acuerdo con las disposiciones contenidas en las leyes y reglamentos aplicables en materia de protección de datos, tales como el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (en adelante el "RGPD"). Este Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos (en adelante el "Aviso") deberá leerse de forma conjunta con los Términos y Condiciones aplicables a la utilización del sitio web para solicitantes de empleo.

    El objeto del Aviso es describir cómo la Sociedad, en su condición de responsable del tratamiento, trata los Datos Personales relativos a las personas que solicitan empleo.

    En el caso de que esté solicitando un puesto para Pernod Ricard Andorra, el objeto del Aviso es describir cómo Pernod Ricard Andorra S.L.U, con domicilio social en Avinguda Santa Coloma número 101-103, AD500 Andorra la Vella, Principat d’Andorra  (en adelante la “Sociedad”), en su condición de responsable del tratamiento, trata los Datos Personales relativos a las personas que solicitan empleo.

    ¿Qué Datos Personales recopilamos?

    La Sociedad recopila los siguientes Datos Personales:

    - datos identificativos y administrativos (como, por ejemplo, la identidad del solicitante, la fecha y lugar de nacimiento, género, domicilio personal, número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico personal, permiso de residencia  o cualquier otra autorización necesaria para la contratación de un solicitante de nacionalidad extranjera),

    - los resultados de los test/evaluaciones que puedan realizarse a lo largo del proceso de contratación, los cuales serán confidenciales y cuya comunicación solamente podrá ser obtenida por el solicitante,

    - datos relativos a las competencias profesionales (como, por ejemplo, competencias, formación, diplomas, experiencia profesional y, si procede, carrera profesional dentro del Grupo Pernod Ricard),

    - la información relativa al puesto de trabajo que esté solicitando el solicitante (como, por ejemplo, la denominación del puesto de trabajo y función, naturaleza de las obligaciones).

    Los Datos Personales de categorías especiales, en el sentido definido en el Artículo 9 del RGPD, sólo podrán tratarse si nos ha dado su consentimiento explícito. Este consentimiento podrá retirarse en cualquier momento.

    ¿Cómo recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    La Sociedad utiliza los siguientes métodos y técnicas, considerados pertinentes y necesarios, como parte de su proceso de contratación:

    - Entrevistas de trabajo realizadas por Pernod Ricard y/o por cualquier sociedad proveedora de servicios especializada en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Verificación de títulos, referencias y experiencia profesional por parte de un proveedor de servicios especializado en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Pruebas de lógica, pruebas de inglés en la medida en que se requieran para el puesto,
    - Evaluaciones profesionales (resolución de casos prácticos por escrito, etc.)

    ¿Por qué recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    La Sociedad recopila, almacena, utiliza y trata los Datos Personales del candidato únicamente con la finalidad de gestionar el proceso de contratación.

    Por consiguiente, el tratamiento de Datos Personales es necesario para poder adoptar medidas previas a la formalización de un contrato de trabajo en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad que es, en concreto, el de evaluar al candidato antes de proponerle una oferta de trabajo.
    Los Datos Personales son también necesarios para tratar la solicitud del candidato, para contactarle durante dicho proceso, para contestar a sus preguntas y/o para pedirle información adicional.

    ¿Quiénes son los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales?

    Entre los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales se encuentran:

    - las compañías de servicios especializadas en contratación encargadas por la Sociedad
    - el departamento de Recursos Humanos
    - los organismos regulatorios o judiciales, en la medida necesaria
    - otras filiales de Pernod Ricard

    ¿Durante cuánto tiempo conservamos sus Datos Personales?

    El departamento de Recursos Humanos conserva los Datos Personales con arreglo a lo establecido en la política y procedimientos de retención aplicables de la Sociedad, así como en la medida requerida por las leyes y reglamentos locales.

    ¿Son sus Datos Personales transferidos a otros países?

    Dado que el Grupo Pernod Ricard es una organización mundial, algunos Datos Personales relativos a los solicitantes de empleo podrán ser tratados por otras entidades del Grupo repartidas por todo el mundo. Los Datos Personales podrán ser transferidos a países que cuenten con un nivel de leyes de protección de datos personales diferente al existente en el país en el que usted facilitó sus Datos Personales.

    En tal caso, el Grupo Pernod Ricard adoptará las medidas adecuadas para preservar la seguridad de sus Datos Personales tanto durante el tránsito como en el lugar de recepción de éstos, mediante la implementación de cláusulas contractuales establecidas por las Comisión Europea, de conformidad con lo establecido en la ley aplicable.

    ¿Cuáles son sus derechos en relación con sus Datos Personales?

    - Puede solicitar el acceso a sus Datos Personales.
    - Puede solicitar la rectificación de sus Datos Personales si son inexactos, incompletos o están desactualizados.
    - Puede solicitar la supresión de sus Datos Personales si (i) éstos ya no son necesarios para las finalidades del tratamiento de datos, (ii) ha retirado su consentimiento para el tratamiento de Datos Personales basado exclusivamente en dicho consentimiento (iii) se ha opuesto al tratamiento de datos, (iv) el tratamiento de los Datos Personales es ilegal, (v) los Datos Personales deben suprimirse para cumplir con una obligación legal aplicable a la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la limitación del tratamiento (i) en caso de que se impugne la exactitud de sus Datos Personales para permitir que Pernod Ricard pueda verificar su exactitud, (ii) en el caso de que desee ejercer el derecho a limitar el uso de sus Datos Personales en lugar de eliminarlos a pesar del hecho de que el tratamiento sea ilícito, (iii) en el caso de que desee que la Sociedad conserve sus Datos Personales debido a que el interesado los necesite para su defensa dentro del contexto de reclamaciones jurídicas, (iv) en el caso de que se haya opuesto al tratamiento pero la Sociedad lleve a cabo una verificación para comprobar si tiene motivos legítimos para realizar dicho tratamiento, los cuales prevalecerán sobre sus propios derechos en caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la portabilidad de los Datos Personales que nos haya facilitado si el tratamiento de los mismos se basa en su consentimiento o en el cumplimiento de un contrato y se lleva a cabo por medios automatizados.
    - Usted tendrá el derecho de oponerse, en cualquier momento, al tratamiento por nosotros de sus Datos Personales, con fines de marketing directo, con fines de marketing basados en la elaboración de perfiles, o en el caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad (salvo que pueda demostrar la existencia de fundamentos jurídicos imperiosos para la realización del tratamiento).
    - Usted tendrá derecho a presentar una reclamación ante una autoridad de control si considera que el tratamiento de sus Datos Personales infringe el RGPD.

    ¿Cómo puede contactarnos?

    En caso de tener cualquier pregunta, reclamación o comentario relativo al presente Aviso o a nuestras prácticas de recopilación de información, le rogamos se ponga en contacto con nosotros por escrito dirigiéndose a:

    Pernod Ricard Andorra S.L.U
    Avinguda Santa Coloma numero 101-103
    AD500 Andorra la Vella
    Principat d’Andorra
    o enviando un correo electrónico a

  • Política de Protecção de Dados De Candidatos

    Proteger sua privacidade e dados pessoais é muito importante para a Pernod Ricard.
    A Pernod Ricard respeita seu direito à privacidade quando se candidata a um emprego por meio desta plataforma / site de acordo com a legislação de Protecção de dados em vigor em Angola.
    O presente regulamento sobre a Politica de Protecção de Dados dos Candidatos (doravante "Regulamento") deve ser lido em conjunto com os Termos e Condições em vigor no site de candidatura da Pernod Ricard.
    O objectivo do  Regulamento é descrever como a Empresa procede ao tratamento de Dados Pessoais relativos as pessoas que se candidatam a um emprego na Pernod Ricard.

    Que dados são necessários para o processo de Recrutamento e Selecção de pessoal:
    - Dados de identificação pessoal (tais como a identidade do candidato, data e local de nascimento, género, endereço de residência, número de telefone pessoal e endereço de correio Electrónico, autorização de residência ou a atribuição de um visto que permita o candidato exercer funções, no caso de possuir nacionalidade estrangeira.

    - Resultados de testes / avaliações que podem ser realizadas durante o processo de recrutamento e selecção, que permanecem confidenciais e cuja comunicação só pode ser obtida pelo candidato.

    - Dados relativos as competências profissionais (tais como Certificados ou Diplomas académicos, histórico de experiências profissionais e, conforme o caso, o percurso profissional no Grupo Pernod Ricard)

    - As informações relativas ao trabalho em relação ao qual o requerente se candidata (tais como o cargo, título da função e a natureza das obrigações).

    Os Dados Pessoais sensíveis, conforme definido na i), da alínea b), do nº 1.º, do Artigo 13.º  da Lei de Protecção de Dados , só podem ser processados ​​com o consentimento inequívoco, expresso e escrito do candidato.
    Este consentimento pode ser retirado a todo momento.

    Como recolhemos seus dados pessoais?
    A Empresa utiliza métodos e técnicas de recrutamento e selecção de pessoal, com o cumprimento das seguintes etapas:
    - Submissão das candidaturas através da plataforma de Recrutamento e Selecção de pessoal;
    - Recolha, registo, organização da documentação enviada;
    - Agendamento e realização de entrevistas de emprego;
    - Verificação da documentação entregue pelo candidato, tais como diplomas, referências e experiência profissional;
    - Realização de testes de lógica e teste de inglês aplicável de acordo com a função a que se candidata;
    - Avaliações profissionais (resolução de casos práticos escrito, etc.).
    O processo supra poderá ser realizado directamente pela Pernod Ricard ou por uma empresa especializada em Recrutamento e Selecção de pessoal contratada para este efeito.

    Por que recolhemos dados pessoais?
    A Empresa recolhe, regista, organiza, conserva e trata dos Dados Pessoais do candidato com a finalidade exclusiva de efectuar o processo de recrutamento e selecção.
    O tratamento de Dados Pessoais é necessário para permitir avaliar o candidato e aferir se o mesmo se encontra apto para ocupar a função na qual se candidata.
    O tratamento de dado é também necessário para processar a candidatura enviada, entrar em contacto com o candidato durante o decurso do processo de recrutamento e selecção, bem como, responder suas perguntas e / ou solicitar informações adicionais.

    Quem são os responsáveis pelo tratamento dos seus dados pessoais?
    São responsáveis pelo tratamento dos dados pessoais do candidato os seguintes:
    - Departamento de Recursos Humanos;
    - Trabalhadores de TI;
    - As empresas de serviços especializadas em recrutamento e selecção de pessoal, contratadas pela Pernod Ricard;
    - Departamento de Recursos Humanos de filiares da Pernod Ricard
    - Órgãos reguladores ou judiciais, conforme necessário

    Por quanto tempo conservamos seus dados pessoais?
    Os Dados Pessoais são conservados pelo Departamento de Recursos Humanos durante o período necessário para a realização do processo de recrutamento e selecção de pessoal, sendo que:
    - Tratando-se de dados enviados para a candidatura de uma vaga específica, conservar-se-ão até o prazo de três meses a contar a partir da data de conclusão do processo;

    - Tratando-se de dados enviados para uma candidatura espontânea conservar-se-ão durante o período de um (1) ano;

    - Os dados serão eliminados no prazo de sessenta (60) dias úteis quando o Candidato solicite a eliminação dos mesmos.

    Seus dados pessoais são transferidos para outros países?
    Atendendo que o Grupo Pernod Ricard é uma Multinacional poderão alguns Dados Pessoais relacionados aos candidatos serem processados por outras entidades do Grupo em todo o mundo.
    Os Dados Pessoais podem ser transferidos para países que são regulados por Leis de protecção de dados diferentes da Legislação em vigor em Angola.
    Neste caso, o Grupo Pernod Ricard toma as medidas necessárias para manter a segurança dos Dados Pessoais, tanto durante o trânsito como no local de destino, através da implementação de cláusulas contratuais estabelecidas pela Lei aplicável no Pais de destino.

    Quais são os seus direitos em relação aos seus dados pessoais?
    - Pode solicitar o acesso aos seus dados pessoais a todo o momento;
    - Pode solicitar a correcção e actualização dos seus dados pessoais, se estiverem imprecisos, incompletos ou desactualizados;

    - Pode solicitar a eliminação de seus Dados Pessoais ou retirar o seu consentimento na plataforma nos casos em que o tratamento dos dados não cumpra com as disposições legais ou quando os dados pessoais não forem mais necessário para o fim específico que motivou a recolha
    - Pode solicitar a restrição do tratamento de dados para uma candidatura específica.
    - Pode solicitar a transferência dos Dados Pessoais que nos forneceu, se o tratamento dos Dados Pessoais forem efectuados fora do fim específico do motivo da recolha e para o qual o candidato titular dos dados deu o seu consentimento.
    - Tem o direito de se opor, a todo momento, ao tratamento de seus Dados Pessoais efectuado pelo Pernod Ricard , para fins de marketing directo ou marketing com base em perfis, ou ainda, se o tratamento de dados for efectuado no interesse legítimo da Empresa (excepto se pode demonstrar motivos legais convincentes para o referido tratamento).
    - Tem o direito de apresentar uma reclamação junto a uma autoridade de supervisão se considerar que o processamento dos seus Dados Pessoais viola a legislação de protecção de dados em vigor.
    Independentemente dos direitos que assistem ao candidato titular dos dados, o tratamento, o bloqueio ou conservação de dados estará condicionado as regras legalmente estabelecidas.

    Como pode entrar em contacto connosco?
    Se tiver dúvidas, reclamações ou comentários sobre a implantação do Regulamento ou nossas práticas de colecta de dados , poderá entrar em contacto connosco no seguinte endereço:
    Edifício Kitanda Plaza
    Rua Cirilo Conceição Silva
    Nº 12, 2º Piso, 2.01
    Ingombotas – Luanda/Angola

    A submissão dos dados solicitados para efeitos da realização do processo de Recrutamento e Selecção de pessoal, constitui a manifestação do consentimento inequívoco e expresso do seu titular.

    Candidates Data Protection Policy

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/ website in accordance with the data protection legislation in force in Angola. This Regulation on the Data Protection Policy for candidates (hereinafter "the Regulation") should be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions in force on the job application site of Pernod Ricard.
    The purpose of the Regulation is to describe how the Company proceeds with Personal Data relating to candidates applying for a job at Pernod Ricard.

    What data is necessary for the Recruitment and Selection process:
    - Personal identification data information (such as the identity of the applicant, date and place of birth, gender, residence address, personal telephone number and e-mail address, residence permit or the granting of a visa enabling the applicant to perform, in the case of foreign nationality.
    - Results of tests / evaluations that can be carried out during the recruitment and selection process, which remain confidential and whose communication can only be obtained by the candidate.
    - Data relating to professional competences (such as academic certificates or diplomas, history of professional experience and professional career in the Pernod Ricard Group)
    - information concerning the work for which the applicant is applying (such as the position, title of the function and the nature of the obligations).
    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in paragraph 1 (b) (i) of Article 13 of the Data Protection Act, may only be processed with the unambiguous, express and written consent of the applicant.
    This consent can be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?
    The Company uses methods and techniques for the recruitment and selection of personnel, following the below steps:

    - Submission of applications through the Recruitment and Selection of staff platform;
    -  Collection, registration, organization of documentation sent;
    -  Scheduling and conducting job interviews;
    - Verification of documentation submitted by the candidate, such as diplomas, references and    professional experience;
    - Perform logic tests and English test applicable according to the function you are applying for;
    - Professional evaluations (practical case writing, etc.).
    The above process can be carried out directly by Pernod Ricard or by a company specialized in Recruitment and Selection of personnel hired for this purpose.

    Why do we collect Personal Data?
    The Company collects, registers, organizes, maintains and processes the Personal Data of the candidate for the sole purpose of carrying out the recruitment and selection process.
    The processing of Personal Data is necessary to allow the evaluation of the candidate and to verify if the candidate is fit to fill the position in which he / she is applying.
    The data processing is also necessary to process the submitted application, to contact the candidate during the recruitment and selection process as well as to answer your questions and / or request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?
    The recipients of your Personal Data include:
    - Human resources department;
    - IT employees;
    - Companies specialized recruitment and selection of personnel contracted by Pernod Ricard;
    - Human Resources departments of Pernod Ricard affiliates;
    - Regulatory or judicial bodies as required

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?
    The Personal Data is kept by the Human Resources Department for the period necessary to carry out the personnel recruitment and selection process.

    - In the case of data sent for the application of a specific vacancy, they shall be kept for a period of three months from the date of completion of the process;
    - In the case of data sent for a spontaneous application, they shall be kept for a period of one (1) year;
    - The data will be eliminated within sixty (60) working days when the Candidate requests the elimination of the same.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries? 
    Given that the Pernod Ricard Group is multinational some Personal Data related to the candidates may be processed by other entities of the Group around the world.
    Personal Data may be transferred to countries that are governed by Data Protection Laws other than the laws in force in Angola.
    In this case, the Pernod Ricard Group takes the necessary measures to maintain the security of Personal Data, both during transit and at the place of destination, through the implementation of contractual clauses established by the applicable Law in the Country of destination.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?
    - You can request access to your personal data at any time;
    - You can request the correction and updating of your personal data, if they are inaccurate, incomplete or outdated;
    - You may request to delete your Personal Data or withdraw your consent on the platform in cases where the processing of the data does not comply with the legal provisions or when the personal data are no longer necessary for the specific purpose that motivated the collection
    - You can request the restriction of data processing for a specific application.
    - You may request the transfer of the Personal Data you provided to us if the processing of the Personal Data is carried out outside the specific purpose of the reason for the collection and for which the data subject has given his / her consent.
    - You have the right at any time to object to the processing of your Personal Data made by Pernod Ricard for direct marketing or profile-based marketing purposes, or if the processing of data is carried out in the legitimate interest of the Company (unless convincing legal grounds for such treatment can be demonstrated).

    - You have the right to complain to a supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of your Personal Data violates the data protection legislation in force.
    Regardless of the rights that the data subject is entitled to, the processing, blocking or retention of data will be subject to the legal rules.

    How can you contact us?
    If you have questions, complaints or comments about the implementation of the Regulation or our data collection practices, you may contact us at the following address:

    Building Kitanda Plaza
    Street Cirilo Conceição Silva
    No. 12, 2nd Floor, 2.01
    Ingombotas - Luanda / Angola

    The submission of the requested data for carrying out the Recruitment and Selection of Personnel process is the manifestation of the unequivocal and express consent of its holder.

  • Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos

    La protección de su privacidad y de sus datos personales es muy importante para Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respeta su derecho a la privacidad cuando solicita empleo a través de esta plataforma/sitio web, de acuerdo con las disposiciones contenidas en las leyes y reglamentos aplicables en materia de protección de datos, tales como la Ley Nacional de Protección de Datos Personales N° 25.326 y demás normativa complementaria (la “Normativa”) y el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (en adelante el "RGPD"). Este Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos (en adelante el "Aviso") deberá leerse de forma conjunta con los Términos y Condiciones aplicables a la utilización del sitio web para solicitantes de empleo.

    El objeto del Aviso es describir cómo Pernod Ricard Argentina SRL (la “Sociedad”), en su condición de responsable del tratamiento, trata los Datos Personales relativos a las personas que solicitan empleo.

    ¿Qué Datos Personales recopilamos?

    La Sociedad recopila los siguientes Datos Personales:

    - datos identificativos y administrativos (como, por ejemplo, la identidad del solicitante, la fecha y lugar de nacimiento, género, domicilio personal, número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico personal, permiso de residencia  o cualquier otra autorización necesaria para la contratación de un solicitante de nacionalidad extranjera),

    - los resultados de los test/evaluaciones que puedan realizarse a lo largo del proceso de contratación, los cuales serán confidenciales y cuya comunicación solamente podrá ser obtenida por el solicitante,

    - datos relativos a las competencias profesionales (como, por ejemplo, competencias, formación, diplomas, experiencia profesional y, si procede, carrera profesional dentro del Grupo Pernod Ricard),

    - la información relativa al puesto de trabajo que esté solicitando el solicitante (como, por ejemplo, la denominación del puesto de trabajo y función, naturaleza de las obligaciones).

    ¿Cómo recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    La Sociedad utiliza los siguientes métodos y técnicas, considerados pertinentes y necesarios, como parte de su proceso de contratación:

    - Entrevistas de trabajo realizadas por Pernod Ricard y/o por cualquier sociedad proveedora de servicios especializada en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Verificación de títulos, referencias y experiencia profesional por parte de un proveedor de servicios especializado en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Pruebas de lógica, pruebas de inglés en la medida en que se requieran para el puesto,
    - Evaluaciones profesionales (resolución de casos prácticos por escrito, etc.)

    ¿Por qué recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    La Sociedad recopila, almacena, utiliza y trata los Datos Personales del candidato únicamente con la finalidad de gestionar el proceso de contratación.

    Por consiguiente, el tratamiento de Datos Personales es necesario para poder adoptar medidas previas a la formalización de un contrato de trabajo en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad que es, en concreto, el de evaluar al candidato antes de proponerle una oferta de trabajo.Los Datos Personales son también necesarios para tratar la solicitud del candidato, para contactarle durante dicho proceso, para contestar a sus preguntas y/o para pedirle información adicional.

    ¿Quiénes son los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales?

    Entre los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales se encuentran:

    - las compañías de servicios especializadas en contratación encargadas por la Sociedad
    - el departamento de Recursos Humanos
    - los organismos regulatorios o judiciales, en la medida necesaria y si ello correspondiera.
    - otras filiales de Pernod Ricard

    ¿Durante cuánto tiempo conservamos sus Datos Personales?

    El departamento de Recursos Humanos conserva los Datos Personales con arreglo a lo establecido en la política y procedimientos de retención aplicables de la Sociedad, así como en la medida requerida por las leyes y reglamentos locales.

    Sus datos podrán hacer almacenados por la Sociedad por más tiempo que el que dure la búsqueda puntual para la cual Usted aplicó con el fin de poder ser contactado ante búsquedas afines.

    ¿Son sus Datos Personales transferidos a otros países?

    Dado que el Grupo Pernod Ricard es una organización mundial, algunos Datos Personales relativos a los solicitantes de empleo podrán ser tratados por otras entidades del Grupo repartidas por todo el mundo. Los Datos Personales podrán ser transferidos a países que cuenten con un nivel de leyes de protección de datos personales diferente al existente en el país en el que usted facilitó sus Datos Personales.

    En tal caso, el Grupo Pernod Ricard adoptará las medidas adecuadas para preservar la seguridad de sus Datos Personales tanto durante el tránsito como en el lugar de recepción de éstos, mediante la implementación de cláusulas contractuales establecidas por las Comisión Europea, de conformidad con lo establecido en la ley aplicable internacional y la Disposición 60 E del 2016 del Ministerio de Justicia y Resolución 159/2018 de la Agencia de Acceso a la Información Pública.

    ¿Cuáles son sus derechos en relación con sus Datos Personales?

    - Puede solicitar el acceso a sus Datos Personales.
    - Puede solicitar la rectificación de sus Datos Personales si son inexactos, incompletos o están desactualizados.
    - Puede solicitar la supresión de sus Datos Personales si (i) éstos ya no son necesarios para las finalidades del tratamiento de datos, (ii) ha retirado su consentimiento para el tratamiento de Datos Personales basado exclusivamente en dicho consentimiento (iii) se ha opuesto al tratamiento de datos, (iv) el tratamiento de los Datos Personales es ilegal, (v) los Datos Personales deben suprimirse para cumplir con una obligación legal aplicable a la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la limitación del tratamiento (i) en caso de que se impugne la exactitud de sus Datos Personales para permitir que Pernod Ricard pueda verificar su exactitud, (ii) en el caso de que desee ejercer el derecho a limitar el uso de sus Datos Personales en lugar de eliminarlos a pesar del hecho de que el tratamiento sea ilícito, (iii) en el caso de que desee que la Sociedad conserve sus Datos Personales debido a que el interesado los necesite para su defensa dentro del contexto de reclamaciones jurídicas, (iv) en el caso de que se haya opuesto al tratamiento pero la Sociedad lleve a cabo una verificación para comprobar si tiene motivos legítimos para realizar dicho tratamiento, los cuales prevalecerán sobre sus propios derechos en caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la portabilidad de los Datos Personales que nos haya facilitado si el tratamiento de los mismos se basa en su consentimiento o en el cumplimiento de un contrato y se lleva a cabo por medios automatizados.
    - Usted tendrá el derecho de oponerse, en cualquier momento, al tratamiento por nosotros de sus Datos Personales, con fines de marketing directo, con fines de marketing basados en la elaboración de perfiles, o en el caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad (salvo que pueda demostrar la existencia de fundamentos jurídicos imperiosos para la realización del tratamiento).
    - Usted tendrá derecho a presentar una reclamación ante una autoridad de control si considera que el tratamiento de sus Datos Personales infringe el RGPD.

    ¿Cómo puede contactarnos?
    En caso de tener cualquier pregunta, reclamación o comentario relativo al presente Aviso o a nuestras prácticas de recopilación de información, le rogamos se ponga en contacto con nosotros por escrito dirigiéndose a:

    Pernod Ricard Argentina SRL
    Jujuy 1197
    Provincia de Buenos Aires
    o enviando un correo electrónico a

  • Ծանուցում Տվյալների պաշտպանության վերաբերյալ
    Աշխատանքի համար դիմողներին

    Պեռնո Ռիկարի համար շատ կարևոր է Ձեր գաղտնիության իրավունքի և անձնական տվյալների պաշտպանությունը: Պեռնո Ռիկարը պահպանում է Ձեր գաղտնիության իրավունքը՝ համաձայն տվյալների պաշտպանության վերաբերյալ կիրառելի օրենքների և կարգավորումների պահանջների, այդ թվում՝ Տվյալների պաշտպանության համընդհանուր կանոնակարգը (այսուհետ տեքստում՝ «ՏՊՀԿ») և Անձնական տվյալների պաշտպանության մասին Հայաստանի Հանրապետության թիվ ՀՕ-49-Ն օրենքը, առ 18 մայիսի, 2015թ. (այսուհետ տեքստում՝ «ԱՏՊՕ»), երբ Դուք սույն հարթակում/կայքում դիմում եք աշխատանքի համար: Սույն՝ Թեկնածուներին ուղղված տվյալների պաշտպանության վերաբերյալ ծանուցումը  (այսուհետ տեքստում՝ «Ծանուցում») ենթակա է ընթերցման աշխատանքի ընդունվելու համար օգտագործվող ինտերնետային կայքի Օգտագործման պայմանների հետ միասին :

    Սույն ծանուցման նպատակն է նկարագրել, թե որպես Տվյալների մշակող Ընկերությունը ինչպես է մշակում աշխատանքի համար դիմող անհատների անձնական տվյալները:

    Եթե Դուք դիմում եք ազատ հաստիքի համար Երևանի Կոնյակի գործարանում, հասցե՝ ք. Երևան, Ծովակալ Իսակովի պողոտա 2, 0082, Հայաստան,  ապա Ընկերությունը «Երևանի կոնյակի գործարան» փակ բաժնետիրական ընկերությունն է :

    Եթե Դուք դիմում եք ազատ հաստիքի համար Պեռնո Ռիկար Արմենիայում, հասցե՝ ք. Երևան, Ջանիբեկյան 2/4, 0031, Հայաստան,  ապա Ընկերությունը «Պեռնո Ռիկար Արմենիա»  փակ բաժնետիրական ընկերությունն է :


    Ընկերությունը հավաքագրում է հետևյալ անձնական տվյալները.

    -Նույնականացման և վարչական տվյալները (ինչպիսիք են անունը, ազգանունը, անձնագրային տվյալները, ծննդյան ամսաթիվը, տարեթիվը և վայրը, սեռը, բնակության և գրանցման հասցեն, հեռախոսահամարը և էլեկտրոնային փոստի հասցե, հիմնական քաղաքացիությունը, ընտանեկան դրությունը, կացության կարգավիճակը և աշխատանքի թույլտվությունը, ինչպես նաև ցանկացած այլ տվյալներ, որոնք կարող են անհրաժեշտ լինեն օտարեկրյա քաղաքացուն աշխատանքի ընդունելիս,

    - Թեստավորման և մասնագիտական հմտությունների ստուգման արդյունքները, որոնք կարող են անցկացվել աշխատանքի ընդունման մրցույթի ընթացքում և որոնք կպահպանվեն որպես կոնֆիդենցիալ տեղեկություն և որոնք կարող են հայտնի դառնալ միայն թեկնածուին,

    - Մասնագիտական տվյալները (ինչպիսիք են հմտությունները, դիպլոմները, աշխատանքային փորձի պատմությունը, ինչպես նաև, առկայության դեպքում՝ Պեռնո Ռիկար խմբում անցյալում ունեցած կարիերայի վերաբերյալ տեղեկությունները),

    - Տեղեկությունները՝ կապված այն աշխատանքի հետ, որի համար թեկնածուն դիմում է  (ինչպիսիք են պաշտոնի և գործառույթի անվանումը, պարտականությունների բնույթը):

    Հատուկ կատեգորիայի անձնական տվյալները կարող են մշակվել միայն Ձեր բացահայտ համաձայնության առկայության պարագայում՝ համաձայն ՏՊՀԿ 9-րդ հոդվածի և ԱՏՊՕ 12-րդ հոդվածի, բացառությամբ օրենքով ուղղակիորեն նախատեսված դեպքերի: Նման համաձայնությունը կարող է հետ կանչվել ցանկացած պահի:  

    Ինչպե՞ս ենք մենք հավաքագրում Ձեր անձնական տվյալները

    Ընկերությունը օգտագործում է աշխատանքի ընդունման պրոցեսի մաս կազմող այնպիսի մեթոդներ և տեխնիկաներ,որոնք վերաբերելի են, անհրաժեշտ և կազմված են հետևյալից.
    - Աշխատանքի ընդունման հարցազրույցներ Ընկերության և/կամ աշխատանքի ընդունման մասնագիտացված կազմակերպության կողմից,
    - Դիպլոմների, տեղեկանքների, ինչպես նաև մասնագիտական փորձառության ստուգում Ընկերության և/կամ աշխատանքի ընդունման մասնագիտացված կազմակերպության կողմից,
    - Տրամաբանական թեստեր, անգլերեն լեզվի թեստեր, որպիսիք կարող են պահանջվել համապատասխան պաշտոնի համար,
    - Մասնագիտական հմտությունների ստուգում (պրակտիկ խնդիրների գրավոր լուծում և այլն):


    Ընկերությունը հավաքագրում, պահպանում, օգտագործում և մշակում է թեկնածուի անձնական տվյալները՝ բացառապես աշխատանքի ընդունման պրոցեսը կազմակերպելու նպատակով:

    Այսպիսով, անձնական տվյալների մշակումն անհրաժեշտ է ընկերության իրավաչափ շահերից ելնելով՝ նախքան աշխատանքային պայմանագրի կնքումը անհրաժեշտ որոշակի գործողությունների կատարման հնարավորություն ունենալու համար, մասնավորապես՝ գնահատելու թեկնածուին նախքան աշխատանքի առաջարկ կազմելը:

    Անձնական տվյալները անհրաժեշտ են նաև թեկնածուի դիմումը մշակելու, այդ ընթացքում թեկնածուի հետ կապ հաստատելու, նրա հարցերի պատասխանելու և/կամ նրանից լրացուցիչ տեղեկություններ ստանալու համար:

    Ո՞վքեր են ստանում Ձեր անձնական տվյալները

    Ձեր անձնական տվյալները ստացողների ցանկը ներառում է.

    - Աշխատանքի ընդունման մասնագիտացված կազմակերպությունները, որոնք համապատասխան լիազորություն են ստանում Ընկերությունից
    - Մարդկային ռեսուրսների կառավարման բաժին
    - Անհրաժեշտության դեպքում՝ կարգավորող կամ դատական մարմինները
    - Պեռնո Ռիկար խմբի այլ ընկերությունները

    Ի՞նչ ժամկետով են պահպանվում Ձեր անձնական տվյալները

    Անձնական տվյալները պահպանվում են Մարդկային ռեսուրսների կառավարման բաժնի կողմից՝ համաձայն ընկերության վերաբերելի ներքին քաղաքականությունների և ընթացակարգերի  և տեղական օրենսդրության պահանջների:

    Ձեր անձնական տվյալները փոխանցվում ե՞ն այլ երկրներ

    Քանի որ Պեռնո Ռիկար Խումբը ընկերություններ ունի ամբողջ աշխարհում, թեկնածուների վերաբերյալ որոշ անձնական տվյալներ կարող են մշակվել Խմբի այլ ընկերությունների կողմից: Անձնական տվյալները կարող են փոխանցվել այնպիսի երկրներ, որոնք ունեն տվյալների պաշտպանության օրենսդրության այլ մակարդակ, քան այն երկրինը, որտեղ Դուք տրամադրում եք Ձեր անձնական տվյալները:

    Այս դեպքում, համաձայն գործող օրենսդրության՝ Պեռնո ՌԻկար Խումբը պատշաճ միջոցներ է ձեռնարկում ապահովելու անձնական տվյալների անվտանգությունը թե՛ դրանց փոխանցման ընթացքում, թե՛ դրանց ստացման վայրում՝ կիրառելով Եվրոպական Հանձնաժողովի կողմից սահմանված պայմանագրային դրույթները:

    Որո՞նք են Ձեր իրավունքները՝ կապված Ձեր անձնական տվյալների հետ

    - Դուք կարող եք պահանջել տեղեկություններ Ձեր անձնական տվյալների, տվյալները մշակելու, մշակելու հիմքերի և նպատակների, տվյալները մշակողի, նրա գտնվելու վայրի մասին, ինչպես նաև այն անձանց շրջանակի մասին, որոնց կարող են փոխանցվել անձնական տվյալները,
    - Դուք կարող եք պահանջել տեղեկություններ լիազոր մարմնից Ձեր անձնական տվյալների կարգավիճակի վերաբերյալ, եթե ունեք կասկածներ, որ դրանք ուղղվել, ուղեփակվել կամ ոչնչացվել են,
    - Դուք կարող  եք ծանոթանալ Ձեր անձնական տվյալներին,
    - Դուք կարող  եք պահանջել ուղղելու, ուղեփակելու, ոչնչացնելու  Ձեր անձնական տվյալները, եթե դրանք ճշգրիտ, ամբողջական չեն կամ հնացած են կամ ձեռք են բերվել անօրինական ճանապարհով կամ անհրաժեշտ չեն մշակելու նպատակներին հասնելու համար,
    - Դուք կարող եք պահանջել Ձեր անձնական տվյալների տեղափոխելիություն (Մշակողի կողմից երրորդ անձին փոխանցում), եթե տվյալների մշակումը հիմնված է Ձեր համաձայնության կամ պայմանագրի կատարման վրա և  իրականացվում է ավտոմատացված միջոցներով,
    - Դուք իրավունք ունեք բողոք ներկայացնել տվյալների պաշտպանության լիազոր մարմին կամ դատարան մեր որոշումների, գործողության կամ անգործության վերաբերյալ, եթե կարծում եք, որ Ձեր անձնական տվյալների մշակումը կատարվում է ՏՊՀԿ/ԱՏՊՕ-ի պահանջների խախտմամբ,
    - Դուք կարող եք հետ կանչել Ձեր համաձայնությունը օրենքով սահմանված դեպքերում և կարգով:

    Ինչպե՞ս կարող եք մեզ հետ կապ հաստատել
    Եթե Դուք ունեք հարցեր, բողոք կամ մեկնաբանություններ՝ կապված սույն Ծանուցման կամ տեղեկությունների հավաքագրման մեր պրակտիկայի վերաբերյալ, կարող եք գրել մեզ հետևյալ հասցեով.

    «Երևանի կոնյակի գործարան» ՓԲԸ
    Ծովակալ Իսակով 2, Երևան,0082, Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն
    Կամ ուղարկել էլեկտրոնային նամակ  info_ybc էլեկտրոնային հասցեին

    «Պեռնո Ռիկար Արմենիա» ՓԲԸ
    Ջանիբեկյան 2/4, Երևան, 0031, Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն
    Կամ ուղարկել էլեկտրոնային նամակ էեկտրոնային հասցեին:


    Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”) and № HO-49-N Law on protection of personal data of the Republic of Armenia, as of 18th May, 2015 (hereafter “LPPD”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how the Company processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.  

    If you are applying for a position at Yerevan Brandy Company, address: 2, Admiral Isakov Ave, 0082, Yerevan, Armenia , the Company is CJSC “Yerevan Brandy Company”.

    If you are applying for a position at Pernod Ricard Armenia, address: 2/4, Janibekyan Str, 0031, Yerevan Armenia, the Company is CJSC “Pernod Ricard Armenia”.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the candidate’s identity (name, surname), passport details, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence and registration, personal phone number and email address, primary nationality, marital status, residence status and work permit or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an candidate of foreign nationality),

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the candidate,

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group),

    - the information relating to the job for which the candidate is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations).

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR and article 12 of LPPD may only be processed if you have given us your express consent, except for the cases directly defined by law. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Company and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by Company and/or a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position,
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.).

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.
    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the candidate during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialized in recruiting mandated by the Company,
    - the Human Resources Management department,
    - regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required,
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates.

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources Management department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to candidates may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request information on your Personal data, on processing of your Personal data, on the aim and grounds of processing, on your Data Controller, on your Data Controller’s place of activity, as well as on the scope of the third parties to whom may be transmitted your Personal data,
    - You can request information on your Personal Data status from the supervision authority, if you have doubts that your Personal data are rectified, erased or restricted,
    - You can request to access your Personal Data,
    - You can request to rectify, erase or restrict your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date, or are obtained illegally or are not necessary for the aims of processing thereof.
    - You can request the portability (transfer of data by Data Controller to third parties) of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means,
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority or court against our actions, inaction or decisions if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR/LPPD.
    - You can withdraw your consent in the cases and by the order provided by law.

    How can you contact us?
    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    CJSC “Yerevan Brandy Company”
    2, Admiral Isakov Ave, 0082, Yerevan Armenia
    or sending an email to info_ybc

    CJSC “Pernod Ricard Armenia”
    2/4, Janibekyan Str, 0031, Yerevan, Armenia
    -or sending an email to

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”) if you are an EU applicant. This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how Pernod Ricard Winemakers Pty Ltd (hereafter “the Company”) processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment in Australia.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and contact information (such as the applicant’s full name, date of birth, age, gender, marital status, postal address, telephone number(s) and email address or any other necessary information for the recruitment of an applicant)
    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant
    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)
    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations).

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialised in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data is also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the Company’s Human Resources department
    - regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data is kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Is your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data if (i) your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing of your Personal Data by us (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?
    If you have any questions, a complaint or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Corporate Lawyer
    Pernod Ricard Winemakers Pty Ltd
    GPO Box 2246
    ADELAIDE SA 5001

    or sending an email to

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how Pernod Ricard Austria GmbH (the Company) processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.  

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the HR department
    - regulatority or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    You have the right to obtain information as to who processes what Data concerning your person, where the Data originated from, for which purpose they are used, and in particular to whom the Data are transmitted.
    You have the right to rectification of incorrect Personal Data and the right to erasure of illegally processed Personal Data.
    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - If your Personal Data processed by automated means cannot be rectified or erased immediately because they can be rectified or erased only at certain times for economic or technical reasons, processing of your Personal Data concerned shall be restricted until that time, with the effect as stipulated in Article 18 para. 2 of the GDPR.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?
    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard SA
    12 place des Etats-Unis
    75783 Paris Cedex 16
    or sending an email to

    Pernod Ricard Austria GmbH
    Schottenfeldgasse 20 Top 7/8
    1070 Vienna
    Or sending email to

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter ?GDPR?). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter ?Notice?) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how Pernod Ricard processes personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.

    Who is the controller of your Personal Data?

    Pernod Ricard Belgium S.A., based on Chaussée de Charleroi 122, 1060 Brussels (the ?Company?) is the controller of your Personal Data.

    Data Protection Officer
    12, place des Etats-Unis, 75016 Paris, FRANCE

    What Personal Data do we collect and process?

    The Company collects and process the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant?s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time (by post: Pernod Ricard Belgium SA, Chaussée de Charleroi 112, 1060 Brussels, Belgium; or by email: The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

    How do we collect and process your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - this platform/website,
    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English, French or Dutch may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we process Personal Data and on which legal basis?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate?s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore based on the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer and processing the candidate?s application (especially to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information), and the necessity to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the HR department of the Company
    - regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates. (Local country offices of the Pernod Ricard Group responsible for national distribution)

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department for the time necessary to manage the recruitment and any follow up questions in relation to such recruitment in accordance with applicable law, i.e. 5 years.              

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    Where the processing is based on your consent, you can withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    The Company may ask you to prove your identity to ensure that it is not a third party who exercises your rights and attempts to manipulate your Personal Data.

    How can you contact us and exercise your rights?
    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices or if you want to exercise your rights regarding your Personal Data, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Belgium SA
    Chaussée de Charleroi 112
    1060 Brussels

    or sending an email to:

  • Уведомление о защите Данныхдля кандидатов

    Защита вашей конфиденциальности и Персональных Данных очень важна для компании Pernod Ricard. Компания Pernod Ricard уважает ваше право на неприкосновенность частной жизни, когда вы подать заявление на трудоустройство через эту платформу/веб-сайт, в соответствии с положениями любых применимых законов о защите Данных и правил, таких, как Общие Правила Защиты Данных (далее "GDPR"). Это уведомление о защите Данных для кандидатов (далее «Уведомление») должно быть прочитано в сочетании с условиями и положениями для использования веб-сайта соискателя на работу.

    Цель Уведомления заключается в том, чтобы описать, как СП «Перно Рикар Минск» ООО, юридический адрес: 220030, Республика Беларусь, г. Минск, ул. Октябрьская, д.19, корпус «Б», этаж 1, комн.3  (далее по тексту – Компания) обрабатывает, как Контролер Данных, Персональные Данные, касающиеся лиц, обращающихся за трудоустройством.

    Какие Персональные Данные мы собираем?

    Компания собирает следующие Персональные Данные:

    - идентификационные и административные Данные (такие как, личность заявителя, дата и место рождения, пол, адрес проживания, персональный номер телефона и адрес электронной почты, вид на жительство (Вид на жительство) или любое другое необходимое разрешение на прием на работу заявителя иностранного гражданства)

    - результаты испытаний/оценки, которые могут быть проведены в процессе подбора персонала, которые остаются конфиденциальными и сообщение которых может быть получено только заявителем

    - данные, относящиеся к профессиональной квалификации (таким как, квалификация, профессиональная подготовка, дипломы, история предыдущего профессионального опыта и, в случае если это возможно, прошедший путь карьеры в Группе Pernod Ricard.

    - информация, касающаяся работы, для которой заявитель применяет (такие как, профессия и наименование должности, характер обязательств).

    Конфиденциальные Персональные Данные, как они определены в статье 9 GDPR, могут быть обработаны только в том случае, если вы дали нам свое явное согласие. Это согласие может быть отозвано в любое время.

    Компания заинтересована в получении от вас, как от кандидата, обратившегося за трудоустройством, письменного согласия на сбор, обработку, хранение, а также пользование вашими, перечисленными выше Персональными Данными. Настоящим, стороны принимают письменное согласие от Кандидата, направленное по электронной почте, правомерным.

    Как мы собираем ваши Персональные Данные?

    Компания использует методы и способы, как часть своего подбора персонала, которые являются актуальными и необходимыми и состоят из следующих:

    - собеседования Pernod Ricard и/или сторонней компании-провайдера, специализированной в рекрутинге,
    - проверка дипломов, справок и профессионального опыта со стороны стороннего провайдера, специализирующегося на подборе персонала,
    - тесты логики, Английский тест, который может потребоваться для оценки позиции на должность,
    - профессиональные оценки (решение практических дел в письменной форме, и т.д.)

    Почему мы собираем Персональные Данные?

    Компания собирает, хранит, использует и обрабатывает Персональные Данные кандидата исключительно с целью управления процессом подбора персонала.

    Поэтому обработка Персональных Данных необходима для того, чтобы иметь возможность принимать меры до заключения трудового договора, в законных интересах Компании, а именно для оценки кандидата, прежде чем сделать предложение о трудоустройстве.

    Персональные Данные также необходимы для обработки заявки кандидата, для того, чтобы связаться с заявителем во время такой обработки, ответить на его вопросы и/или запросить дополнительную информацию.

    Кто является получателем ваших Персональных Данных?

    Получатели ваших Персональных Данных включают в себя:

    - сервисные компании, специализированные по найму, уполномоченные Компанией
    -  отдел кадров
    -  органы власти или судебные органы, которые могут запросить
    - другие филиалы Pernod Ricard

    Как долго мы будем хранить ваши Персональные Данные?

    Персональные Данные хранятся в отделе управления персоналом в соответствии с действующими политиками и процедурами хранения Компании и в соответствии с местным законами и правилами.

    Передаются ли ваши Персональные Данные в другие страны?

    Поскольку группа Pernod Ricard является Всемирной организацией, некоторые Персональные Данные, относящиеся к заявителям, могут быть обработаны другими субъектами группы по всему миру. Персональные Данные могут быть переданы в страны, которые имеют иной уровень законов о защите данных, отличный от того, который существует в стране, где вы представили свои Персональные Данные.

    В этом случае Группа Pernod Ricard принимает соответствующие меры для обеспечения сохранности Персональных Данных как во время транзита, так и в принимающем месте путем реализации договорных положений, установленных Европейской комиссией, в соответствии с применимым законодательством.

    Каковы ваши права в отношении ваших Персональных Данных?

    - Вы можете запросить доступ к вашим Персональным Данным.
    - Вы можете направить запрос на исправление ваших Персональных Данных, если они неточные, неполные или устаревшие.
    - Вы можете потребовать удалить ваши Персональные Данные (i), если они больше не нужны для целей обработки Данных, (ii) вы отменили свое согласие на обработку Данных, которые основываются   исключительно на таком согласии (iii), поскольку вы возражали против обработки Данных, (iv) обработка Персональных Данных является неправомерной, (v) Персональные Данные должны быть удалены в соответствии с юридическим обязательством, применимым к Компании.
    - Вы можете пожелать ограничение обработки (i) в случае, если точность ваших Персональных Данных будет оспариваема, чтобы позволить Pernod Ricard проверить такую точность, (ii) если вы хотите ограничить ваши Персональные Данные, а не удалять их, несмотря на то, что обработка является неправомерной, (iii) если вы хотите, чтобы Компания хранила ваши Персональные Данные, потому что вы нуждаетесь в этом для вашей защиты в контексте юридических претензий (iv), если вы возражали против обработки, но Компания проводит проверку, чтобы проверить, имеет ли она законные основания для такой обработки, которая может переопределять ваши собственные права, если обработка Данных основывается на законных интересах Компании.
    - Вы можете запросить перемещение Персональных Данных, которые вы нам предоставили, если обработка Персональных Данных основывается на вашем согласии или исполнении контракта и выполнены автоматизированными средствами.
    - Вы имеете право возражать против обработки ваших Персональных Данных нами в любое время, в целях прямого маркетинга, в маркетинговых целях, основанных на профилировании, или если обработка Данных основывается на законных интересах Компании (за исключением случаев, когда она может продемонстрировать веские правовые основания для обработки).
    - Вы имеете право подать жалобу в орган надзора, если считаете, что обработка ваших Персональных Данных нарушает GDPR.

    Как вы можете связаться с нами?
    Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, жалобы или комментарии относительно настоящего Уведомления или нашей практики сбора информации, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами, написав:

    СП «Перно Рикар Минск»
    ул. Пулихова,45, 1 этаж, 
    220088, г. Минск, Республика Беларусь

    или отправить письмо на


    Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe PERNOD RICARD MINSK, Legal address: 19 Oktyabrskaya str., building “B”, ground floor, room #3, 220030 Minsk, Belarus (hereinafter - the “Company”) processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations).

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    The Company is interested in receiving from you as a candidate, who applied for employment, written consent to the collection, processing, storage, as well as the use of your Personal Data listed above. Hereby, the Parties shall accept the written consent of the candidate sent by e-mail lawful.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position,
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the HR department
    - regulatority or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?
    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Minsk  
    45, Pulikhova str., ground floor, 
    220088, Minsk, Belarus

    or sending an email to

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how the Company processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.  

    If you are applying for a position at Pernod Ricard Singapore Private Limited (Myanmar Representative Office) at Unit 107 Rangoun Business Centre, No. 97, A West Shwe Gon Daing Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar the Company is Pernod Ricard Singapore Private Limited (Myanmar Representative Office).

    If you are applying for a position at Asia Beverage Company Limited at No. 10, Oke Kyin Bu Tar Yon Rd, 16 Quarter, Hlaing Township, Yangon 11051, Myanmar, the Company is Asia Beverages Company Limited.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, nationality, passport details, or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to education and professional skills (such as previous schools, skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.


    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting,
    - Verification of educational qualifications, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Background and reference checks by a third-party provider specialized in conducting such checks,
    - Medical checks by a third-party medical provider for any candidate who is successful and prior to formal employment,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.
    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - third-party companies specialized in conducting background or reference checks
    - third-party medical providers specialized in conducting medical checks
    - the HR department
    - regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Singapore Pte Ltd (Myanmar Representative Office)
    Unit 107 Rangoun Business Centre, No. 97, A West Shwe Gon Daing Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar

    Asia Beverages Company Limited
    No. 10, Oke Kyin Bu Tar Yon Rd, 16 Quarter, Hlaing Township, Yangon 11051, Myanmar

    or sending an email to

  • Nota informativa sobre Proteção de Dados para Candidatos

    Proteger sua privacidade e dados pessoais é muito importante para a Pernod Ricard. A Pernod Ricard respeita o seu direito à privacidade quando se candidata a um emprego por meio desta plataforma/site, de acordo com as disposições legais e regulamentos de proteção de dados aplicáveis, como o Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados (doravante denominado “RGPD”). Esta Nota Informativa sobre Proteção de Dados para Candidatos (doravante "Nota") deve ser lida em conjunto com os Termos e Condições para usar o site pelo candidato ao emprego.
    O objetivo desta Nota é descrever como a Pernod Ricard Brasil Indústria e Comércio LTDA, empresa sediada no Município de Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Estado do Pernambuco, SUAPE – Complexo Industrial Portuário, Zona Industrial ZI-3, 3.927, Derivação da Rodovia PE-60, CEP 54500-000 e com filial administrativa situada na Avenida Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, 1.909, 16º andar, CEP 04543-011, São Paulo/SP, processa, enquanto Controlador de Dados, Dados Pessoais relativos a indivíduos que se candidatam a um emprego.
    Que Dados Pessoais recolhemos?

    A Empresa recolhe os seguintes Dados Pessoais:

    - dados de identificação e administrativos (tais como a identidade do candidato, data e local de nascimento, sexo, endereço de residência, número de telefone pessoal e endereço de correio electrônico, autorização de residência ou qualquer outra autorização necessária para o recrutamento de um candidato de nacionalidade estrangeira);
    - resultados de testes / avaliações que podem ser realizados durante o processo de recrutamento, que permanecem confidenciais e cuja comunicação só pode ser obtida pelo candidato;
    - dados relativos a competências profissionais (tais como competências, treinamentos, formação, diplomas, histórico de experiências profissionais passadas e, conforme o caso, percurso profissional no Grupo Pernod Ricard);
    - as informações relativas ao trabalho ao qual o requerente se candidata (tais como o cargo, título da função e a natureza das obrigações).

    Os Dados Pessoais Sensíveis, conforme definido no Artigo 9 do RGPD e legislações locais, só podem ser processados ​​se você nos der o seu consentimento expresso. Este consentimento pode ser retirado a qualquer momento.

    Como coletamos os seus Dados Pessoais?
    A Empresa utiliza métodos e técnicas como parte de seu recrutamento que são relevantes e necessárias e consistem no seguinte:
    - Entrevistas de emprego da Pernod Ricard e/ou de uma empresa fornecedora especializada em recrutamento;
    - Verificação de diplomas, referências e experiência profissional por um fornecedor especializado em recrutamento;
    - Testes de lógica, teste de inglês se for relevante para a posição;
    - Avaliações profissionais (solução de casos práticos por escrito, etc.)

    Por que coletamos Dados Pessoais?

    A Empresa coleta, arquiva, usa e processa os Dados Pessoais do candidato somente com o objetivo de gerir o processo de recrutamento.

    O processamento de Dados Pessoais é, portanto, necessário para que se possa tomar medidas antes da conclusão de um contrato de trabalho, no interesse legítimo da Empresa, ou seja, avaliar o candidato antes de fazer uma oferta de emprego.

    Os Dados Pessoais também são necessários para processar a candidatura do candidato, entrar em contato com o solicitante durante tal processamento, responder às suas perguntas e/ou solicitar informações adicionais.

    Quem são os destinatários dos seus Dados Pessoais?

    Os destinatários dos seus Dados Pessoais incluem:
    - as empresas de serviços especializadas em recrutamento mandatadas/autorizadas pela Empresa;
    - o departamento de RH;
    - órgãos reguladores ou judiciais, conforme necessário;
    - outras afiliadas da Pernod Ricard.

    Por quanto tempo guardamos os seus Dados Pessoais?
    Os Dados Pessoais são arquivados pelo departamento de Recursos Humanos de acordo com as políticas e procedimentos de retenção aplicáveis ​​da Empresa e conforme exigido pelas leis e regulamentações locais.

    Os seus Dados Pessoais são transferidos para outros países?

    Como o Grupo Pernod Ricard é uma organização mundial, alguns Dados Pessoais dos candidatos podem ser processados ​​por outras entidades do Grupo em todo o mundo. Os Dados Pessoais podem ser transferidos para países que tenham um nível diferente de leis de proteção de dados do que o existente no país de onde você enviou seus Dados Pessoais.

    Neste caso, o Grupo Pernod Ricard toma as medidas apropriadas para manter a segurança dos Dados Pessoais, tanto durante o trânsito como no local de destino, através da implementação de cláusulas contratuais estabelecidas pela Comissão Europeia, pela legilação local, de acordo com a norma aplicável.

    Quais são os seus direitos em relação aos seus Dados Pessoais?
    - Você pode solicitar o acesso aos seus dados pessoais;
    - Você pode solicitar a correção/retificação dos seus dados pessoais, se estiverem imprecisos, incompletos ou desatualizados;
    - Você pode solicitar a eliminação dos seus Dados Pessoais se (i) os seus Dados Pessoais deixarem de ser necessários para o propósito do processamento de dados, (ii) você retirou o seu consentimento sobre o processamento de dados baseado exclusivamente em tal consentimento, (iii) você se opõe ao processamento de dados, (iv) o processamento de Dados Pessoais é ilegal, (v) os Dados Pessoais devem ser apagados para cumprir uma obrigação legal aplicável à Empresa;
    - Você pode solicitar a restrição do processamento (i) caso a precisão dos seus Dados Pessoais seja contestada para permitir que a Pernod Ricard verifique tal precisão, (ii) se você deseja restringir os seus Dados Pessoais em vez de excluí-los, (iii) se você deseja que a Empresa mantenha os seus Dados Pessoais porque você precisa deles para sua defesa no contexto de reivindicações legais (iv) se você se opôs ao processamento, mas a Empresa realiza verificação para averiguar se tem motivos legítimos para tal processamento, que podem anular os seus próprios direitos se o processamento de dados for baseado no interesse legítimo da Empresa;
    - Você pode solicitar a portabilidade dos Dados Pessoais que você nos forneceu, se o processamento dos seus Dados Pessoais for baseado em seu consentimento ou no cumprimento de um contrato e for realizado por meios automatizados;
    - Você tem o direito de se opor ao processamento dos seus Dados Pessoais por nós, a qualquer momento, para fins de marketing direto, para fins de marketing com base em perfis, ou se o processamento de dados for baseado no interesse legítimo da Empresa (exceto se se demonstrarem motivos legais convincentes para o processamento);
    - Você tem o direito de apresentar uma reclamação junto a uma autoridade de supervisão se considerar que o processamento dos seus Dados Pessoais viola o RGPD ou a legislação local de proteção de dados pessoais.

    Como pode contactar-nos?
    Se tiver dúvidas, reclamações ou comentários sobre esta Nota Informativa ou sobre as nossas práticas de recolha de informação, entre em contacto connosco:

    Pernod Ricard Brasil Indústria e Comércio LTDA
    Avenida Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, 1.909, 16º andar
    CEP 04543-011 
    São Paulo/SP

    ou envie um e-mail para

  • Задължителна информация за правата за защита на личните данни на кандидатите за работа

    Защитата на Вашата поверителност и на Вашите лични данни е от изключителна важност за Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard уважава Вашето право на поверителност на информацията, която предоставяте, когато кандидатствате за работа чрез тази платформа/уебсайт, във връзка с разпоредбите на приложимото законодателство за защита на личните данни, включително Общ регламент за защита на личните данни (наричан тук и по-нататък „ОРЗД“). Тази Задължителна информация за правата за защита на личните данни (наричана тук и по-нататък „Информацията“) следва да се чете във връзка с Условията за ползване на уебсайта за публикуване на обяви и кандидатстване за работа.

    Целта на Информацията е да опише как „Перно Рикар България“ ЕООД,  ЕИК 130102019 („Дружеството“, „Администраторът“) като Администратор на лични данни, обработва лични данни, свързани със физическите лица, кандидатстващи за работа.

    Какви лични данни събираме?
    Дружеството събира следните лични данни:
    - Идентификационни и административни данни (например трите имена, дата и място на раждане, пол, настоящ адрес, личен телефонен номер и имейл адрес, разрешение за пребиваване или всякакви други данни, необходими за наемане на работа на лица с чуждо гражданство);
    - Резултати от тестове/изпити , които могат да бъдат проведени по време на процеса по наемане на работа, които продължават да бъдат конфиденциални и се комуникират единствено с кандидата;
    - Данните, отнасящи се до професионалните качества (като умения, обучения, дипломи, предишен професионален опит и, в зависимост от случая, предишен професионален опит в групата от дружества на Pernod Ricard);
    - Информация, отнасяща се до позицията, за която кандидатът кандидатства (наименование на длъжността, вид на трудовите задължения);
    - Специалните категории лични данни, както са посочени в чл. 9 от ОРЗД, могат да бъдат предмет на обработка, само след като сте дали изричното си съгласие или при наличие на някое от другите основания за обработка по чл. 9 от ОРЗД. Съгласието, когато то е основание за обработване на личните данни, може да бъде оттеглено по всяко време.

    Как събираме лични данни?
    Дружеството използва методи и техники, като част от процедурата си за подбор на персонал, които са релевантни и необходими, и включват:

    - Интервюта за работа, проведени от Дружеството и/или външна компания, специализирана в подбор на персонал,
    - Проверка на дипломи,  препоръки и професионален опит от външна компания, специализирана в подбор на персонал,
    - Логически тестове, тестове по английски език, ако същите са необходими за извършване на подбор за позицията,
    - Професионални оценки (писмено решаване на казуси от практиката и други подобни)

    Защо събираме лични данни?
    Дружеството събира, съхранява, използва и обработва личните данни на кандидатите единствено за целите на управление на процеса по подбор на персонал.
    Обработването на лични данни e, поради тази причина, необходимо, за да има възможност да се предприемат мерки, предшестващи сключването на трудов договор, съгласно законовия интерес на Дружеството, а именно, да се извърши оценка на кандидата преди да се отправи предложение за работа.
    Личните данни са също така необходими за обработването на кандидатурата на лицето, за осъществяване на връзка с него по време на това обработване, за предоставяне на отговор на негови/нейни въпроси и/или за изискване на допълнителна информация.

    Кои са получателите на Вашите лични данни?
    Получателите на лични данни включват:
    - Обслужващи компании, специализирани в  набиране на работници и служители, упълномощени от Дружеството
    - Дирекция„Човешки ресурси“
    - Комисия за защита на личните данни и компетентните национални органи
    - Други филиали и дружества от групата на Pernod Ricard

    Срок на съхранение на личните Ви данни
    Вашите лични данни се съхраняват от отдел „Човешки ресурси“ в съответствие с политиката и процедурите за съхранение на Дружеството, както и с и изискванията на българското законодателство.

    Предават ли се Вашите лични данни на други страни? 
    Тъй като Дружеството е част от глобалната мрежа на Pernod Ricard, Дружеството може да споделя Ваши лични данни с други дружества от Групата на Pernod Ricard. Личните данни могат да бъдат предавани към страни, които прилагат различни политики относно защитата на личните данни от предвидените по българското законодателство. Дружеството гарантира, че предаването на Вашите лични данни ще се извършва по сигурен и законосъобразен начин, като следи за нивото на адекватна защита на личните данни и вътрешните политики на получателя на данните.
    В този случай Групата на Pernod Ricard предприема необходимите мерки за осигуряването на защита на личните данни както по време на процеса на трансфер, така и при получаващата страна, като въвежда договорни клаузи при спазване на изискванията на приложимото законодателство.

    Вашите права при събирането, обработването и съхранението на личните Ви данни
    - Вие имате право да получите достъп до данните, свързани с вас, както и до информацията, отнасяща се до събирането, обработването и съхранението на личните Ви данни.
    - Вие имате право да поискате личните данни, свързани с вас, да бъдат коригирани, ако те са неточни, непълни или остарели.
    - Вие имате право да поискате изтриване на личните данни, когато е налице някое от следните основания: (i) личните данни повече не са необходими за целите, за които са били събрани или обработвани; (ii) Вие оттеглите своето съгласие, върху което се основава обработването на данните и няма друго правно основание за обработването; (iii) Вие възразите срещу обработването на свързаните с Вас лични данни; (iv) личните данни са били обработвани незаконосъобразно; (v) личните данни трябва да бъдат изтрити с цел спазването на правно задължение по правото на ЕС или правото на държава членка.
    - Вие имате право да изискате ограничаване на обработването на личните Ви данни, когато: (i) оспорите точността на личните данни, за срок, който позволява на Администратора да провери точността на личните данни; (ii) обработването е неправомерно, но Вие не желаете личните данни да бъдат изтрити, а само използването им да бъде ограничено; (iii) ако искате Дружеството да съхранява личните Ви данни с оглед установяването, упражняването или защитата на свои правни претенции; (iv) възразили сте срещу обработването в очакване на проверка дали законните основания на Администратора имат преимущество пред Вашите интереси.
    - Вие можете да упражните правото си на преносимост, ако сте дали съгласие за обработване на Вашите лични данни или обработването е необходимо за изпълнението на договора с Администратора, или ако данните Ви се обработват по автоматизиран начин.
    - Вие можете да възразите по всяко време срещу обработването на лични данни от Администратора, които се отнасят до Вас, включително ако се обработват за целите на профилиране, директен маркетинг или ако обработването на личните данни се основавана законов интерес на Дружеството (с изключение на случаите, в които Дружеството може да предостави законови основания за тяхното обработване).
    - В случай на нарушаване на правата ви съгласно приложимото законодателство за защита на личните данни, имате право да подадете жалба до Комисията за защита на личните данни.

    В случай че имате въпроси, оплаквания или коментари във връзка със Задължителната информация, моля свържете се с нас на адрес:„Перно Рикар България“ ЕООД
    Адрес: гр. София, 1766, ж.к. Младост 4, Бизнес Парк София № 1, бл. 12, вх. А, ет. 3
    Имейл адрес:

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how Pernod Ricard (Cambodge) Co. Ltd (the “Company”) at Level 5, Suite 0501, Vattanac Capital Tower, #66 Monivong Blvd, Sangkat Wat Phnom, Khan Daun Penh, 12202 Phnom Penh, processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.  

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, nationality, passport details, or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to education and professional skills (such as previous schools, skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting,
    - Verification of educational qualifications, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Background and reference checks by a third-party provider specialized in conducting such checks,
    - Medical checks by a third-party medical provider for any candidate who is successful and prior to formal employment,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialized in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - third-party companies specialized in conducting background or reference checks
    - third-party medical providers specialized in conducting medical checks
    - the HR department
    - regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.


    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR or the PDPA.

    How can you contact us?
    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard (Cambodge) Co. Ltd
    Level 5, Suite 0501, Vattanac Capital Tower,
    #66 Monivong Blvd, Sangkat Wat Phnom
    Khan Daun Penh, 12202 Phnom Penh
    or sending an email to

  • "Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to the Pernod Ricard Group. The Pernod Ricard Group respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable privacy and data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”) and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how the Company processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment. “Company” is the member of the Pernod Ricard Group to which you are applying:

    If you are applying for a position at Corby Spirit and Wine Limited, the Company is Corby Spirit and Wine Limited.

    If you are applying for a position at Hiram Walker & Sons Limited, the Company is Hiram Walker & Sons Limited.

    If you are applying for a position at Ungava Spirits Co. Ltd., the Company is Ungava Spirits Co. Ltd.

    If you are applying for a position at The Foreign Affair Winery Limited, the Company is The Foreign Affair Winery Limited.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, resumes, history of past professional experiences and, if applicable, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - criminal background check information from applicable law enforcement authorities

    - information provided by references submitted by applicant or by a past employer, even where you do not list such past employer as a reference

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations)

    - Information available on professional social media, such as LinkedIn

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR or pursuant to other applicable laws, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and include the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting
    - Law enforcement background checks
    - Tests of logic, English test or similar tests as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment and hiring process, and in connection with the candidate’s employment if the candidate accepts a job offer with the Company.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data is also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information, and as an employment record if the candidate is hired.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the HR department of the Company
    - regulatory, governmental or judicial bodies, as may be required (such as where the Company has - reason to believe it is required by law to disclose your Personal Data to such a body or pursuant to the legal process of such a body)
    - other Pernod Ricard Group members

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities and service providers of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company. If you wish to obtain a copy of your Personal Data, you must do so before requesting erasure or the Company will be unable to provide your Personal Data.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purposes based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).  
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority or privacy commissioner if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the applicable privacy laws in your jurisdiction.

    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Corby Spirit and Wine Limited225 King Street West, Suite 1100Toronto, Ontario M5V 3M2 or sending an email to Marc.Valencia@"

  • Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos

    La protección de su privacidad y de sus datos personales es muy importante para Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respeta su derecho a la privacidad cuando solicita empleo a través de esta plataforma/sitio web, de acuerdo con las disposiciones contenidas en las leyes y reglamentos aplicables en materia de protección de datos, tales como el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (en adelante el "RGPD"). Este aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos (en adelante la "Aviso") deberá leerse de forma conjunta con los Términos y Condiciones aplicables a la utilización del sitio web para solicitantes de empleo.

    El objeto del aviso es describir cómo Pernod Ricard Chile SA. (la “Sociedad”), en su condición de responsable del tratamiento, trata los Datos Personales relativos a las personas que solicitan empleo.

    ¿Qué Datos Personales recopilamos?

    La Sociedad recopila los siguientes Datos Personales:

    - datos identificativos y administrativos (como, por ejemplo, la identidad del solicitante, la fecha y lugar de nacimiento, género, domicilio personal, número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico personal, permiso de residencia (titre de séjour) o cualquier otra autorización necesaria para la contratación de un solicitante de nacionalidad extranjera),

    - los resultados de los test/evaluaciones que puedan realizarse a lo largo del proceso de contratación, los cuales serán confidenciales y cuya comunicación solamente podrá ser obtenida por el solicitante,

    - datos relativos a las competencias profesionales (como, por ejemplo, competencias, formación, diplomas, experiencia profesional y, si procede, carrera profesional dentro del Grupo Pernod Ricard),

    - la información relativa al puesto de trabajo que esté solicitando el solicitante (como, por ejemplo, la denominación del puesto de trabajo y función, naturaleza de las obligaciones).

    ¿Cómo recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    La Sociedad utiliza los siguientes métodos y técnicas, considerados pertinentes y necesarios, como parte de su proceso de contratación:

    - Entrevistas de trabajo realizadas por Pernod Ricard y/o por cualquier sociedad proveedora de servicios especializada en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Verificación de títulos, referencias y experiencia profesional por parte de un proveedor de servicios especializado en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Pruebas de lógica, pruebas de inglés en la medida en que se requieran para el puesto,
    - Evaluaciones profesionales (resolución de casos prácticos por escrito, etc.)

    ¿Por qué recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    La Sociedad recopila, almacena, utiliza y trata los Datos Personales del candidato únicamente con la finalidad de gestionar el proceso de contratación.

    Por consiguiente, el tratamiento de Datos Personales es necesario para poder adoptar medidas previas a la formalización de un contrato de trabajo en el legítimo interés de la Sociedad que es , en concreto, el de evaluar al candidato antes de proponerle una oferta de trabajo.Los Datos Personales son también necesarios para tratar la solicitud del candidato, para contactarle durante dicho proceso, para contestar a sus preguntas y/o para pedirle información adicional.

    ¿Quiénes son los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales?

    Entre los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales se encuentran:

    - las compañías de servicios especializadas en contratación encargadas por la Sociedad
    - el departamento de Recursos Humanos
    - los organismos regulatorios o judiciales, en la medida necesaria
    - otras filiales de Pernod Ricard

    ¿Durante cuánto tiempo conservamos sus Datos Personales?

    El departamento de Recursos Humanos conserva los Datos Personales con arreglo a lo establecido en la política y procedimientos de retención aplicables de la Sociedad, así como en la medida requerida por las leyes y reglamentos locales.

    ¿Son sus Datos Personales transferidos a otros países?

    Dado que el Grupo Pernod Ricard es una organización mundial, algunos Datos Personales relativos a los solicitantes de empleo podrán ser tratados por otras entidades del Grupo repartidas por todo el mundo. Los Datos Personales podrán ser transferidos a países que cuenten con un nivel de leyes de protección de datos personales diferente al existente en el país en el que usted presentó sus Datos Personales.

    En tal caso, el grupo Pernod Ricard adoptará las medidas adecuadas para preservar la seguridad de sus Datos Personales tanto durante el tránsito como en el lugar de recepción de éstos, mediante la implementación de cláusulas contractuales establecidas por las Comisión Europea, de conformidad con lo establecido en la ley aplicable.

    ¿Cuáles son sus derechos en relación con sus Datos Personales?

    - Puede solicitar el acceso a sus Datos Personales.
    - Puede solicitar la rectificación de sus Datos Personales si son inexactos, incompletos o están desactualizados.
    - Puede solicitar la supresión de sus Datos Personales si (i) éstos ya no son necesarios para las finalidades del tratamiento de datos, (ii) ha retirado su consentimiento para el tratamiento de Datos Personales basado exclusivamente en dicho consentimiento (iii) se ha opuesto al tratamiento de datos, (iv) el tratamiento de los Datos Personales es ilegal, (v) los Datos Personales deben suprimirse para cumplir con una obligación legal aplicable a la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la limitación del tratamiento (i) en caso de que se discuta la exactitud de sus Datos Personales para permitir que Pernod Ricard pueda verificar su exactitud, (ii) en el caso de que desee limitar sus Datos Personales en lugar de eliminarlos a pesar del hecho de que el tratamiento sea ilegal, (iii) en el caso de que desee que la Sociedad conserve sus Datos Personales debido a que los necesite para su defensa dentro del contexto de reclamaciones legales (iv) en el caso de que se haya opuesto al tratamiento pero la Sociedad lleve a cabo una verificación para comprobar si tiene motivos legítimos para realizar dicho tratamiento, los cuales prevalecerán sobre sus propios derechos en caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la portabilidad de los Datos Personales que nos haya facilitado si el tratamiento de los mismos se basa en su consentimiento o en el cumplimiento de un contrato y se lleva a cabo por medios automatizados.
    - Usted tendrá el derecho de oponerse, en cualquier momento, al tratamiento por nosotros de sus Datos Personales, con fines de marketing directo, con fines de marketing basados en la elaboración de perfiles, o en el caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad (salvo que pueda demostrar la existencia de fundamentos jurídicos imperativos para la realización del tratamiento).
    - Usted tendrá derecho a presentar una reclamación ante una autoridad de control si considera que el tratamiento de sus Datos Personales infringe el RGPD.

    ¿Cómo puede contactarnos?
    En caso de tener cualquier pregunta, reclamación o comentario relativo al presente aviso o a nuestras prácticas de recopilación de información, le rogamos se ponga en contacto con nosotros por escrito dirigiéndose a:

    Pernod Ricard Chile SA.
    Avenida Apoquindo 5400
    Comuna Las Condes, Santiago
    o enviando un correo electrónico a

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulations, such as Cybersecurity Law of People’s Republic of China (“PRC”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe and inform you how the Company collects, stores, uses and processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment. 

    If you are applying for a position at [Pernod Ricard (China) Trading Co., Ltd.], the Company is [Pernod Ricard (China) Trading Co., Ltd.] with registration address 15F., 168 Hu Bin Road, Shanghai, PRC.

    If you are applying for a position at [Pernod Ricard (China) Spirits &Wines Co. Ltd], the Company is [Pernod Ricard (China) Spirits &Wines Co. Ltd] with registration address Room 825 No. 6 Jilong Road, Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Zone, PRC.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company may collect your Personal Data as below:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit or any other approval or permit required by Chinese laws and regulations for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality, etc.)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the applicant’s current job and function title, nature of the obligations, current salary level, etc)

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.
    因此有必要处理个人信息,以便在订立劳动合同之前为本公司的合法利益采取措施,即在发出聘用书之前对求职者进行评估。Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    With Whom are your Personal Data shared?

    - the service companies specialized in recruiting mandated by the Company, for the purpose of recruitment
    - regulatority or judicial bodies according to applicable laws and regulations and requirements of regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates, for the purposes mentioned in Section 6.
    其他Pernod Ricard关联方(为第6条所述目的)

    A strict confidentiality agreement shall be signed with the company or organization with which we share the personal information, requiring them to handle with the personal information according to this Notice and other relevant confidentiality and safety measures.

    Where and How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department of the Company as required by local laws and regulations. You fully aware, understand, and clearly agree that your Personal Data will normally be stored in the Company's database, which is in Ireland. The storage period of Personal Data shall be from the date of collection to the date of deletion of your Personal Data according to your request.  

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries? 

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures and the same data protection standards to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location and use your Person Data in the manner and purpose specified in this Notice.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow the Company to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to cancel your account in the website.

    For methods of realizing above rights, please contact us in accordance with contact details set forth in section 9 hereof.

    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes applicable data protection laws and regulations.

    How do we secure your Personal Data?

    The Company takes all necessary technical and organizational measures to protect the confidentiality and security of your Personal Data collected from this website. These efforts include but are not necessarily limited to:
    - Taking safety protection measures on your Personal Data to avoid data is accessed, disclosed, used, revised, destroyed or lost without authorization, including but not limited to:
    storing your Personal Data in secure operating environments that are not available to the public and that are only accessible to authorized employees, agents and contractors of the Company.
    - We have obtained below security authentications: managed with SSO (Microsoft Authentication)]

    How can you contact us?
    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard (China) Trading Co., Ltd.
    Pernod Ricard (China) Spirits &Wines Co. Ltd
    15F., 168 Hu Bin Road, Shanghai, PRC 
    Tel No. : [+862123011000]
    or sending an email to

    External Dispute Settlement Institution and Contact

    Any disputes arising under or connected with this Notice shall firstly be settled amicably. In case, no amicable settlement can be reached, either party may submit the dispute to the Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration in Shanghai pursuant to its arbitration rules. The venue of the arbitration will be held in Shanghai and the award shall be final and binding to both parties.
    The contact of Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission please refer to the official website

  • Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos

    La protección de su privacidad y de sus datos personales es muy importante para Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respeta su derecho a la privacidad cuando solicita empleo a través de esta plataforma/sitio web, de acuerdo con las disposiciones contenidas en las leyes y reglamentos aplicables en materia de protección de datos, tales como el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (en adelante el "RGPD"). Este Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos (en adelante el "Aviso") deberá leerse de forma conjunta con los Términos y Condiciones aplicables a la utilización del sitio web para solicitantes de empleo.

    El objeto del Aviso es describir cómo la Sociedad, en su condición de responsable del tratamiento, trata los Datos Personales relativos a las personas que solicitan empleo.

    En el caso de que esté solicitando un puesto en Pernod Ricard Colombia S.A. en la Calle 103 No 19-60, Bogotá Colombia, la Sociedad es Pernod Ricard Colombia S.A.

    ¿Qué Datos Personales recopilamos?

    La Sociedad recopila los siguientes Datos Personales:

    - datos identificativos y administrativos (como, por ejemplo, la identidad del solicitante, la fecha y lugar de nacimiento, género, domicilio personal, número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico personal, permiso de residencia o cualquier otra autorización necesaria para la contratación de un solicitante de nacionalidad extranjera),

    - los resultados de los test/evaluaciones que puedan realizarse a lo largo del proceso de contratación, los cuales serán confidenciales y cuya comunicación solamente podrá ser obtenida por el solicitante,

    - datos relativos a las competencias profesionales (como, por ejemplo, competencias, formación, diplomas, experiencia profesional y, si procede, carrera profesional dentro del Grupo Pernod Ricard),

    - la información relativa al puesto de trabajo que esté solicitando el solicitante (como, por ejemplo, la denominación del puesto de trabajo y función, naturaleza de las obligaciones).

    Los Datos Personales de categorías especiales, en el sentido definido en el Artículo 9 del RGPD, sólo podrán tratarse si nos ha dado su consentimiento explícito. Este consentimiento podrá retirarse en cualquier momento.

    ¿Cómo recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    La Sociedad utiliza los siguientes métodos y técnicas, considerados pertinentes y necesarios, como parte de su proceso de contratación:

    - Entrevistas de trabajo realizadas por Pernod Ricard y/o por cualquier sociedad proveedora de servicios especializada en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Verificación de títulos, referencias y experiencia profesional por parte de un proveedor de servicios especializado en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Pruebas de lógica, pruebas de inglés en la medida en que se requieran para el puesto,
    - Evaluaciones profesionales (resolución de casos prácticos por escrito, etc.)

    ¿Por qué recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    La Sociedad recopila, almacena, utiliza y trata los Datos Personales del candidato únicamente con la finalidad de gestionar el proceso de contratación.

    Por consiguiente, el tratamiento de Datos Personales es necesario para poder adoptar medidas previas a la formalización de un contrato de trabajo en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad que es, en concreto, el de evaluar al candidato antes de proponerle una oferta de trabajo.Los Datos Personales son también necesarios para tratar la solicitud del candidato, para contactarle durante dicho proceso, para contestar a sus preguntas y/o para pedirle información adicional.

    ¿Quiénes son los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales?

    Entre los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales se encuentran:

    - las compañías de servicios especializadas en contratación encargadas por la Sociedad
    - el departamento de Recursos Humanos
    - los organismos regulatorios o judiciales, en la medida necesaria
    - otras filiales de Pernod Ricard

    ¿Durante cuánto tiempo conservamos sus Datos Personales?

    El departamento de Recursos Humanos conserva los Datos Personales con arreglo a lo establecido en la política y procedimientos de retención aplicables de la Sociedad, así como en la medida requerida por las leyes y reglamentos locales.

    ¿Son sus Datos Personales transferidos a otros países?

    Dado que el Grupo Pernod Ricard es una organización mundial, algunos Datos Personales relativos a los solicitantes de empleo podrán ser tratados por otras entidades del Grupo repartidas por todo el mundo. Los Datos Personales podrán ser transferidos a países que cuenten con un nivel de leyes de protección de datos personales diferente al existente en el país en el que usted facilitó sus Datos Personales.

    En tal caso, el Grupo Pernod Ricard adoptará las medidas adecuadas para preservar la seguridad de sus Datos Personales tanto durante el tránsito como en el lugar de recepción de éstos, mediante la implementación de cláusulas contractuales establecidas por las Comisión Europea, de conformidad con lo establecido en la ley aplicable.

    ¿Cuáles son sus derechos en relación con sus Datos Personales?

    - Puede solicitar el acceso a sus Datos Personales.
    - Puede solicitar la rectificación de sus Datos Personales si son inexactos, incompletos o están desactualizados.
    - Puede solicitar la supresión de sus Datos Personales si (i) éstos ya no son necesarios para las finalidades del tratamiento de datos, (ii) ha retirado su consentimiento para el tratamiento de Datos Personales basado exclusivamente en dicho consentimiento (iii) se ha opuesto al tratamiento de datos, (iv) el tratamiento de los Datos Personales es ilegal, (v) los Datos Personales deben suprimirse para cumplir con una obligación legal aplicable a la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la limitación del tratamiento (i) en caso de que se impugne la exactitud de sus Datos Personales para permitir que Pernod Ricard pueda verificar su exactitud, (ii) en el caso de que desee ejercer el derecho a limitar el uso de sus Datos Personales en lugar de eliminarlos a pesar del hecho de que el tratamiento sea ilícito, (iii) en el caso de que desee que la Sociedad conserve sus Datos Personales debido a que el interesado los necesite para su defensa dentro del contexto de reclamaciones jurídicas, (iv) en el caso de que se haya opuesto al tratamiento pero la Sociedad lleve a cabo una verificación para comprobar si tiene motivos legítimos para realizar dicho tratamiento, los cuales prevalecerán sobre sus propios derechos en caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la portabilidad de los Datos Personales que nos haya facilitado si el tratamiento de los mismos se basa en su consentimiento o en el cumplimiento de un contrato y se lleva a cabo por medios automatizados.
    - Usted tendrá el derecho de oponerse, en cualquier momento, al tratamiento por nosotros de sus Datos Personales, con fines de marketing directo, con fines de marketing basados en la elaboración de perfiles, o en el caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad (salvo que pueda demostrar la existencia de fundamentos jurídicos imperiosos para la realización del tratamiento).
    - Usted tendrá derecho a presentar una reclamación ante una autoridad de control si considera que el tratamiento de sus Datos Personales infringe el RGPD.

    ¿Cómo puede contactarnos?
    En caso de tener cualquier pregunta, reclamación o comentario relativo al presente Aviso o a nuestras prácticas de recopilación de información, le rogamos se ponga en contacto con nosotros por escrito dirigiéndose a:

    Pernod Ricard Colombia S.A. 
    Calle 103 No 19-60 Piso 1
    Bogotá Colombia. 
    o enviando un correo electrónico a

  • No Terms and Conditions

  • Obavijest o informacijama o zaštiti podataka za kandidate

    Zagreb, Avenija Većeslava Holjevca 40

    Zaštita Vaše privatnosti i osobnih podataka od velike je važnosti za Pernod Ricard Croatia. Poštujemo Vaše pravo na privatnost kada se prijavljujete za radno mjesto s pomoću ove platforme / mrežne stranice, u skladu s odredbama svih važećih zakona i propisa o zaštiti podataka, kao što je Opća uredba o zaštiti podataka (dalje u tekstu „GDPR“). Ova obavijest o informacijama o zaštiti podataka za kandidate (dalje u tekstu „obavijest“) treba se tumačiti zajedno s Uvjetima i odredbama za korištenje mrežne stranice za kandidate za radno mjesto i s Politikom zaštite podataka društva Pernod Ricard Croatia.

    Svrha obavijesti jest opisati kako Pernod Ricard Croatia, Zagreb, Avenija Većeslava Holjevca 40, kao voditelj obrade podataka, obrađuje osobne podatke koji se odnose na osobe koje se prijavljuju za radno mjesto u našemu Društvu.

    Koje osobne podatke prikupljamo?

    Društvo prikuplja sljedeće osobne podatke:

    - identifikacijske i administrativne podatke (kao što su kandidatov identitet, datum i mjesto rođenja, spol, adresa prebivališta, osobni telefonski broj i adresa e-pošte, boravišna dozvola ili bilo koje drugo potrebno odobrenje za zapošljavanje kandidata sa stranim državljanstvom),

    - rezultate testova/procjena koji se mogu provoditi tijekom postupka zapošljavanja, a koji ostaju povjerljivi i koje samo kandidat može primiti,

    - podatke koji se odnose na stručne vještine (kao što su vještine, obuka, diplome, povijest prijašnjega stručnog iskustva i, ovisno o slučaju, prijašnji razvoj karijere u grupi Pernod Ricard),

    - informacije koje se odnose na radno mjesto za koje se kandidat prijavljuje (kao što su naziv radnoga mjesta i funkcije, priroda obveza).

    Osjetljivi osobni podatci, kako su definirani u članku 9. GDPR-a, mogu se obrađivati uz Vašu izričitu suglasnost. Ta se suglasnost može povući u bilo kojemu trenutku.

    Kako prikupljamo Vaše osobne podatke?

    Društvo koristi, kao dio svojega procesa zapošljavanja, metode i tehnike koje su relevantne i potrebne te uključuju sljedeće:

    - razgovore za posao koje provodi društvo Pernod Ricard i/ili treće društvo pružatelja specijalizirana za zapošljavanje,
    - provjeru diploma, preporuka i stručnoga iskustva koju provodi treći pružatelj specijaliziran za zapošljavanje,
    - logičke testove i test engleskoga jezika koji mogu biti potrebni za radno mjesto,
    - stručne procjene (rješavanje praktičnih slučajeva u pisanome obliku itd.).

    Zašto prikupljamo Vaše osobne podatke?

    Društvo prikuplja, pohranjuje, koristi i obrađuje osobne podatke kandidata isključivo u svrhu upravljanja procesom zapošljavanja.

    Obrada osobnih podataka stoga je nužna kako bi se mogle poduzeti mjere prije sklapanja ugovora o radu, u legitimnome interesu Društva, odnosno radi ocjenjivanja kandidata prije davanja ponude za posao.Osobni podatci također su potrebni za obradu prijave kandidata, za kontaktiranje kandidata tijekom takve obrade, za pružanje odgovora na njegova/njezina pitanja i/ili za traženje dodatnih informacija.

    Tko su primatelji Vaših osobnih podataka?

    Primatelje Vaših osobnih podataka uključuju:

    - uslužna društva specijalizirana za zapošljavanje koja je ovlastilo Društvo,
    - Odjel za ljudske resurse,
    - regulatorna, upravna ili pravosudna tijela, prema potrebi,
    - druga povezana društva Pernod Ricarda.

    Koliko dugo čuvamo Vaše osobne podatke?

    Osobne podatke čuva Odjel za ljudske resurse u skladu s primjenjivim politikama i postupcima Društva za zadržavanje podataka i kako to zahtijevaju lokalni zakoni i propisi u razdoblju od dvije godine.

    Prenose li se Vaši osobni podatci u druge zemlje?

    Budući da je grupa Pernod Ricard svjetska organizacija, neke osobne podatke vezane uz kandidate možda će obrađivati drugi subjekti Grupe diljem svijeta. Osobni podatci mogu se prenijeti u zemlje u kojima je razina zakona o zaštiti podataka drugačija od razine koja postoji u zemlji iz koje ste poslali svoje osobne podatke.

    U tome slučaju grupa Pernod Ricard poduzima odgovarajuće mjere kako bi održala sigurnost osobnih podataka i tijekom prijenosa i na mjestu primitka provođenjem ugovornih klauzula kako je odredila Europska komisija, u skladu s mjerodavnim pravom.

    Koja su Vaša prava u odnosu na Vaše osobne podatke?

    - Možete zatražiti pristup svojim osobnim podatcima.
    - Možete zatražiti ispravljanje svojih osobnih podataka ako su netočni, nepotpuni ili neažurni.
    - Možete zatražiti brisanje svojih osobnih podataka (i) ako Vaši osobni podatci više nisu potrebni u svrhu obrade podataka, (ii) ako ste povukli svoju suglasnost za obradu podataka koja se temelji isključivo na toj suglasnosti, (iii) ako ste prigovorili obradi podataka, (iv) ako je obrada osobnih podataka nezakonita, (v) ako se osobni podatci moraju izbrisati radi usklađivanja sa zakonskom obvezom kojoj Društvo podliježe.

    - Možete zatražiti ograničenje obrade (i) u slučaju osporavanja točnosti svojih osobnih podataka kako biste društvu Pernod Ricard omogućili da provjeri tu točnost, (ii) ako želite ograničiti svoje osobne podatke umjesto brisanja, unatoč činjenici da je obrada nezakonita, (iii) ako želite da Društvo čuva Vaše osobne podatke jer su Vam potrebni za obranu u kontekstu pravnih zahtjeva, (iv) ako ste prigovorili obradi, no Društvo provodi provjeru kako bi provjerilo ima li legitimne razloge za takvu obradu koji mogu prevladati nad Vašim pravima ako se obrada podataka temelji na legitimnome interesu Društva.

    - Možete zatražiti prijenos osobnih podataka koje ste nam dostavili ako se obrada osobnih podataka temelji na Vašoj suglasnosti ili izvršavanju ugovora i obavlja se automatizirano.

    - Imate pravo prigovoriti našoj obradi vaših osobnih podataka, u bilo kojemu trenutku, u svrhu izravnoga marketinga, u svrhu marketinga na temelju izrade profila ili ako se obrada podataka temelji na legitimnome interesu Društva (osim ako Društvo može dokazati uvjerljive pravne razloge za obradu).

    - Imate pravo podnijeti prigovor nadzornome tijelu ako smatrate da obrada Vaših osobnih podataka predstavlja povredu GDPR-a.

    Kako nam se možete obratiti?
    Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, pritužbi ili komentara vezanih uz ovu obavijest ili naše prakse prikupljanja podataka, obratite nam se pisano na:

    Pernod Ricard Croatia d. o. o. 
    Avenija Većeslava Holjevca 40
    10000 Zagreb

    ili slanjem poruke e-pošte na


    Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Zagreb, Avenija Većeslava Holjevca 40

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard Croatia. We respect your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website and Data Protection Policy of Pernod Ricard Croatia.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how Pernod Ricard Croatia, Zagreb, Avenija Većeslava Holjevca 40, processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment in our Company.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:
    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the HR department
    - regulatority, administrative or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations for a period of 2 years.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?
    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Croatia d.o.o. 
    Avenija Većeslava Holjevca 40
    10000 Zagreb

    or sending an email to

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your personal data is a serious commitment for us and we respect your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website. 

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how each of our companies processes, as Data Controller, (hereafter “Company”) Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.   

    If you are applying for a position at Pernod Ricard Denmark, Vesterbrogade 149, DK-1620 København, Danmark, the Company is Pernod Ricard Denmark A/S. 

    1. What Personal Data do we collect? 

    The Company collects the following mandatory and/or optional Personal Data: 

    identification and administrative data (such as name, personal identification number, nationality, date of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality),


    results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant,


    data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group), and


    information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations)

    The Company does not request sensitive personal data, for example racial or ethnical origin, political  
    views, religious or philosophical conviction, union membership, health or sexual orientation so please do not submit that information in your application, unless the Company or you are compelled to do so by law.  

    2. How do we collect your Personal Data? 

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following: 

    Job interviews performed by the Company and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting,

    Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,

    Tests of logic and/or English tests as may be required for the position, and

    Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    3. Why do we collect Personal Data? 

    The Company collects, stores, uses, and processes your Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.  

    The processing of Personal Data is necessary to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.   Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information. Personal data may also be processed to safeguard our rights in case of a dispute as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of the Company’s recruitment process.  

    Purpose and legal basis: 

    To provide you with job alerts and related corporate information, based on consent

    To establish, exercise, or defend against legal claims, based on legal obligations (e.g. labor, data protection, and non-discrimination laws as well as penal codes)

    To perform a contract to which you are a party or to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract. For instance, to take steps prior to entering an employment contract with you, based on fulfilment of contract

    For recruiting purposes, to determine your qualifications for employment, perform candidate screening, administrate talent pools and referral programs, to process referee data and surveys, based on the legitimate interest of the Company

    4. Who are the recipients of your Personal Data? 

    The recipients of your Personal Data include: 

    the service companies specialized in recruiting mandated by the Company,

    the HR department, the recruiting manager(s) and/or other members of the team affected by the position,

    regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required,

    other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    5. How long do we keep your Personal Data? 

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in each Company in accordance with the Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations. 

    Retention Time:  

    Spontaneous Applications: 6 months

    Regular Applications: 24 months (based on legitimate interest, considering the possibility of a claim under the Forskelsbehandlingsloven)

    6, Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?  

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Pernod Ricard Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data. 

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by taking the appropriate measures required by law, such as implementing standard contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission. 

    7. What are your rights regarding your Personal Data? 

    Right to access: You can request to access your Personal Data.

    Right to rectification: You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete, or out-of-date.

    Right to erasure: You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.

    Right to restriction: You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow the Company to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.

    Right to portability: You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.

    Right to object to processing based on our legitimate interest: You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).  

    Right to Refuse or Withdraw Consent: In case we ask for your consent to processing, you are free to refuse to give consent and you can withdraw your consent at any time without detriment by contacting us using the contact information provided below or, in case of direct marketing e-mail communications, by clicking on the unsubscribe link. The lawfulness of any processing of your personal data that occurred prior to the withdrawal of your consent will not be affected.

    8. How do you exercise your rights?  

    You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR. The relevant contact info can be found here:  

    For further information on how to complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency, we refer to the Danish Data Protection Agency's website:  

    9. How can you contact us? 
    If you have any questions, complaints, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact:  

    10. DPO  
    We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to ensure that we continuously process your personal data in an open, accurate and legal manner. You can contact the DPO at the following address: 

    Att: Florence Raynal 
    Pernod Ricard SA  
    5 cours Paul Ricard 
    75783 Paris Cedex 16 

    or by sending an email to

  • Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos

    La protección de su privacidad y de sus datos personales es muy importante para Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respeta su derecho a la privacidad cuando solicita empleo a través de esta plataforma/sitio web, de acuerdo con las disposiciones contenidas en las leyes y reglamentos aplicables en materia de protección de datos, tales como el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (en adelante el "RGPD"). Este Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos (en adelante el "Aviso") deberá leerse de forma conjunta con los Términos y Condiciones aplicables a la utilización del sitio web para solicitantes de empleo.

    El objeto del Aviso es describir cómo Pernod Ricard Dominicana S.A. (en lo adelante referida también como “Pernod Ricard” o la “Sociedad”) en su condición de responsable del tratamiento, trata los Datos Personales relativos a las personas que solicitan empleo.

    ¿Qué Datos Personales recopilamos?

    La Sociedad recopila los siguientes Datos Personales:

    - datos identificativos y administrativos (como, por ejemplo, la identidad del solicitante, la fecha y lugar de nacimiento, género, domicilio personal, número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico personal, permiso de residencia o cualquier otra autorización necesaria para la contratación de un solicitante de nacionalidad extranjera),

    - los resultados de los test/evaluaciones que puedan realizarse a lo largo del proceso de contratación, los cuales serán confidenciales y cuya comunicación solamente podrá ser obtenida por el solicitante,

    - datos relativos a las competencias profesionales (como, por ejemplo, competencias, formación, diplomas, experiencia profesional y, si procede, carrera profesional dentro del Grupo Pernod Ricard),

    - la información relativa al puesto de trabajo que esté solicitando el solicitante (como, por ejemplo, la denominación del puesto de trabajo y función, naturaleza de las obligaciones).

    Los Datos Personales de categorías especiales, en el sentido definido en el Artículo 9 del RGPD, sólo podrán tratarse si nos ha dado su consentimiento expreso. Este consentimiento podrá retirarse en cualquier momento.

    ¿Cómo recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    La Sociedad utiliza los siguientes métodos y técnicas, considerados pertinentes y necesarios, como parte de su proceso de contratación:

    - Entrevistas de trabajo realizadas por Pernod Ricard y/o por cualquier sociedad proveedora de servicios especializada en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Verificación de títulos, referencias y experiencia profesional por parte de un proveedor de servicios especializado en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Pruebas de lógica, pruebas de inglés en la medida en que se requieran para el puesto,
    - Evaluaciones profesionales (resolución de casos prácticos por escrito, etc.)

    ¿Por qué recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    La Sociedad recopila, almacena, utiliza y trata los Datos Personales del candidato únicamente con la finalidad de gestionar el proceso de contratación.

    Por consiguiente, el tratamiento de Datos Personales es necesario para poder adoptar medidas previas a la formalización de un contrato de trabajo en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad que es, en concreto, el de evaluar al candidato antes de proponerle una oferta de trabajo.Los Datos Personales son también necesarios para tratar la solicitud del candidato, para contactarle durante dicho proceso, para contestar a sus preguntas y/o para pedirle información adicional.

    ¿Quiénes son los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales?

    Entre los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales se encuentran:

    - las compañías de servicios especializadas en contratación encargadas por la Sociedad.
    - el departamento de Recursos Humanos de la Sociedad.
    - los organismos regulatorios o judiciales, en la medida necesaria.
    - otras filiales de Pernod Ricard.

    ¿Durante cuánto tiempo conservamos sus Datos Personales?

    El departamento de Recursos Humanos conserva los Datos Personales con arreglo a lo establecido en la política y procedimientos de retención aplicables de la Sociedad, así como en la medida requerida por las leyes y reglamentos locales.

    ¿Son sus Datos Personales transferidos a otros países?

    Dado que el Grupo Pernod Ricard es una organización mundial, algunos Datos Personales relativos a los solicitantes de empleo podrán ser tratados por otras entidades del Grupo repartidas por todo el mundo. Los Datos Personales podrán ser transferidos a países que cuenten con un nivel de leyes de protección de datos personales diferentes al existente en el país en el que usted facilitó sus Datos Personales.

    En tal caso, el Grupo Pernod Ricard adoptará las medidas adecuadas para preservar la seguridad de sus Datos Personales tanto durante el tránsito como en el lugar de recepción de éstos, mediante la implementación de cláusulas contractuales establecidas por las Comisión Europea, de conformidad con lo establecido en la ley aplicable.

    ¿Cuáles son sus derechos en relación con sus Datos Personales?

    - Puede solicitar el acceso a sus Datos Personales, los cuales estarán disponibles en el domicilio de la Sociedad más abajo indicado.
    - -Puede solicitar la rectificación de sus Datos Personales si son inexactos, incompletos o están desactualizados.
    Puede solicitar la supresión de sus Datos Personales si (i) éstos ya no son necesarios para las finalidades del tratamiento de datos, (ii) ha retirado su consentimiento para el tratamiento de Datos Personales basado exclusivamente en dicho consentimiento (iii) se ha opuesto al tratamiento de datos, (iv) el tratamiento de los Datos Personales es ilegal, (v) los Datos Personales deben suprimirse para cumplir con una obligación legal aplicable a la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la limitación del tratamiento (i) en caso de que se impugne la exactitud de sus Datos Personales para permitir que Pernod Ricard pueda verificar su exactitud, (ii) en el caso de que desee ejercer el derecho a limitar el uso de sus Datos Personales en lugar de eliminarlos a pesar del hecho de que el tratamiento sea ilícito, (iii) en el caso de que desee que la Sociedad conserve sus Datos Personales debido a que el interesado los necesite para su defensa dentro del contexto de reclamaciones jurídicas, (iv) en el caso de que se haya opuesto al tratamiento pero la Sociedad lleve a cabo una verificación para comprobar si tiene motivos legítimos para realizar dicho tratamiento, los cuales prevalecerán sobre sus propios derechos en caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la portabilidad de los Datos Personales que nos haya facilitado si el tratamiento de los mismos se basa en su consentimiento o en el cumplimiento de un contrato y se lleva a cabo por medios automatizados.
    - Usted tendrá el derecho de oponerse, en cualquier momento, al tratamiento por nosotros de sus Datos Personales, con fines de marketing directo, con fines de marketing basados en la elaboración de perfiles, o en el caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad (salvo que pueda demostrar la existencia de fundamentos jurídicos imperiosos para la realización del tratamiento).
    - Usted tendrá derecho a presentar una reclamación ante una autoridad de control si considera que el tratamiento de sus Datos Personales infringe el RGPD.

    ¿Cómo puede contactarnos?
    En caso de tener cualquier pregunta, reclamación o comentario relativo al presente Aviso o a nuestras prácticas de recopilación de información, le rogamos se ponga en contacto con nosotros por escrito dirigiéndose a:

    Pernod Ricard Dominicana SA
    Av. Winston Churchill Esq. Rafael Augusto Sanchez No. 1099
    Torre Acropolis, Piso 16
    Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
    o enviando un correo electrónico a:

  • No Terms and Conditions

  • Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos

    La protección de su privacidad y de sus datos personales es muy importante para Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respeta su derecho a la privacidad cuando solicita empleo a través de esta plataforma/sitio web, de acuerdo con las disposiciones contenidas en las leyes y reglamentos aplicables en materia de protección de datos, tales como el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (en adelante el "RGPD"). Este Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos (en adelante el "Aviso") deberá leerse de forma conjunta con los Términos y Condiciones aplicables a la utilización del sitio web para solicitantes de empleo.

    En caso de que esté solicitando un puesto para PERNOD RICARD ESPAÑA, el objeto del Aviso es describir cómo Pernod Ricard España, S.A., con domicilio social en Málaga, Avenida José Ortega y Gasset, 201, 5º planta, 29006 (en adelante la “Sociedad”), en su condición de responsable del tratamiento, trata los Datos Personales relativos a las personas que solicitan empleo.

    En caso de que esté solicitando un puesto para PERNOD RICARD WINEMAKERS SPAIN, el objeto del Aviso es describir cómo Pernod Ricard Winemakers Spain, S.A.U., con domicilio social en Paseo Mikeletegi nº 71, 2ª planta, 20009 – San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa) y CIF A-11606118 (en adelante la “Sociedad”), en su condición de responsable del tratamiento, trata los Datos Personales relativos a las personas que solicitan empleo.

    ¿Qué Datos Personales recopilamos?

    La Sociedad recopila los siguientes Datos Personales:

    - datos identificativos y administrativos (como, por ejemplo, la identidad del solicitante, la fecha y lugar de nacimiento, género, domicilio personal, número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico personal, permiso de residencia o cualquier otra autorización necesaria para la contratación de un solicitante de nacionalidad extranjera),

    - los resultados de los test/evaluaciones que puedan realizarse a lo largo del proceso de contratación, los cuales serán confidenciales y cuya comunicación solamente podrá ser obtenida por el solicitante,

    - datos relativos a las competencias profesionales (como, por ejemplo, competencias, formación, diplomas, experiencia profesional y, si procede, carrera profesional dentro del Grupo Pernod Ricard),

    - la información relativa al puesto de trabajo que esté solicitando el solicitante (como, por ejemplo, la denominación del puesto de trabajo y función, naturaleza de las obligaciones).

    Los Datos Personales de categorías especiales, en el sentido definido en el Artículo 9 del RGPD, sólo podrán tratarse si nos ha dado su consentimiento explícito. Este consentimiento podrá retirarse en cualquier momento.

    ¿Cómo recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    La Sociedad utiliza los siguientes métodos y técnicas, considerados pertinentes y necesarios, como parte de su proceso de contratación:

    - Entrevistas de trabajo realizadas por Pernod Ricard y/o por cualquier sociedad proveedora de servicios especializada en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Verificación de títulos, referencias y experiencia profesional por parte de un proveedor de servicios especializado en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Pruebas de lógica, pruebas de inglés en la medida en que se requieran para el puesto,
    - Evaluaciones profesionales (resolución de casos prácticos por escrito, etc.)

    ¿Por qué recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    La Sociedad recopila, almacena, utiliza y trata los Datos Personales del candidato únicamente con la finalidad de gestionar el proceso de contratación.

    Por consiguiente, el tratamiento de Datos Personales es necesario para poder adoptar medidas previas a la formalización de un contrato de trabajo en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad que es, en concreto, el de evaluar al candidato antes de proponerle una oferta de trabajo.

    Los Datos Personales son también necesarios para tratar la solicitud del candidato, para contactarle durante dicho proceso, para contestar a sus preguntas y/o para pedirle información adicional.

    ¿Quiénes son los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales?

    Entre los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales se encuentran:

    - las compañías de servicios especializadas en contratación encargadas por la Sociedad
    - el departamento de Recursos Humanos y el departamento al que corresponda el puesto para el que se produce la solicitud del candidato
    - los organismos regulatorios o judiciales, en la medida necesaria
    - otras filiales de Pernod Ricard

    ¿Durante cuánto tiempo conservamos sus Datos Personales?

    El departamento de Recursos Humanos conserva los Datos Personales con arreglo a lo establecido en la política y procedimientos de retención aplicables de la Sociedad, así como en la medida requerida por las leyes y reglamentos locales. Los Datos Personales se conservan mientras dure el proceso de selección y, posteriormente, hasta un máximo de 2 años para la gestión de posibles procesos futuros.

    ¿Son sus Datos Personales transferidos a otros países?

    Dado que el Grupo Pernod Ricard es una organización mundial, algunos Datos Personales relativos a los solicitantes de empleo podrán ser tratados por otras entidades del Grupo repartidas por todo el mundo. Los Datos Personales podrán ser transferidos a países que cuenten con un nivel de leyes de protección de datos personales diferente al existente en el país en el que usted facilitó sus Datos Personales.

    En tal caso, el Grupo Pernod Ricard adoptará las medidas adecuadas para preservar la seguridad de sus Datos Personales tanto durante el tránsito como en el lugar de recepción de éstos, mediante la implementación de cláusulas contractuales establecidas por las Comisión Europea, de conformidad con lo establecido en la ley aplicable.

    ¿Cuáles son sus derechos en relación con sus Datos Personales?

    - Puede solicitar el acceso a sus Datos Personales.
    - Puede solicitar la rectificación de sus Datos Personales si son inexactos, incompletos o están desactualizados.
    - Puede solicitar la supresión de sus Datos Personales si (i) éstos ya no son necesarios para las finalidades del tratamiento de datos, (ii) ha retirado su consentimiento para el tratamiento de Datos Personales basado exclusivamente en dicho consentimiento (iii) se ha opuesto al tratamiento de datos, (iv) el tratamiento de los Datos Personales es ilegal, (v) los Datos Personales deben suprimirse para cumplir con una obligación legal aplicable a la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la limitación del tratamiento (i) en caso de que se impugne la exactitud de sus Datos Personales para permitir que Pernod Ricard pueda verificar su exactitud, (ii) en el caso de que desee ejercer el derecho a limitar el uso de sus Datos Personales en lugar de eliminarlos a pesar del hecho de que el tratamiento sea ilícito, (iii) en el caso de que desee que la Sociedad conserve sus Datos Personales debido a que el interesado los necesite para su defensa dentro del contexto de reclamaciones jurídicas, (iv) en el caso de que se haya opuesto al tratamiento pero la Sociedad lleve a cabo una verificación para comprobar si tiene motivos legítimos para realizar dicho tratamiento, los cuales prevalecerán sobre sus propios derechos en caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la portabilidad de los Datos Personales que nos haya facilitado si el tratamiento de los mismos se basa en su consentimiento o en el cumplimiento de un contrato y se lleva a cabo por medios automatizados.
    - Usted tendrá el derecho de oponerse, en cualquier momento, al tratamiento por nosotros de sus Datos Personales, con fines de marketing directo, con fines de marketing basados en la elaboración de perfiles, o en el caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad (salvo que pueda demostrar la existencia de fundamentos jurídicos imperiosos para la realización del tratamiento).
    - Usted tendrá derecho a presentar una reclamación ante una autoridad de control si considera que el tratamiento de sus Datos Personales infringe el RGPD.

    ¿Cómo puede contactarnos?
    En caso de tener cualquier pregunta, reclamación o comentario relativo al presente Aviso o a nuestras prácticas de recopilación de información, le rogamos se ponga en contacto con nosotros por escrito dirigiéndose a:

    Si el puesto que solicita es para PERNOD RICARD ESPAÑA:
    Pernod Ricard España, S.A. 
    Avenida José Ortega y Gasset, 201
    5º planta
    29006 Málaga

    o enviando un correo electrónico a gdpr.pernod-ricard-españ

    Si el puesto que solicita es para PERNOD RICARD WINEMAKERS SPAIN:
    Pernod Ricard Winemakers Spain, S.A.U.
    Paseo Mikeletegi nº 71, 2ª planta
    20009 – San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)

    O enviando un correo electrónico a

  • Andmekaitse teabeleht kandidaatidele

    Teie privaatsuse ja isiklike andmete kaitse on Pernod Ricard’i jaoks väga oluline. Kui kandideerite töökohale selle platvormi/veebilehe kaudu, austab Pernod Ricard Teie õigust privaatsusele kooskõlas kõigi kehtivate andmekaitseseaduste ja -määruste (nt isikuandmete kaitse üldmäärus) sätetele. Siinset andmekaitse teabelehte kandidaatidele (edaspidi „teabeleht”) peaks lugema paralleelselt kandidaadi veebilehe kasutustingimustega.
    Teabelehe eesmärk on kirjeldada, kuidas ettevõte kui andmetöötleja tööle kandideerivate üksikisikutega seotud isiklikke andmeid töötleb.
    Kui kandideerite töökohale Pernod Ricard Estonia OÜ-s, Pärnu mnt 160E, Tallinn, Eesti, on ettevõte Pernod Ricard Estonia OÜ, Pärnu mnt 160E, Tallinn, Eesti.

    Milliseid isiklikke andmeid me kogume?

    Ettevõte kogub järgmisi isiklikke andmeid:

    - identimis- ja haldusandmed (nt kandideerija isikuandmed, sünnikuupäev ja -koht, sugu, elukoha aadress, isiklik telefoninumber ja meiliaadress, elamisluba (titre de séjour) või muu välisriigi kodaniku tööle võtmiseks vajalik luba);
    - töölevõtmismenetluse käigus läbiviidavate testide/hinnangute tulemused, mis on konfidentsiaalsed ja mille kohta võib teavet saada vaid kandidaat;
    - kutsealaste oskustega seotud andmed (nt oskused, koolitused, diplomid, eelneva töökogemuse ajalugu ja, olenevalt olukorrast, eelnev karjäär Pernod Ricard Groupis);
    - teave ametikoha kohta, millele töölesoovija kandideerib (nt ametinimetus ja tööülesanded, kohustuste iseloom).
    Isikukaitse andmete määruse artiklis 9 määratletud delikaatseid isikuandmeid võib töödelda ainult juhul, kui olete meile selgelt väljendanud oma nõusolekut selleks. Nõusoleku võib igal hetkel tagasi võtta.

    Kuidas me Teie isiklikke andmeid kogume?

    Ettevõte kasutab oma töölevõtmismenetluse raames meetodeid ja tehnikaid, mis on asjakohased ja vajalikud ning hõlmavad endas:
    - intervjuusid Pernod Ricard’i ja/või värbamisele spetsialiseerunud kolmandast osapoolest ettevõttega,
    - diplomite, soovituskirjade ja tööalase kogemuse kontroll, mida viib läbi värbamisele spetsialiseerunud kolmas osapool,
    - loogikatestid, inglise keele test, olenevalt sellest, mida ametikoha puhul nõutakse
    - kutsealased hinnangud (konkreetsete juhtumite kirjalikult lahendamine jne)
    Miks me kogume isiklikke andmeid?

    Ettevõte kogub, säilitab, kasutab ja töötleb kandidaadi isiklikke andmeid töölevõtmismenetluse haldamise eesmärgil.
    Isiklike andmete töötlemine on vajalik seetõttu, et oleks võimalik võtta meetmeid enne töölevõtulepingu sõlmimist ettevõtte õigustatud huvisid silmas pidades, see tähendab kandidaadi hindamist enne tööpakkumise tegemist.
    Isiklikud andmed on samuti vajalikud kandidaadi avalduse töötlemiseks, kandidaadiga ühenduse võtmiseks sellise töötlemise ajal, kandidaadi küsimustele vastamiseks ja/või lisateabe küsimiseks.

    Kes puutuvad Teie isiklike andmetega kokku?
    Teie isiklike andmetega puutuvad kokku:

    - värbamisele spetsialiseerunud teenusepakkujad, keda ettevõte on volitanud;
    - personaliosakond;
    - reguleerivad või õigusalased asutused, kui olukord seda nõuab
    - teised Pernod Ricard’i partnerid
    Kui kaua me Teie isiklikke andmeid säilitame?

    Personaliosakond säilitab isiklikke andmeid kooskõlas ettevõtte andmete säilituspoliitika ja -menetlusega ning kohalike seaduste ja määruste kohaselt.

    Kas Teie isiklikke andmeid edastatakse teistesse riikidesse?

    Kuna Pernod Ricard Group on ülemaailmne organisatsioon, võivad grupi teised üksused mujal maailmas töödelda mõningaid kandidaatidega seotud isiklikke andmeid. Võib juhtuda, et isiklikke andmeid edastatakse riikidesse, mille andmekaitse seadused erinevad selle riigi omadest, kust Teie oma isiklikud andmed sisestasite.
    Sel juhul võtab Pernod Ricard Group sobivad meetmed, et säilitada isiklike andmete turvalisus nii transiidi ajal kui ka vastuvõtukohas, rakendades lepingutingimused, mille Euroopa Komisjon on sätestanud kohaldatava seaduste alusel.

    Mis on Teie õigused oma isiklike andmete suhtes?

    - Võite paluda ligipääsu oma isiklikele andmetele.
    - Võite paluda oma isiklike andmete parandamist, kui need on ebatäpsed, mittetäielikud või aegunud.
    - Võite paluda oma isiklike andmete kustutamist, (i) kui Teie isiklikud andmed pole enam andmete töötlemiseks vajalikud, (ii) olete tagasi võtnud oma nõusoleku andmete töötlemiseks, mis põhines üksnes sellisel nõusolekul, (iii) esitasite vastuväite andmete töötlemisele, (iv) isiklike andmete töötlemine on ebaseaduslik, (v) isiklikud andmed tuleb kustutada, et vastata ettevõttele rakenduvatele seaduslike kohustustele.
    - Võite paluda töötlemise piirangut (i) juhul, kui Teie isiklike andmete õigsus vaidlustatakse, et anda Pernod Ricard’ile võimalus andmete õigsust kontrollida, (ii) kui soovite piirata oma isiklike andmete kasutamist andmete kustutamise asemel, hoolimata sellest, et töötlemine on ebaseaduslik, (iii) kui soovite, et ettevõte säilitaks Teie isiklikke andmeid, kuna Teil on neid vaja enda kaitseks õiguslike nõuete korral, (iv) kui olete esitanud vastuväite töötlemisele, aga ettevõte viib läbi kontrolli, et teha kindlaks, kas ettevõttel on selliseks töötlemiseks õiguslikud põhjused, mis võivad olla ülimuslikud Teie õiguste suhtes juhul, kui andmete töötlemine põhineb ettevõtte õigustatud huvidel.
    - Võite paluda meile antud isiklike andmete üle andmist, kui isiklike andmete töötlemine põhineb Teie nõusolekul või lepingu täitmisel ja viiakse läbi automatiseeritud viisil.
    - Teil on igal ajal õigus esitada vastuväide oma isiklike andmete töötlemisele otseturunduse ja profileerimisel põhineva turunduse eesmärgil või kui andmete töötlemine põhineb ettevõtte õigustatud huvil (välja arvatud juhul, kui ettevõte suudab tuua mõjuvaid õiguslikke põhjuseid andmete töötlemiseks).
    - Teil on õigus esitada kaebus järelevalveasutusele, kui leiate, et Teie isiklike andmete töötlemine rikub isikuandmete kaitse üldmäärust.
    Kuidas saate meiega ühendust võtta?

    Kui Teil on küsimusi, kaebusi või kommentaare selle teabelehe või meie teabekogumise tavade kohta, kirjutage meile aadressil:

    Pernod Ricard Estonia OÜ
    Pärnu mnt. 160E
    11317 Tallinn

    või saatke meile meil:




    Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how the Company processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.

    If you are applying for a position at Pernod Ricard Estonia OÜ, Pärnu mnt 160E, Tallinn, Estonia the Company is Pernod Ricard Estonia OÜ, Pärnu mnt 160E, Tallinn, Estonia.


    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the HR department
    - regulatority or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?
    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Estonia OÜ
    Pärnu mnt. 160E
    11317 Tallinn
    or sending an email to

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting the privacy and personal data of candidates for employment is very important to Pernod Ricard (“Company”, “we”, “us”, “our”). The Company respects its candidates’ right to privacy when they apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions associated with the job applicant website used to apply for employment with the Company.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how the Company, as the data controller, processes “Personal Data” (any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person that is protected by applicable law) relating to candidates applying for employment.  

    If you are a Candidate applying for a position at Pernod Ricard USA LLC, the Company is Pernod Ricard USA LLC and/or Pernod Ricard Marketing US.

    If you are a candidate applying for a position at Mumm Napa, the Company is Mumm Napa, Pernod Ricard Winemakers Napa, LLC, and/or Pernod Ricard Kenwood Holding LLC.  

    If you are a candidate applying for a position at Kenwood, the Company is Mumm Napa, Pernod Ricard Winemakers Napa, LLC, and/or Pernod Ricard Kenwood Holding LLC.  

    If you are a candidate applying for a position at Pernod Ricard Americas Travel Retail, the Company is Pernod Ricard Americas Travel Retail LLC.  
    If you are a candidate applying for a position at Convivialite Ventures, LLC, the Company is Convivialite Ventures LLC.
    If you are a candidate applying for a position at Our Vodka, the Company is Our Vodka USA LLC.

    This Privacy Notice replaces all previous disclosures we may have provided to our candidates about our information and privacy practices with respect to our recruitment process.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data from or about candidates in order for them to participate in the recruitment process:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the candidate’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, work visa, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of a candidate of foreign nationality);
    - results of tests, assessments, background checks, questionnaires, and interviews which may be conducted during the recruitment process;
    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group), interests, and other information submitted by or on behalf of the candidate (such as on a CV, resume, cover letter, or job application) as part of the application process; and
    - information relating to the job for which the candidate is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations).

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects Personal Data about candidates that is relevant to the recruitment process from the following sources:

    - Directly from candidates and their agents through application forms, resumes, cover letters, and other application materials;
    - Through job applicant websites and similar third-party platforms;
    - Interviews by the Company and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting acting on the Company’s behalf;
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by the Company and/or a third-party provider specialized in recruiting acting on the Company’s behalf, which may involve communications with references, educational institutions, and current and former employers;
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.), tests of logic, language skills, and similar assessments that are job-related and consistent with business necessity; and
    - Review of publicly available information (including, without limitation, information posted publicly on social media platforms).

    Why and how do we process Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing and engaging in the recruitment process and, in the event the candidate is hired, for purposes related to the hiring and employment of the candidate, such as verification of authorization to work, enrollment in and delivery of benefits, payment of wages, tax calculations, and related purposes.

    What is the Company’s lawful basis for processing of Personal Data.

    Personal Data is processed for purposes of processing the candidate’s application, to contact the candidate during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    The processing of Personal Data is also necessary for the performance of the candidate’s employment contract or in order to take steps as part of entering into a contract for employment. In addition, the processing of Personal Data is in the legitimate interest of the Company to evaluate its candidates before making a job offer.

    Finally, we may process Personal Data when the candidate requests or authorizes us to do so.

    Who are the recipients of Personal Data?

    The recipients of Personal Data include:

    - vendors and service providers that are engaged by the Company to process Personal Data as part of the Company’s recruitment and employment process, including without limitation job application sites, recruitment agencies, commercial email providers, background check providers, service companies specialized in recruiting, and other vendors we engage so that they may provide services to us or on our behalf;
    - personnel at the Company, including Human Resources professionals, management, and the candidate’s prospective managers, subordinates, and/or colleagues;
    - regulatory, law enforcement, judicial bodies, or other third parties as may be required by applicable law;
    - Company-affiliated entities; and
    - the professional references the candidate identifies in the application materials, if any.

    The Company may, in the future, sell or otherwise transfer some or all of the Company’s business, operations or assets to a third party, whether by merger, acquisition or otherwise. Personal Data may be disclosed to any potential or actual third-party acquirers and may be among those assets transferred.

    How do we protect Personal Data?

    We employ reasonable and appropriate physical, technical, and organizational safeguards designed to promote the security of our systems and protect the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience of Personal Data. Those safeguards include: (i) the pseudonymization and encryption of Personal Data where we deem appropriate; (ii) taking steps to ensure Personal Data is backed up and remains available in the event of a security incident; and (iii) periodic testing, assessment, and evaluation of the effectiveness of our safeguards.

    However, no method of safeguarding information is completely secure. While we use measures designed to protect Personal Data, we cannot guarantee that our safeguards will be effective or sufficient. In addition, candidates should be aware that Internet data transmission is not always secure, and we cannot warrant that information candidates transmit over the Internet is or will be secure.

    How long do we keep Personal Data?

    Personal Data processed as part of the recruitment process is kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures as well as to the extent we deem necessary to carry out the processing activities described above, including but not limited to compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and requests of relevant law enforcement and/or other governmental agencies, and to the extent we reasonably deem necessary to protect our and our partners’ rights, property, or safety, and the rights, property, and safety of our users and other third parties.

    Is Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to candidates may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide, including in the United States and Canada. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that provide a different level of data protection than the laws in the country from where the candidate submitted Personal Data, and Personal Data may become accessible as permitted by law in those jurisdictions, including to law enforcement and/or national security authorities.

    Where data is transferred to another country and where required by applicable law, the Company takes measures to maintain the protection of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing standard contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law (where the transfer is to a location not otherwise subject to an adequacy decision).

    What are the candidate’s rights regarding Personal Data?

    Depending on the laws applicable to the candidate and to the Company, the candidate may have a variety of legal rights regarding our processing of Personal Data. To exercise any of the below rights, to the extent they apply to the candidate, the candidate should contact us using the information provided at the end of this Notice.

    Note, however, that we may request certain reasonable additional information (that may include Personal Data) to help us authenticate the request and/or to clarify or understand the scope of such requests.

    These rights vary depending on the particular laws of the jurisdiction applicable to the candidate, but may include:

    - The right to request to access Personal Data we process about the candidate.
    - The right to request to rectify Personal Data about the candidate if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - The right to request the erasure of Personal Data about the candidate in certain circumstances (i) if such Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were processed, (ii) the candidate has withdrawn consent to data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) the candidate has objected to the data processing and there were no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, and/or (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company. Note that there are certain exceptions to this right (including the Company’s establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims or to comply with legal obligations) so not every request may be granted.
    - The right to request the restriction of processing of Personal Data about the candidate (i) in the event the accuracy of the Personal Data is contested to allow the Company to check such accuracy, (ii) if the candidate wishes to restrict the processing of Personal Data in lieu of erasure in the event that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if the candidate wishes the Company to keep Personal Data about them because the candidate needs it for their establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims and/or (iv) if the candidate has objected to processing based on the Company’s legitimate interests, during the period in which the Company verifies whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override the candidate’s rights.
    - The right to request the Personal Data the candidate provided to us be provided to the candidate (or, where technically feasible, to another controller) in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, if and to the extent processing of Personal Data is based on the candidate’s consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - The right to object to the processing of Personal Data about the candidate by us, at any time, for direct marketing purposes, for marketing purposes based on profiling, for automated decisionmaking, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing).
    - The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority located in the jurisdiction of the candidate’s habitual residence, place of work, or where an alleged violation of law occurred with respect to the processing of Personal Data about the candidate.
    - The right to be informed about the Personal Data we process about the candidate, for what purposes, and what Personal Data has been shared.
    - Where processing of personal data is based on consent, the right to withdraw consent to processing of Personal Data at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on such consent before its withdrawal.

    How can candidates contact us?

    If candidates have any questions, complaints, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Lani Montoya
    Pernod Ricard USASVP Human Resources250 Park Avenue, 17th FloorNew York, NY 10177
    or sending an email to

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your personal data is a serious commitment for us and we respect your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website. 

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how each of our companies processes, as Data Controller, (hereafter “Company”) Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.   

    If you are applying for a position at Pernod Ricard Finland, Pansiontie 47, FI-20210 Turku or Fabianinkatu 8, FI-0130 Helsinki, the Company is Pernod Ricard Finland Oy. 

    1. What Personal Data do we collect? 

    The Company collects the following mandatory and/or optional Personal Data: 

    identification and administrative data (such as name, personal identification number, nationality, date of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality),


    results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant,


    data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group), and


    information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations)

    The Company does not request sensitive personal data, for example racial or ethnical origin, political  
    views, religious or philosophical conviction, union membership, health or sexual orientation so please do not submit that information in your application, unless the Company or you are compelled to do so by law.  

    2. How do we collect your Personal Data? 

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following: 

    Job interviews performed by the Company and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting,

    Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,

    Tests of logic and/or English tests as may be required for the position, and

    Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    3. Why do we collect Personal Data? 

    The Company collects, stores, uses, and processes your Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.  

    The processing of Personal Data is necessary to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.   Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information. Personal data may also be processed to safeguard our rights in case of a dispute as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of the Company’s recruitment process.  

    Purpose and legal basis  

    To provide you with job alerts and related corporate information, based on consent

    To establish, exercise, or defend against legal claims, based on legal obligations (e.g. labor, data protection, and non-discrimination laws as well as penal codes)

    To perform a contract to which you are a party or to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract. For instance, to take steps prior to entering an employment contract with you, based on fulfilment of contract

    For recruiting purposes, to determine your qualifications for employment, perform candidate screening, administrate talent pools and referral programs, to process referee data and surveys, based on the legitimate interest of the Company

    4. Who are the recipients of your Personal Data? 

    The recipients of your Personal Data include: 

    the service companies specialized in recruiting mandated by the Company,

    the HR department, the recruiting manager(s) and/or other members of the team affected by the position,

    regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required,

    other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    5. How long do we keep your Personal Data? 

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in each Company in accordance with the Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations. 

    Retention Time:  

    Spontaneous Applications: 24 months (based on fulfilment of contract)

    Regular Applications: 24 months (based on legitimate interest, considering the possibility of a claim under the Non-Discrimination Act 1325/2014)

    6. Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?  

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Pernod Ricard Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data. 

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by taking the appropriate measures required by law, such as implementing standard contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission. 

    7. What are your rights regarding your Personal Data? 

    Right to access: You can request to access your Personal Data.

    Right to rectification: You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete, or out-of-date.

    Right to erasure: You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.

    Right to restriction: You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow the Company to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.

    Right to portability: You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.

    Right to object to processing based on our legitimate interest: You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).  

    Right to Refuse or Withdraw Consent: In case we ask for your consent to processing, you are free to refuse to give consent and you can withdraw your consent at any time without detriment by contacting us using the contact information provided below or, in case of direct marketing e-mail communications, by clicking on the unsubscribe link. The lawfulness of any processing of your personal data that occurred prior to the withdrawal of your consent will not be affected.

    8. How do you exercise your rights?  

    You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR. The relevant contact info can be found here:  

    For further information on how to complain to the Finnish Data Protection Agency, we refer to the Finnish Data Ombudsman's website:

    9. How can you contact us? 
    If you have any questions, complaints, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact:  

    10. DPO  
    We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to ensure that we continuously process your personal data in an open, accurate and legal manner. You can contact the DPO at the following address: 

    Att: Florence Raynal 
    Pernod Ricard SA  
    5 cours Paul Ricard 
    75783 Paris Cedex 16 

    or by sending an email to

  • Note d’information relative à la protection des données à l’attention des candidats

    Pernod Ricard porte une attention particulière à la protection de votre vie privée et de vos Données Personnelles. Pernod Ricard respecte votre droit à la vie privée lorsque vous postulez à un emploi via ce site Internet, conformément aux dispositions des lois et réglementations applicables en matière de protection des données, telles que le Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (ci-après « RGPD »). La présente note d'information relative à la protection des données à l'attention des candidats (ci-après « Note ») doit être lue conjointement avec les conditions générales d'utilisation du site Internet dédié aux candidatures.

    La présente Note décrit la façon dont la Société traite, en tant que responsable de traitement, les Données Personnelles relatives aux personnes postulant à un emploi.

    - Si vous postulez à un emploi au sein de Pernod Ricard, S.A., dont le siège est 5, cours Paul Ricard, 75008 Paris, France, la Société est Pernod Ricard.

    - Si vous postulez à un emploi au sein de Pernod Ricard France, S.A.S., dont le siège est 10 place de la Joliette – Les Docks 13002 Marseille, France, la Société est Pernod Ricard France.

    - Si vous postulez à un emploi au sein de Martell & Co, S.A., dont le siège est Place Edouard Martell 16100 Cognac, France, la Société est Martell & Co.

    - Si vous postulez à un emploi au sein de G. H. Mumm & Cie, S.A.S, dont le siège est 29 rue du Champ de Mars 51100 Reims, France, la Société est G. H. Mumm & Cie.

    - Si vous postulez à un emploi au sein de Champagne Perrier-Jouët, S.A., dont le siège est 28 avenue de Champagne, 51200 Epernay, France, la Société est Champagne Perrier-Jouët.

    - Si vous postulez à un emploi au sein de Vignobles Mumm Perrier-Jouët, S.A., dont le siège est 28 avenue de Champagne, 51200 Epernay, France, la Société est Vignobles Mumm Perrier-Jouët.

    - Si vous postulez à un emploi au sein de Le Maine Au Bois, S.A., dont le siège est 24, chemin de l’Alambic, 17520 St-Eugène, France, la Société est Le Maine au Bois.

    - Si vous postulez à un emploi au sein de Domaines Jean Martell, S.A.S, dont le siège est domaine de Lignières 16170 Rouillac, France, la Société est Domaines Jean Martell.

    - Si vous postulez à un emploi au sein de Pernod Ricard, Europe, Middle East and Africa, S.A.S., dont le siège est 5, cours Paul Ricard, 75008 Paris, France, la Société est Pernod Ricard, Europe, Middle East and Africa.

    - Si vous postulez à un emploi au sein de Pernod Ricard La Voisine, S.A.S., dont le siège est La Voisine 78120 Clairefontaine-en-Yvelines, France, la Société est Pernod Ricard La Voisine.

    - Si vous postulez à un emploi au sein de Drinks & Co Store France, dont le siège est 106 bis rue Saint Lazare 75008 Paris, France, la Société est Drinks & Co.

    - Si vous postulez à un emploi au sein de Mx, S.A.S., dont le siège est 10 place de la Joliette – Les Docks 13002 Marseille, France, la Société est Mx.

    - Si vous postulez à un emploi au sein de Pernod Ricard Middle East and North Africa, S.A.S., dont le siège est 5 cours Paul Ricard, 75008 Paris, France, la Société est Pernod Ricard Middle East and North Africa.

    Quelles sont les Données Personnelles que nous collectons ?

    La Société recueille les Données Personnelles qui présentent un lien direct et nécessaire avec l’emploi proposé ou avec l’évaluation des aptitudes professionnelles du candidat. Les Données Personnelles que la Société collecte sont les suivantes :

    - Les données d’identification et administratives (telles que l'identité du candidat, sa date et son lieu de naissance, son sexe, son adresse de résidence, son numéro de téléphone personnel et son adresse courriel, son titre de séjour ou toute autre autorisation nécessaire pour le recrutement d'un candidat de nationalité étrangère),

    - Les résultats des tests/évaluations qui peuvent être effectués au cours du processus de recrutement. Ces résultats restent confidentiels et seul le candidat peut en obtenir communication,

    - Les données relatives aux compétences professionnelles (telles que les compétences, la formation, les diplômes, l'historique des expériences professionnelles passées et, le cas échéant, le parcours professionnel au sein du Groupe Pernod Ricard),

    - Les informations relatives à l’emploi pour lequel le candidat présente sa candidature (telles que l’intitulé du poste et de la fonction, la nature des obligations).

    Les Données Personnelles Sensibles, telles que définies à l’article 9 du RGPD, ne peuvent être traitées que si le candidat donne son consentement exprès. Ce consentement pourra être retiré à tout moment. Aucune information sensible portant sur son numéro de sécurité sociale, sa famille, ses opinions politiques ou son appartenance syndicale ne sera demandée au candidat.

    Comment collectons-nous vos Données Personnelles ?

    Dans le cadre du recrutement, la Société utilise des méthodes et des techniques pertinentes et nécessaires au regard des finalités poursuivies. Ces méthodes et techniques sont composées des éléments suivants :

    - Entretiens d'embauche par la Société et/ou une société tierce spécialisée dans le recrutement,

    - Vérification des diplômes, des références et de l'expérience professionnelle par un prestataire tiers spécialisé dans le recrutement,

    - Tests de logique, test d'anglais si nécessaire pour le poste,

    - Évaluations professionnelles (cas pratiques par écrit, etc.).

    Pourquoi collectons-nous vos Données Personnelles ?

    La Société recueille, stocke, utilise et traite les Données Personnelles du candidat aux seules fins de la gestion du processus de recrutement.

    Le traitement des Données Personnelles est donc nécessaire afin de pouvoir évaluer la capacité du candidat à occuper l’emploi proposé ou évaluer ses aptitudes professionnelles préalablement à la conclusion d'un contrat de travail, dans l'intérêt légitime de la Société.

    Les Données Personnelles sont également nécessaires au traitement de la candidature du candidat, pour contacter le candidat pendant le traitement, répondre à ses questions et/ou demander des informations complémentaires.

    Qui sont les destinataires de vos Données Personnelles ?

    Les destinataires des Données Personnelles sont :

    - les sociétés de services spécialisées dans le recrutement mandatées par la Société,

    - le département Ressources Humaines de la Société, le ou les départements de la Société concernés par le recrutement, ainsi que l’équipe en charge des questions juridiques pour la Société,

    - les organismes de réglementation ou les instances judiciaires, selon les besoins,

    - d’autres filiales ou sociétés du Groupe Pernod Ricard.

    Combien de temps conservons-nous vos Données Personnelles ?

    Les Données Personnelles du candidat sont conservées par le service des ressources humaines pour la durée nécessaire à la finalité du traitement, conformément à la politique de la Société et aux dispositions légales et règlementaires applicables.

    En tout état de cause, en cas de rejet d’une candidature, les Données Personnelles du candidat seront détruites dans un délai maximum de 2 ans après le dernier contact avec le candidat, sauf accord formel du candidat pour une conservation plus longue.

    Vos Données Personnelles font-t-elles l’objet d’un transfert dans d’autres pays ?

    Le Groupe Pernod Ricard étant une organisation internationale, certaines Données Personnelles relatives aux candidats peuvent être traitées par d'autres entités du Groupe dans le monde. Les Données Personnelles peuvent être transférées dans des pays qui ont un niveau de protection des données différent de celui existant dans le pays à partir duquel les candidats ont soumis leurs Données Personnelles.

    Dans ce cas, le Groupe Pernod Ricard prend les mesures appropriées pour assurer la sécurité des Données Personnelles tant pendant leur transfert que sur le lieu de réception en mettant en œuvre les clauses contractuelles prévues par la Commission Européenne, conformément à la législation applicable.

    Quels sont vos droits relatifs à vos Données Personnelles ?

    - Vous pouvez demander à accéder à vos Données Personnelles.

    - Vous pouvez demander la rectification de vos Données Personnelles si elles sont inexactes ou incomplètes.

    - Vous pouvez demander l'effacement de vos Données Personnelles (i) si vos Données Personnelles ne sont plus nécessaires au regard des finalités pour lesquelles elles ont été collectées, (ii) si vous avez retiré votre consentement au traitement des données qui était fondé sur la base exclusive de ce consentement, (iii) si vous vous êtes opposé au traitement des données, (iv) si le traitement est illicite, (v) si les Données Personnelles doivent être effacées pour respecter une obligation légale applicable à la Société.

    - Vous pouvez demander la limitation du traitement (i) en cas de contestation de l'exactitude de vos Données Personnelles pour permettre à Pernod Ricard de vérifier cette exactitude, (ii) si vous souhaitez limiter vos Données Personnelles plutôt que de les supprimer alors que le traitement est illicite, (iii) si vous souhaitez que la Société conserve vos Données Personnelles parce que vous en avez besoin pour votre défense dans le cadre d'actions en justice, (iv) si vous vous opposez au traitement mais que la Société procède à une vérification pour vérifier si elle a des motifs légitimes pour un tel traitement.

    - Vous pouvez demander la portabilité des Données Personnelles que vous nous avez fournies, si le traitement des Données Personnelles est basé sur votre consentement ou sur l'exécution d'un contrat et est effectué par des procédés automatisés.

    - Vous avez le droit de vous opposer à tout moment au traitement de vos Données Personnelles à des fins de marketing direct, de marketing basé sur le profilage ou si le traitement des données est basé sur l'intérêt légitime de la Société (sauf si elle peut démontrer l’existence de motifs légitimes et impérieux pour un tel traitement).

    - Vous avez le droit de définir des directives relatives à la conservation, à l’effacement et à la communication des Données Personnelles après votre décès.

    - Vous avez le droit d’introduire une réclamation auprès de la Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 Paris Cedex 07) si vous considérez que le traitement de vos Données Personnelles constitue une violation du RGPD.

    Comment nous contacter ?

    Si vous avez des questions, des plaintes ou des commentaires concernant la présente Note ou les pratiques de traitement de Données Personnelles de la Société, veuillez nous contacter à l’adresse de la Société indiquée ci-dessus ou en envoyant un courriel à

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”) and the Data Protection Act. This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how the Company processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.

    If you are applying for a position at Pernod Ricard Ghana (“Company”):

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.
    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialized in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the HR department
    - regulatority or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR and the respective applicable data privacy of your country.

    How can you contact us?
    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Ghana 
    2nd Floor Secant Tower, Plot No. 398
    7th Lane, Osu RE, 
    Accra, Ghana
    or sending an email to


    Η προστασία της ιδιωτικότητας των προσωπικών δεδομένων είναι πολύ σημαντική για την Pernod Ricard.
    H Pernod Ricard PERNOD RICARD ΕΛΛΑΣ ΑΒΕΕ, η oπoία έχει έδρα στην Μυτιλήνη επί της παρόδου Ναυμαχίας Έλλης 119 και διατηρεί υποκατάστημα στην Παλλήνη Αττικής επί της Λ. Ανθούσας, με ΑΦΜ 094276237, ΔΟΥ Μυτιλήνης,  σέβεται το δικαίωμα της ιδιωτικότητας όταν κάνετε αίτηση για απασχόληση μέσω της ηλεκτρονικής της πλατφόρμας, σύμφωνα με τις διατάξεις κάθε σχετικής νομοθεσίας  για την προστασία δεδομένων, όπως ο νόμος σύμφωνα με τον γενικό κανονισμό προστασίας δεδομένων (εφεξής GDPR).
    Η γνωστοποίηση για την προστασία προσωπικών δεδομένων για τους αιτούντες (εφεξής γνωστοποίηση) θα πρέπει να αναγνωσθεί σε συνδυασμό με τους όρους και  διατάξεις  για την χρήση της διαδικτυακής πλατφόρμας για την υποβολή αιτήσεως.
    Ο στόχος αυτής της Γνωστοποίησης είναι να ενημερώσει πως η Εταιρεία διαχειρίζεται, ως ελεγκτής δεδομένων, προσωπικές πληροφορίες σχετικές  με υποψήφιους που κάνουν αίτηση για απασχόληση.
    Εάν συμπληρώνεται αίτηση για μια θέση στην Pernod Ricard η Εταιρεία είναι η Pernod Ricard
    Τι προσωπικά δεδομένα συγκεντρώνουμε
    Η εταιρεία συγκεντρώνει τα παρακάτω προσωπικά δεδομένα 
    Πληροφορίες ταυτοποίησης και διοικητικής διαχείρισης  (όπως η ταυτότητα του /της αιτούμενου –ης , ημερομηνία και τόπος γέννησης, φύλλο, διεύθυνση κατοικίας, προσωπικό τηλέφωνο επικοινωνίας και διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου, άδεια παραμονής και κάθε απαραίτητη πληροφορία για την επιβεβαίωση των στοιχείων για την έγκριση απασχόλησης όταν ο υποψήφιος είναι αλλοδαπός ) .
    - Τα αποτελέσματα εξετάσεων/αξιολογήσεων που μπορεί να διεξαχθούν κατά την διάρκεια της επιλογής προσωπικού, που παραμένουν εμπιστευτικές και η γνωστοποίησή τους μπορεί να αποκτηθεί από τον αιτούμενο.
    - Δεδομένα σχετικά με επαγγελματικές ικανότητες (ικανότητες, εκπαίδευση, διπλώματα, ιστορικό επαγγελματικής προϋπηρεσίας και κατά περίπτωση προηγούμενη επαγγελματική απασχόληση στον Όμιλο Pernod Ricard)
    - Πληροφορίες σχετικά με την θέση για την οποία ο ενδιαφερόμενος κάνει αίτηση (όπως η εργασία και τίτλος θέσης, φύση των υποχρεώσεων).
    Αυτή η συγκατάθεση μπορεί να αποσυρθεί οποιαδήποτε στιγμή.

    Πως συλλέγουμε τις προσωπικές σας πληροφορίες
    Η Εταιρεία χρησιμοποιεί μεθόδους και τεχνικές στα πλαίσια της επιλογής προσωπικού που είναι σχετικές και απαραίτητες και απαρτίζονται από τα παρακάτω.
    - Συνέντευξη επιλογής προσωπικού από την Pernod Ricard και / η άλλη εταιρεία ειδικευμένη στην επιλογή προσωπικού
    - Επαλήθευση διπλωμάτων, συστατικών επιστολών και επαγγελματικής εμπειρίας από εταιρεία πάροχο ειδικευμένη στην επιλογή προσωπικού
    - Εξετάσεις λογικής, εξέταση Αγγλικών όπως κρίνεται απαραίτητο για την θέση.
    - Επαγγελματικές αξιολογήσεις (επίλυση γραπτός πρακτικών προβλημάτων και άλλα)

    Η Εταιρεία συλλέγει αποθηκεύει, χρησιμοποιεί και επεξεργάζεται Προσωπικά Δεδομένα του υποψήφιου αποκλειστικά με  στόχο την διαχείριση της διαδικασίας επιλογής.
    Η διαχείριση ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΩΝ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΩΝ είναι λοιπόν απαραίτητη ώστε να ληφθούν τα απαραίτητα μέτρα πριν την ολοκλήρωση της σύμβασης απασχόλησης, για την νομική προστασίας της Εταιρείας, συγκεκριμένα για την αξιολόγηση ενός υποψήφιου πριν την υποβολή προσφοράς εργασίας.
    Τα ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΑ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΑ είναι επίσης απαραίτητα για την διαχείριση της αίτησης του υποψηφίου, την επικοινωνία με τον υποψήφιο κατά την διαδικασία διαχείρισης για την απάντηση ερωτημάτων και /η για την ζήτηση επιπλέον πληροφοριών.
    Ποιοι είναι οι αποδέκτες των ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΩΝ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΩΝ

    Στους αποδέχτες των ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΏΝ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΩΝ συμπεριλαμβάνονται:
    - Εταιρείες υπηρεσιών ειδικευμένες στην επιλογή προσωπικού που έχουν οριστεί από την Εταιρεία.
    - Το τμήμα ανθρώπινου δυναμικού
    - Ρυθμιστικά ή νομικά όργανα όπως είναι απαραίτητο
    - Άλλοι συνεργάτες της Pernod Ricard
    Τα  ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΑ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΑ διατηρούνται από το τμήμα ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΠΟΡΩΝ σύμφωνα με τις εφαρμόσιμες  πολίτικές διαδικασίες διατήρησης της Εταιρείας και όπως απαιτούνται από τους τοπικούς νόμους και διατάξεις.
    Επειδή ο όμιλος Pernod Ricard είναι μια διεθνής οργάνωση κάποια ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΑ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΑ σχετικά με τους υποψήφιους μπορεί να είναι διαχειρίσιμα από άλλες εταιρείες του ομίλου παγκοσμίος.
    Τα ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΑ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΑ μπορεί να μεταφέρονται σε χώρες που έχουν διαφορετικό  νομικό επίπεδο προστασίας δεδομένων συγκριτικά με τη χώρα όπου έχετε υποβάλε ιτα ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΑ ΣΑΣ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΑ.
    Σε αυτή την περίπτωση ο όμιλος Pernod Ricard παίρνει τα κατάλληλα μέτρα για την διατήρηση των ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΩΝ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΩΝ κατά την μεταφορά τους στην περιοχή λήψης με την εφαρμογή όρων σύμβασης όπως προβλέπονται από την Ευρωπαϊκή κοινότητα σύμφωνα με τον ισχύοντα νόμο

    - Μπορείτε να ζητήσετε πρόσβαση στα προσωπικά σας δεδομένα
    - Μπορείτε να ζητήσετε την αλλαγή των ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΩΝ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΩΝ εάν είναι ανακριβή, ελλειπή, ετεροχρονισμένα.
    - Μπορείτε να ζητήσετε την διαγραφή των ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΩΝ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΩΝ (i) εάν τα προσωπικά σας δεδομένα δεν είναι απαραίτητα για τον σκοπό της διαχείρισης δεδομένων (ii) έχετε αποσύρει την συγκατάθεση για την διαχείριση δεδομένων που βασιζόταν αποκλειστικά σε αύτη την συγκατάθεση  (iii)
    - Είχατε ένσταση στην διαχείριση δεδομένων (iv) η διαχείριση προσωπικών δεδομένων είναι παράνομη (v) τα προσωπικά δεδομένα πρέπει να διαγραφούνε για την συμμόρφωση με την νομική υποχρέωση που ισχύει για την Εταιρεία
    - Μπορείτε να ζητήσετε τον περιορισμό της διαχείρισης (vi) στην περίπτωση που η ακρίβεια των προσωπικών δεδομένων προσβάλλεται για να επιτρέψει στην Pernod Ricard να ελέγξει αυτήν την ακρίβεια (vii)  εάν επιθυμητέ να περιορίσετε τα προσωπικά σας δεδομένα αντί για την διαγραφή τους παρά το γεγονός ότι η διαχείριση είναι παράνομη.(viii) εάν επιθυμητέ η Εταιρεία να κρατήσει τα προσωπικά δεδομένα επειδή τα χρειάζεστε για την υποστήριξη στα πλαίσια νομικής απαίτησης (iv) εάν έχετε αντιτεθεί στην διαχείριση αλλά η Εταιρεία πραγματοποιεί επιβεβαίωση για να ελέγξει εάν υπάρχει νομικό πλαίσιο για τέτοια διαχείριση  που ξεπερνάει τα δικά σας δικαιώματα εάν η διαχείριση δεδομένων βασίζεται σε έννομο ενδιαφέρον της εταιρείας.
    - Μπορείτε να ζητήσετε την φορητότητα των προσωπικών δεδομένων που έχετε παρέχει σε εμάς, εάν η διαχείριση ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΩΝ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΩΝ βασίζεται στην δική σας συγκατάθεση ή στην εκτέλεση μιας σύμβασης και υλοποιείται αυτόματα.
    - Έχετε το δικαίωμα ένστασης στη διαχείριση των ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΩΝ ΣΑΣ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΩΝ από εμάς, ανά πάσα στιγμή, με σκοπό άμεσο μάρκετινγκ, με σκοπό το μάρκετινγκ που βασίζεται στη διαμόρφωση προφίλ, ή εάν η διαχείριση δεδομένων βασίζεται στο έννομο ενδιαφέρον της εταιρείας (εκτός εάν μπορεί να αποδείξει επιτακτικούς νομικούς λόγους για την διαχείριση).
    - Έχετε το δικαίωμα να υποβάλλεται διαμαρτυρία σε μια ελεγκτική αρχή εάν πιστεύετε ότι η διαχείριση παραβιάσει το GDPR.



    Εάν έχετε οποιαδήποτε ερώτηση, διαμαρτυρία, ή σχόλια σχετικά με αυτήν την ειδοποίηση ή τις πρακτικές μας για την συλλογή πληροφοριών, παρακαλούμε όπως επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας γραπτός στην διεύθυνση:

  • 致應徵者的資料保障通知書







    - 身分識別及行政資料(如求職者的身份、出生日期及地點、性別、住址、婚姻狀況、個人電話號碼及電郵地址、居留許可證(titre de séjour)或就招聘持外國國籍求職者所必須具備的任何其他授權)

    - 在招聘過程中可能進行的測驗/評估的結果,有關結果將予以保密且只有求職者才可獲告知

    - 關於專業技能的資料(例如技能、培訓、文憑、過往專業經驗歷程,以及(視何者適用而定)過往在保樂力加集團內的職業生涯)

    - 關於求職者所申請職位的資料(例如職位及職稱、職責性質),




    - 保樂力加及/或專門進行招聘的第三方供應商公司所進行的求職面試,
    - 專門進行招聘的第三方供應商對文憑、推薦書及專業經驗進行的核證,
    - 按職位所需而可能進行的邏輯及英語測驗
    - 專業評估(以書面形式解決實務問題等)






    - 獲本公司委託而專門進行招聘的服務公司
    - 人力資源部
    - 監管或司法機構(視相關需要而定)
    - 其他保樂力加聯屬公司







    - 閣下可要求查閱本身的個人資料。
    - 如閣下的個人資料不準確、不完整或過時,閣下可要求作出更正。
    - 在下列情況下,閣下可要求刪除本身的個人資料:(i)閣下的個人資料就資料處理目的而言不再必需;(ii)閣下已撤回對資料處理的同意,而該同意是有關資料處理的唯一依據;(iii)閣下反對資料處理;(iv)個人資料處理屬違法;(v)個人資料必須予以刪除,以遵循適用於本公司的法律責任。
    - 在下列情況下,閣下可要求對處理施以限制:(i)閣下個人資料的準確性遭到質疑,以致保樂力加可查核其是否準確;(ii)閣下希望對閣下的個人資料施以限制(而非將之刪除),儘管該處理屬違法;(iii)閣下希望本公司保存閣下的個人資料,因為閣下就法律申索的抗辯而需要該等個人資料;(iv)閣下已反對有關處理,但本公司進行核實以確定其是否有進行該處理的合法理由,而若基於本公司的合法權益而進行資料處理,有可能會凌駕於閣下的自身權利。
    - 如果個人資料處理是基於閣下的同意或某合約的履行並且是以自動化方式進行,則閣下可要求閣下已向我們提供的個人資料的可攜性。
    - 閣下有權隨時反對我們為進行市場推廣(基於資料匯集與剖析)或者基於本公司的合法權益而處理閣下的個人資料,但如本公司可就該處理提出強烈的法律理由則屬例外。
    - 如閣下認為閣下個人資料的處理觸犯了GDPR,閣下有權向監督機關提出申訴。






    Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how the Company processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.

    If you are applying for a position at Pernod Ricard Asia Duty Free Limited, with its registered address at 12/F Sun Life Tower, 15 Canton Road, Harbour City, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong, the Company is Pernod Ricard Asia Duty Free Limited.

    If you are applying for a position at Pernod Ricard Hong Kong Limited, with its registered address at 12/F Sun Life Tower, 15 Canton Road, Harbour City, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong, the Company is Pernod Ricard Hong Kong Limited.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, marital status, personal phone number and email address, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain - confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the HR department
    - regulatority or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?
    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Asia Duty Free Limited / Pernod Ricard Hong Kong Limited
    12/F Sun Life Tower, 15 Canton Road,
    Harbour City, Tsimshatsui,
    Kowloon, Hong Kong.

    or sending an email to

  • No Terms and Conditions

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”); and Information Technology Act, 2000 (hereafter “IT Act”) and the rules made thereunder.

    This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how Pernod Ricard India Private Limited (the “Company/Pernod Ricard”) processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - Identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, age, curriculum vitae, address of residence, nationality, skills, educational qualifications, personal phone number and email address, marital status, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)

    - Financial details (such as bank and insurance details etc.) for payroll processing which may be procured during onboarding process.

    - Results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - Data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    The information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.), as may be required.

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.
    Personal Data is also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - The service companies specialized in recruiting mandated by the Company;
    - The HR department;
    - Regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - Other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Is your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, by ensuring the same level of data protection that is adhered to in India and in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR and/or to appropriate authority under the IT Act.

    How can you contact us?
    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard India Private Limited
    Regd. Office – 5th Floor, D-3, District Centre Saket, New Delhi, India - 110017

    Corporate Office: 15th Floor, Building No. 8C, DLF Cyber City, DLF Phase -II, Gurugram, Haryana, India - 122002
    or sending an email to

  • Pemberitahuan Informasi Perlindungan Data untuk Kandidat

    Melindungi privasi dan data pribadi Anda sangat penting bagi Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard menghargai hak privasi Anda saat Anda melamar pekerjaan melalui platform / situs web ini, sesuai dengan ketentuan dari setiap hukum dan peraturan perlindungan data yang berlaku, seperti Peraturan Perlindungan Data Umum (General Data Protection Regulation) (selanjutnya disebut "GDPR"). Pemberitahuan Informasi Perlindungan Data untuk Kandidat ini (selanjutnya disebut "Pemberitahuan") harus dibaca bersama dengan Syarat & Ketentuan untuk menggunakan situs web pelamar pekerjaan.

    Tujuan dari Pemberitahuan ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimana Perusahaan memproses, sebagai Pengontrol Data, Data Pribadi yang berkaitan dengan individu yang melamar pekerjaan.

    Jika Anda melamar untuk suatu posisi di Pernod Ricard Singapore Private Limited (Kantor Perwakilan Indonesia) di Tempo Scan Tower, Lantai 29 Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said, RT.5 / RW.4, Kuningan Timur, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950, ​​Indonesia, Perusahaan ini adalah Pernod Ricard Singapore Private Limited (Kantor Perwakilan Indonesia).

    Jika Anda melamar suatu posisi di PT Pernod Ricard Indonesia di Tempo Scan Tower Kav. 3-4 Lantai 21, Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said, RT.5 / RW.4, Kuningan Timur, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950, ​​Indonesia, Perusahaan ini adalah PT Pernod Ricard Indonesia.

    Data Pribadi apa yang kami kumpulkan?

    Perusahaan mengumpulkan Data Pribadi sebagai berikut:

    - Data identifikasi dan administrasi (seperti identitas, tanggal dan tempat lahir, jenis kelamin, alamat tempat tinggal, nomor telepon pribadi dan alamat email, kewarganegaraan, perincian paspor pelamar, atau otorisasi lain yang diperlukan untuk rekrutmen pelamar)

    - hasil tes/penilaian yang dapat dilakukan selama proses rekrutmen, yang tetap rahasia dan komunikasi yang hanya dapat diperoleh oleh pelamar

    - data yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan dan keterampilan profesional (seperti sekolah sebelumnya, keterampilan, pelatihan, diploma, sejarah pengalaman profesional masa lalu dan, mungkin, jalur karier masa lalu dalam Pernod Ricard Group)

    - informasi yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan yang pelamar lamar (seperti jabatan dan jabatan fungsi, sifat kewajiban),

    Data Pribadi Sensitif, sebagaimana didefinisikan dalam Pasal 9 GDPR, dapat diproses jika Anda telah memberi kami izin tertulis. Persetujuan ini dapat ditarik kapan saja.

    Bagaimana kami mengumpulkan Data Pribadi Anda?

    Perusahaan menggunakan metode dan teknik sebagai bagian dari rekrutmen yang relevan dan perlu dan terdiri dari:

    - Wawancara kerja oleh Pernod Ricard dan/atau perusahaan penyedia pihak ketiga yang berspesialisasi dalam merekrut,
    - Verifikasi kualifikasi pendidikan, referensi, dan pengalaman profesional oleh penyedia pihak ketiga yang berspesialisasi dalam merekrut,
    - Pemeriksaan latar belakang dan referensi oleh penyedia pihak ketiga yang berspesialisasi dalam melakukan pemeriksaan semacam itu,
    - Pemeriksaan medis oleh penyedia medis pihak ketiga untuk setiap kandidat yang berhasil dan sebelum pekerjaan formal,
    - Tes logika, tes bahasa Inggris yang mungkin diperlukan untuk posisi itu
    - Penilaian profesional (solusi kasus praktis secara tertulis, dll.)

    Mengapa kami mengumpulkan Data Pribadi?

    Perusahaan mengumpulkan, menyimpan, menggunakan, dan memproses Data Pribadi kandidat hanya untuk tujuan mengelola proses rekrutmen.

    Oleh karena itu, pemrosesan Data Pribadi diperlukan untuk dapat mengambil langkah-langkah sebelum berakhirnya kontrak kerja, demi kepentingan sah Perusahaan, yaitu untuk mengevaluasi kandidat sebelum mengajukan tawaran kerja.

    Data Pribadi juga diperlukan untuk memproses lamaran kandidat, untuk menghubungi pelamar selama pemrosesan tersebut, untuk menjawab pertanyaannya dan/atau untuk meminta informasi tambahan.

    Siapa penerima Data Pribadi Anda?

    Penerima Data Pribadi Anda meliputi:

    - perusahaan jasa berspesialisasi dalam merekrut yang diamanatkan oleh Perusahaan
    - perusahaan pihak ketiga yang berspesialisasi dalam melakukan pemeriksaan latar belakang atau referensi
    - penyedia medis pihak ketiga yang berspesialisasi dalam melakukan pemeriksaan medis
    - departemen SDM
    - badan pengatur atau yudisial, sebagaimana diperlukan
    - Afiliasi Pernod Ricard lainnya

    Berapa lama kami menyimpan Data Pribadi Anda?

    Data Pribadi disimpan oleh departemen Sumber Daya Manusia sesuai dengan kebijakan dan prosedur penyimpanan Perusahaan yang berlaku dan sebagaimana diharuskan oleh hukum dan peraturan setempat.

    Apakah Data Pribadi Anda ditransfer ke negara lain?

    Karena Pernod Ricard Group adalah organisasi mendunia, beberapa Data Pribadi yang berkaitan dengan pelamar dapat diproses oleh entitas lain dari Grup di seluruh dunia. Data Pribadi dapat ditransfer ke negara-negara yang memiliki tingkat undang-undang perlindungan data yang berbeda dari yang ada pada negara tempat Anda mengirimkan Data Pribadi Anda.

    Dalam hal ini, Pernod Ricard Group mengambil langkah-langkah yang wajar untuk menjaga keamanan Data Pribadi baik selama transit maupun di lokasi penerima dengan menerapkan klausul kontrak seperti yang ditetapkan oleh Komisi Eropa, sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku.

    Apa hak Anda sehubungan dengan Data Pribadi Anda?

    - Anda dapat meminta untuk mengakses Data Pribadi Anda.
    - Anda dapat meminta untuk memperbaiki Data Pribadi Anda jika data tersebut tidak akurat, tidak lengkap atau ketinggalan zaman.
    - Anda dapat meminta penghapusan Data Pribadi Anda (i) jika Data Pribadi Anda tidak lagi diperlukan untuk keperluan pemrosesan data, (ii) Anda telah menarik persetujuan Anda pada pemrosesan data yang semata-mata berdasarkan pada persetujuan tersebut (iii) Anda keberatan dengan pemrosesan data, (iv) pemrosesan Data Pribadi tidak sah, (v) Data Pribadi harus dihapus untuk mematuhi kewajiban hukum yang berlaku untuk Perusahaan.
    - Anda dapat meminta pembatasan pemrosesan (i) dalam hal keakuratan Data Pribadi Anda diperebutkan untuk memungkinkan Pernod Ricard memeriksa keakuratan tersebut, (ii) jika Anda ingin membatasi Data Pribadi Anda daripada menghapusnya meskipun pada faktanya pemrosesan tersebut tidak sah, (iii) jika Anda ingin Perusahaan menyimpan Data Pribadi Anda karena Anda memerlukannya untuk pembelaan Anda dalam konteks klaim hukum (iv) jika Anda keberatan dengan pemrosesan tetapi Perusahaan melakukan verifikasi untuk memeriksa apakah hal ini memiliki dasar yang sah untuk pemrosesan tersebut dimana dapat mengesampingkan hak Anda sendiri jika pemrosesan data didasarkan pada kepentingan sah Perusahaan.
    - Anda dapat meminta portabilitas Data Pribadi yang Anda berikan kepada kami, jika pemrosesan Data Pribadi didasarkan pada persetujuan Anda atau pelaksanaan kontrak dan dilakukan dengan cara otomatis.
    - Anda memiliki hak untuk menolak pemrosesan Data Pribadi Anda oleh kami, kapan saja, untuk tujuan pemasaran langsung, untuk tujuan pemasaran berdasarkan profil, atau jika pemrosesan data didasarkan pada kepentingan sah Perusahaan (kecuali jika hal ini dapat menunjukkan alasan hukum yang meyakinkan untuk pemrosesan).
    - Anda memiliki hak untuk mengajukan keluhan dengan otoritas pengawasan jika Anda berpandangan bahwa pemrosesan Data Pribadi Anda melanggar GDPR.

    Bagaimana Anda dapat menghubungi kami?

    Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, keluhan, atau komentar mengenai Pemberitahuan ini atau praktik pengumpulan informasi kami, silakan hubungi kami dengan menulis ke:

    Pernod Ricard Singapore Pte Ltd (Kantor Perwakilan Indonesia)
    Tempo Scan Tower, Lantai 29 Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said, RT.5 / RW.4, Kuningan Timur, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950, ​​Indonesia

    PT Pernod Ricard Indonesia
    Tempo Scan Tower Kav. 3-4 Lantai 21, Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said, RT.5 / RW.4, Kuningan Timur, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950, ​​Indonesia

    atau mengirim email ke


    Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how the Company processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.  

    If you are applying for a position at Pernod Ricard Singapore Private Limited (Indonesia Representative Office) at Tempo Scan Tower, 29th Floor Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said, RT.5/RW.4, Kuningan Tim., Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950, Indonesia, the Company is Pernod Ricard Singapore Private Limited (Indonesia Representative Office).

    If you are applying for a position at PT Pernod Ricard Indonesia at Tempo Scan Tower Kav. 3-4 Lantai 21, Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said, RT.5/RW.4, Kuningan Tim., Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950, Indonesia, the Company is PT Pernod Ricard Indonesia.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, nationality, passport details, or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to education and professional skills (such as previous schools, skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.


    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting,
    - Verification of educational qualifications, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Background and reference checks by a third-party provider specialized in conducting such checks,
    - Medical checks by a third-party medical provider for any candidate who is successful and prior to formal employment,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialized in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - third-party companies specialized in conducting background or reference checks
    - third-party medical providers specialized in conducting medical checks
    - the HR department
    - regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?
    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Singapore Pte Ltd (Indonesia Representative Office)
    Tempo Scan Tower, 29th Floor Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said, RT.5/RW.4, Kuningan Tim., Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950, Indonesia

    PT Pernod Ricard Indonesia
    Tempo Scan Tower Kav. 3-4 Lantai 21, Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said, RT.5/RW.4, Kuningan Tim., Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950, Indonesia

    or sending an email to

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”) and the Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018. This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job candidate website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how the Company processes, as Controller, Personal Data (as defined in the GDPR) relating to individuals applying for employment.  

    If you are applying for a position at Irish Distillers Limited, the Company is Irish Distillers Limited.

    If you are applying for a position at Watercourse Distillery Limited, the Company is Watercourse Distillery Limited.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the candidate’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit or any other necessary authorisation for the recruitment of a candidate who may require authorization to work in Ireland or the EEA);

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the candidate;

    - information relating to the candidates professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, where applicable, previous roles in the Pernod Ricard Group);

    - information relating to the job for which the candidate is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations);

    - any other personal information that the candidate provides directly to the Company.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses certain methods and techniques as part of its recruitment to collect Personal Data relating to candidates both directly from candidates and from third parties such as referees, including the following:

    Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party recruitment agency;
    Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party recruitment agency;
    Logic and English tests as may be required for the position;
    Professional assessments (e.g. solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process, e.g. to process the candidate’s application, to contact the candidate during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Legal bases for processing

    The legal bases on which the Company processes Personal Data in the manner described above are:

    such processing is necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the entering into an employment contract with the candidate;
    the legitimate interest of the Company in conducting our business in a responsible and commercially prudent manner and in evaluating candidates before making a job offer. The Company will not process Personal Data for these purposes if to do so would constitute an unwarranted interference with the candidate’s own interests, rights and freedoms; and to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.

    The legal bases on which the Company processes any special categories of Personal Data (as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, such as health data if the candidate chooses to provide it to us) in the manner described above are:

    - where such processing is necessary to comply with the Company’s obligations or to exercise the Company’s rights under employment and social security and social protection law;
    - to enable you to exercise your rights under employment and social security and social protection law; or
    - in limited circumstances, where you have given your explicit consent to such processing.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - recruitment agencies engaged by the Company;
    - the Company’s HR department;
    - regulatory or judicial bodies, as requested or required by law;
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates.

    Requirement to provide Personal Data

    You are not under a statutory or contractual obligation to provide us with any personal data. However, there are some pieces of information that you must provide to us, such as your name, contact details, employment history and professional skills, so that we can assess your suitability for the available position in the Company.

    If you do not provide us with this information, then we may not be in a position to assess your application or enter into a contract of employment with you.

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    As the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organisation, some Personal Data relating to candidates may be processed by other entities of the Group outside the European Economic Area. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, the Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to comply with our obligations under applicable law governing such transfers, which may include entering into a contract governing the transfer which contains the ‘standard contractual clauses’ approved for this purpose by the European Commission or, in respect of transfers to the United States of America, ensuring that the transfer is covered by the EU-US Privacy Shield framework.

    Further details of the measures that we have taken in this regard are available from

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent to data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Commission if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR, by emailing or calling 353 (0)761 104 800.

    How can you contact us?
    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Irish Distillers Limited
    Simmonscourt House
    Simmonscourt Road
    Dublin 4

    or sending an email to:


    Watercourse Distillery Limited
    Irish Distillers Limited
    Simmonscourt House
    Simmonscourt Road
    Dublin 4

    or sending an email to:

  • Informativa Privacy per i Candidati
    Proteggere la tua privacy e i tuoi dati personali è molto importante per Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard rispetta il diritto alla privacy dei candidati che presentano una candidatura per una posizione lavorativa, oppure una ?candidatura spontanea? tramite questa piattaforma/sito web e agisce in conformità con le disposizioni di legge vigenti sulla protezione dei dati e in particolare del Regolamento Generale sulla Protezione dei Dati (di seguito, "GDPR"). La presente Informativa Privacy per i candidati (di seguito "Informativa") deve essere letta congiuntamente ai Termini & Condizioni per l'utilizzo del sito web.
    Scopo dell'Informativa è descrivere come la Società processa, in qualità di Titolare del Trattamento, Dati Personali relativi a soggetti che presentano una candidatura per una posizione lavorativa oppure una ?candidatura spontanea?.
    Se ti stai candidando per una posizione aperta presso Pernod Ricard Italia oppure stai inoltrando a Pernod Ricard Italia una ?candidatura spontanea?, il Titolare del Trattamento dei Dati è Pernod Ricard Italia S.p.A., con sede in Via G. De Castillia, 23 ? 20124 ? Milano.
    1. Quali Dati Personali raccogliamo?
    La Società raccoglie i seguenti Dati Personali:

    dati identificativi e amministrativi (quali identità del candidato, data e luogo di nascita, genere, indirizzo diresidenza, numero di telefono personale e indirizzo e-mail, permesso di soggiorno o altra autorizzazionenecessaria per l'assunzione di un candidato di nazionalità estera);

    risultati di test/valutazioni che possono essere effettuati durante il processo di selezione, che rimangono riservat e la cui comunicazione può essere ottenuta solo dal candidato;

    dati relativi a competenze professionali (come ad esempio qualifiche, percorsi di formazione, diplomi/attestati,pregresse esperienze professionali e, a seconda dei casi, precedente percorso professionale all?interno del Gruppo Pernod Ricard);

    i Dati Personali particolari, come definiti all?Articolo 9 del GDPR, possono essere utili a valutare la candidatura pereventuali assunzioni in posizioni riservate a «categorie protette»; in tale caso, questi dati possono essere trattati soltanto qualora tu abbia fornito il consenso esplicito, sul curriculum o nella eventuale lettera di presentazione. Tale consenso potrà essere revocato in qualsiasi momento. Ti invitiamo a limitare le informazioni relative ai Dati Personali particolari, fornendo solo le informazioni strettamente necessarie ( ad esempio, comunicando alla Società la mera appartenenza a «categorie protette», specificando l?articolo di legge in forza del quale si è considerati appartenenti ad una delle categorie protette riconosciute dal nostro ordinamento e, ove applicabile, la percentuale di invalidità riconosciuta).

    2. Come raccogliamo i tuoi Dati Personali?
    Nell?ambito del processo di selezione, la Società utilizza metodi e tecniche pertinenti e necessari, quali, a titolo esemplificativo:

    Colloqui di selezione effettuati da Pernod Ricard e/o da fornitori terzi specializzati;

    Verifica di diplomi, referenze ed esperienza professionale da parte di fornitori terzi specializzati;

    Somministrazione di specifici test, utili ad approfondire competenze e attitudini relative alla posizione (ad esempio test di logica, test di inglese, risoluzione di business case).

    3. Perché raccogliamo i dati personali?
    La Società raccoglie, archivia, utilizza e tratta i Dati Personali del candidato esclusivamente con la finalità di gestire il processo di selezione.
    Il trattamento dei Dati Personali è propedeutico alla eventuale stipulazione di un contratto di lavoro, nell'interesse legittimo della Società, che durante il percorso di selezione deve poter valutare il candidato.
    I Dati Personali sono inoltre necessari per l?elaborazione della candidatura, per contattare il candidato durante il processo di selezione, per rispondere alle sue domande e/o per richiedere ulteriori informazioni. La mancata comunicazione dei dati comporta l?impossibilità per la Società di valutare la tua candidatura ai fini del processo di selezione.
    4. Chi sono i destinatari dei tuoi Dati Personali?

    I tuoi Dati Personali potranno essere comunicati ai seguenti soggetti:

    il dipartimento Risorse Umane;

    i dipendenti che, per il loro ruolo, hanno accesso alla casella email: ;

    le società di servizi specializzate nel recruiting, incaricate dalla Società;

    organi normativi o giudiziari, qualora richiesto;

    altre affiliate di Pernod Ricard, come meglio specificato al paragrafo 6 che segue.

    Le categorie dei soggetti sopra indicati, a loro volta, agiranno quali Titolari autonomi, Co-Titolari, o Responsabili di Trattamento.

    5. Quanto tempo conserviamo i tuoi Dati Personali?
    I Dati Personali sono conservati dal dipartimento Risorse Umane in conformità con le policy e le procedure vigenti della Società relative alla conservazione dei dati e secondo quanto richiesto dalle leggi locali e dai regolamenti.Pernod Ricard Italia conserverà i tuoi dati per lo stretto tempo necessario a raggiungere le finalità per cui sono stati raccolti. In particolare, non saranno conservati i dati relativi agli account creati più di 6 mesi prima e rispetto ai quali non si sia verificato alcun evento (ad esempio, una modifica o l'organizzazione di un colloquio).

    Qualora desideri modificare dati personali inesatti, incompleti o obsoleti, potrai contattare Pernod Ricard per richiederne la correzione. Inoltre, se ritieni, per qualsiasi motivo, che lo scopo del trattamento dei dati non sussista più, dovrai darne comunicazione scritta alla Società o inviare un messaggio di posta elettronica, come indicato al paragrafo 8. A seguito di tale notifica, la Società garantirà la cancellazione immediata dei dati forniti.
    6. I tuoi Dati Personali sono trasferiti in altri Paesi?
    Poiché il Gruppo Pernod Ricard è un?organizzazione globale, alcuni Dati Personali relativi ai candidati potranno essere trattati da altre entità del Gruppo in tutto il mondo. I Dati Personali potranno essere trasferiti in Paesi che hanno un diverso livello di tutela legale dei dati rispetto a quello esistente nel Paese dal quale hai inviato i tuoi Dati Personali.
    In questo caso, il Gruppo Pernod Ricard adotta le misure appropriate per mantenere la sicurezza dei Dati Personali, sia durante il trasferimento, che nel luogo di ricezione, mediante l'applicazione di clausole contrattuali stabilite dalla Commissione Europea, in conformità con la legge vigente.
    7. Quali sono i tuoi diritti relativi ai tuoi Dati Personali?

    Puoi richiedere l'accesso ai tuoi Dati Personali;

    puoi richiedere la rettifica dei tuoi Dati Personali se inesatti, incompleti o obsoleti;

    puoi richiedere la cancellazione dei tuoi Dati Personali (i) se i tuoi Dati Personali non sono più necessari rispetto alla finalità del trattamento dati, (ii) se hai revocato il consenso al trattamento dati basato esclusivamente su tale consenso, (iii) se ti opponi al trattamento dei dati, (iv) se i Dati Personali sono stati trattati illecitamente, (v) se i Dati Personali devono essere cancellati per adempiere un obbligo legale applicabile alla Società;

    puoi richiedere la limitazione del trattamento (i) nel caso in cui contesti l'esattezza dei tuoi Dati Personali per il periodo necessario a Pernod Ricard per verificarne l?esattezza, (ii) se scegli di limitare l?utilizzo dei Dati Personali

    anziché richiederne la cancellazione - in caso di trattamento illecito, (iii) se desideri che la Società conservi i tuoi Dati Personali perché ti sono necessari per la tua difesa in sede giudiziaria, (iv) se hai contestato il trattamento, ma la Società sta verificando la sussistenza di un interesse legittimo della Società che rappresenti una base giuridica prevalente;

    puoi richiedere la portabilità dei Dati Personali che ci hai fornito, se il trattamento dei Dati Personali è basato sul tuo consenso o sull'esecuzione di un contratto e viene effettuato con mezzi automatizzati;

    hai il diritto di opporti al trattamento dei tuoi Dati Personali da parte nostra, in qualsiasi momento, per finalità di marketing diretto, per finalità di marketing basate sulla profilazione, o se il trattamento dei dati è basato sull'interesse legittimo della Società (eccetto il caso in cui la Società possa dimostrare basi giuridiche obbligatorie per procedere al trattamento);

    hai il diritto di proporre reclamo ad un?autorità di controllo se ritieni che il trattamento dei tuoi Dati Personali violi il GDPR.

    8. Come puoi contattarci?

    In caso di domande, reclami o commenti riguardanti la presente Informativa o le nostre procedure di raccolta dati, ti preghiamo di contattarci scrivendo a:
    Pernod Ricard Italia S.p.A.Via G. De Castillia 23 ? 20124 Milano - Italia
    o inviando un'email all?indirizzo


    Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates
    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for an open position or submit a "spontaneous application? through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter ?GDPR?). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter ?Notice?) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how the Company processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.

    If you are applying for a position at Pernod Ricard Italia S.p.A., Via G. De Castillia, 23 ? 20124 ? Milano, Italy, the Data Controller is Pernod Ricard Italia S.p.A.
    1. What Personal Data do we collect?
    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    identification and administrative data (such as the applicant?s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality);

    results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant;

    data relating to professional skills (such as titles, skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group);

    Special Categories of Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, useful also to evaluate the application for possible recruitment in «protected categories», may only be processed if you have given us your express consent through your resume or your cover letter, if enclosed. This consent may be withdrawn at any time. Kindly limit information regarding Special Categories of Personal Data to what is strictly necessary to inform the Company of being a "protected category" (i.e. specifying the article of law under which you are considered belonging to one of the protected categories recognized by law and, where applicable, the percentage of recognized disability)."

    2. How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consist of the following:

    job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting;

    verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting;

    specific tests to deep dive and assess competencies and attitudes related to the position applied (for example, logic test, English test, practical cases resolution).

    3. Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate?s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process. The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.
    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate?s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.
    Failure to disclose the data will make it impossible for the Company to evaluate your application for the recruitment process. 
    4. Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?
    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    the HR department;

    the Employees who have been granted access, due to their roles in the Company, to the corporate email account: ;

    the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company;

    regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required;

    other Pernod Ricard affiliates, as stated in paragraph 6, which follows.

    The above categories of entities, in turn, will act as Autonomous Holders, Co-Holders, or Data Processors. 
    5. How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company?s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.
    Personal data will be kept for no longer than necessary to achieve the purposes for which they have been collected. More specifically, no data relating to accounts created more than 6 months earlier and in relation to which there has been no event during this period shall be stored (e.g. a change or the arrangement of an interview).

    If you wish to change personal information that is out-of-date, inaccurate or incomplete, please contact Pernod Ricard, to correct it. Furthermore, if you consider, for any reason, that the purpose for data processing no longer exists, you shall give the Company written notice or email it, as stated in paragraph 8. Following such notification, the Company shall guarantee immediate cancellation of the data provided. 
    6. Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Being Pernod Ricard Group a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.
    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    7. What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    you can request to access your Personal Data;

    you can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date;

    you can request deletion of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary with respect to the purpose of the data processing, (ii) if you have withdrawn your consent to the data processing based solely on that consent, (iii) if you object to the data processing, (iv) if the Personal Data has been processed unlawfully, (v) if the Personal Data must be deleted to fulfill a legal obligation applicable to the Company;

    you can request the restriction of processing (i) if you dispute the accuracy of your Personal Data for the period necessary for Pernod Ricard to verify its accuracy, (ii) if you choose to limit the use of your Personal Data - rather than request its deletion - in case of unlawful processing, (iii) if you would like the Company to retain your Personal Data because it is necessary for your defense in court, (iv) if you have objected to the processing, but the Company is verifying the existence of a legitimate interest of the Company that represents an overriding legal basis;

    you may request portability of Personal Data you have provided to us if the processing of Personal Data is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means;

    you have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purposes, for marketing purposes based on profiling, or if the processing of the data is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except where the Company can demonstrate compulsory legal bases for processing);

    you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of your Personal Data violates the GDPR.

    8. How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaints, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:
    Pernod Ricard Italia S.p.A.Via G. De Castillia 23 ? 20124 Milano - Italy
    or sending an email to

  • 志願者に対するデータ保護情報の通知



    あなたが職務応募している会社がペルノ・リカール・ジャパン株式会社(所在地 : 東京都文京区後楽2-6-1住友不動産飯田橋ファーストタワー34階)である場合、「当社」とはペルノ・リカール・ジャパンを意味します。










    - ペルノ・リカールおよび/または採用を専門とする外部業者による面接
    - 採用を専門とする外部業者による学位記/免状、紹介状および職業経験の検証
    - 職務で必要となりうる論理試験、英語の試験
    - 専門的評価(実践的な事例に対する書面上の解決策など)






    - 当社より委託された、採用活動を専門とするサービス会社
    - 人事部門
    - 求められた場合は、規制または司法当局
    - その他のペルノ・リカールの関連会社






    - 自分の個人データへのアクセスを要求することができます。
    - 個人データが不正確、不完全または最新ではない場合、個人データの訂正を要求することができます。
    - 個人データの処理があなたの同意、または契約の履行に基づき、自動化された手段により実施される場合、あなたは当社に提供した個人データのポータビリティを要求することができます。
    - ダイレクトマーケティング、プロファイリングに基づくマーケティングを目的とする場合、またはデータ処理が当社の正当な利益に基づく場合、いつでも、当社があなたの個人データを処理することに反対する権利を有します(ただし、当社が処理に対するやむを得ない法的な理由を明示できる場合を除きます)。
    - あなたの個人データの処理がGDPRを侵害すると判断する場合、あなたは監督当局に苦情を申し立てる権利を有します。



    Pernod Ricard SA 
    12 place des Etats-Unis 
    75783 Paris Cedex 16







    Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”) and Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan (hereafter “APPI”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how the Company processes, as Data Controller, in accordance with GDPR, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.

    If you are applying for a position at Pernod Ricard Japan K.K., 34F Sumitomo Fudosan Iidabashi First Tower, 2-6-1, Koraku, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, Japan, the Company is Pernod Ricard Japan.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the HR department
    - regulatority or judicial bodies, as may be required
    other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard SA 
    12 place des Etats-Unis 
    75783 Paris Cedex 16
    or sending an email to

    Pernod Ricard Japan K.K.
    34F Sumitomo Fudosan Iidabashi First Tower,
    2-6-1, Koraku, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo,
    or contacting us through the following inquiry form

  • No Terms and Conditions

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”) and the Data Protection Act. This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how the Company processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.

    If you are applying for a position at Pernod Ricard Kenya (“Company”).

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the HR department
    - regulatority or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR and the respective applicable data privacy of your country.

    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Kenya
    14 Riverside, off Riverside Drive,
    Arlington Building,
    Suite 5A, Nairobi,
    or sending an email to

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates*

    * Ja vēlaties saņemt informāciju par datu aizsardzību attiecībā uz kandidātiem, lūdzu  sazinieties ar mums, sūtot e-pastu uz adresi :

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how the Company processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.

    If you are applying for a position at Pernod Ricard Latvia, Dzelzavas street 117, Riga, Latvia, LV-1021, the Company is Pernod Ricard Latvia.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the HR department
    - regulatority or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to

    You can also contact the Data Protection officer (DPO) at the following address:

    Pernod Ricard SA
    12 place des Etats-Unis
    75783 Paris Cedex 16
    or sending an email to

  • Pranešimas kandidatams apie duomenų apsaugą

    Jūsų privatumo ir asmens duomenų apsauga yra labai svarbi bendrovei „Pernod Ricard“. „Pernod Ricard“ gerbia jūsų teisę į privatumą, kai teikiate prašymą priimti jus į darbą šioje platformoje / šiame tinklalapyje, ir vadovaujasi galiojančių duomenų apsaugos įstatymų ir teisės aktų, tokių kaip Bendrasis duomenų apsaugos reglamentas (toliau – BDAR), nuostatomis. Šį pranešimą kandidatams apie duomenų apsaugą (toliau – Pranešimas) derėtų skaityti kartu su kandidatų prašymų teikimo tinklalapio naudojimo sąlygomis.

    Šio Pranešimo tikslas - informuoti, kaip Bendrovė, būdama Duomenų valdytoju, tvarko prašymą priimti į darbą teikiančių Asmens duomenis.

    Jeigu teikiate prašymą priimti jus į darbą bendrovėje UAB „Pernod Ricard Lietuva“, Bendrovė yra UAB „Pernod Ricard Lietuva“.

    Kokius Asmens duomenis renkame?

    Bendrovė renka tokius Asmens duomenis:
    - tapatybės ir administracinius duomenis (pvz., prašymą pateikusio asmens vardą ir pavardę, lytį, gyvenamosios vietos adresą, asmeninį telefono numerį ir el. pašto adresą, leidimą gyventi ar bet kokį kitokį būtinąjį leidimą, suteikiantį galimybę įdarbinti užsienio šalies pilietybę turintį kandidatą);
    - testų / vertinimų, kurie gali būti atliekami darbuotojų atrankos procese, rezultatus, kurie yra konfidencialūs ir teikiami tik kandidatui;
    - duomenis, susijusius su asmens kvalifikacija (pvz., įgūdžiais, apmokymu, diplomais, profesine patirtimi ir, tam tikrais atvejais, darbo stažu įmonių grupėje „Pernod Ricard“);
    - informaciją, susijusią su pareigomis, į kurias pretenduoja kandidatas (pvz., darbo ir pareigų pavadinimas, prievolių pobūdis);
    - kitokius gyvenimo aprašyme ir motyvaciniame laiške nurodytus asmens duomenis.
    BDAR 9 straipsnyje nurodyti jautrūs asmens duomenys gali būti tvarkomi tik gavus jūsų aiškų sutikimą. Tokį sutikimą galite atšaukti bet kuriuo metu.

    Kaip mes renkame jūsų Asmens duomenis?

    Bendrovė darbuotojų atrankos procese naudoja toliau nurodytus atitinkamus ir reikalingus metodus ir būdus:
    - bendrovės „Pernod Ricard“ ir (arba) darbuotojų atrankos paslaugą teikiančios nepriklausomos bendrovės rengiami pokalbiai su kandidatais,
    - darbuotojų atrankos paslaugą teikiančios nepriklausomos bendrovės atliekamas diplomų, rekomendacijų ir profesinės patirties patikrinimas,
    - logikos, anglų kalbos testai pagal pareigoms keliamus reikalavimus,
    - profesiniai įvertinimai (gebėjimas atlikti praktines užduotis raštu ir pan.).

    Kodėl renkame Asmens duomenis?

    Bendrovė renka, saugo, naudoja ir tvarko kandidato Asmens duomenis išimtinai darbuotojų atrankos proceso valdymo tikslais.

    Taigi, tvarkyti Asmens duomenis yra būtina teisėtais Bendrovės interesais, siekiant imtis atitinkamų priemonių iki sudarant darbo sutartį, t. y. atlikti kandidato įvertinimą iki pasiūlant jam darbą.
    Be to, Asmens duomenys yra reikalingi tam, kad būtų galima išnagrinėti kandidato prašymą, palaikyti ryšį su kandidatu nagrinėjant jo prašymą, atsakyti į jo klausimus ir (arba) paprašyti suteikti papildomos informacijos.

    Kas yra Asmens duomenų gavėjai?

    Jūsų Asmens duomenų gavėjai yra šie:
    - pagal Bendrovės įgaliojimus darbuotojų atrankos paslaugą teikiančios bendrovės,
    - Bendrovei paslaugas teikiančios bendrovės, pvz., IT paslaugų teikėjai,
    - prireikus – priežiūros institucijos arba teismai,
    - gavus atskirą rašytinį sutikimą – kiti su bendrove „Pernod Ricard“ susiję subjektai.

    Kaip ilgai saugome jūsų Asmens duomenis?

    Asmens duomenis saugo Personalo skyrius, vadovaudamasis galiojančiose Bendrovės duomenų saugojimo politikoje ir procedūrose nustatyta tvarka ir vietos įstatymų ir teisės aktų reikalavimais. Įvykdžius darbuotojų atranką, Bendrovė per 5 darbo dienas po sutarties su pasirinktu kandidatu pasirašymo dienos ištrina ir (arba) sunaikina kandidato asmens duomenis. Gavusi kandidato sutikimą, Bendrovė saugo kandidato asmens duomenis sutikime nurodytą laikotarpį.

    Ar jūsų Asmens duomenys perduodami į kitas šalis?

    Kadangi įmonių grupė „Pernod Ricard“ yra visame pasaulyje veikianti organizacija, kai kuriuos su kandidatais susijusius Asmens duomenis gali tvarkyti kiti grupės subjektai, esantys kitose pasaulio šalyse. Asmens duomenys gali būti perduodami į šalis, kuriuose užtikrinama kitokio lygio asmens duomenų apsauga nei toje šalyje, kurioje pateikėte savo Asmens duomenis.

    Tokiu atveju įmonių grupė „Pernod Ricard“ imasi tinkamų priemonių užtikrinti Asmens duomenų saugumą tiek perdavimo metu, tiek gavėjo šalyje, pagal galiojančius įstatymus į sutartis įrašydama Europos Komisijos nustatytas nuostatas.

    Kokios yra jūsų teisės, susijusios su Asmens duomenimis?

    - Galite prašyti galimybės susipažinti su savo Asmens duomenimis.
    - Galite prašyti ištaisyti savo Asmens duomenis, jei jie yra netikslūs, neišsamūs ar pasenę.
    - Galite prašyti ištrinti savo Asmens duomenis, jeigu i) jūsų Asmens duomenys nebėra reikalingi duomenų tvarkymo tikslais, ii) atsiėmėte sutikimą, kad būtų tvarkomi duomenys, kurie buvo tvarkomi išimtinai tokio sutikimo pagrindu, iii) pareiškėte nesutinkantys, kad duomenys būtų tvarkomi, iv) Asmens duomenys yra tvarkomi neteisėtai, v) Bendrovė privalo pagal įstatymus ištrinti Asmens duomenis.
    - Galite prašyti apriboti duomenų tvarkymą, jeigu i) abejojama jūsų Asmens duomenų tikslumu, kad „Pernod Ricard“ galėtų patikrinti tokių duomenų tikslumą, ii) pageidaujate apriboti, bet ne ištrinti jūsų Asmens duomenis, nepaisant to, kad jie yra tvarkomi neteisėtai, iii) pageidaujate, kad Bendrovė toliau saugotų jūsų Asmens duomenis, nes jums jų reikia norint apsiginti nuo teisinių pretenzijų, iv) jūs pareiškėte nesutinkantys, kad duomenys būtų tvarkomi, tačiau Bendrovė atlieka patikrinimą siekdama nustatyti, ar ji turi teisinį pagrindą juos tvarkyti nepaisant jūsų teisių, jeigu duomenys yra tvarkomi teisėtais Bendrovės interesais.
    - Galite prašyti perkelti jūsų mums suteiktus Asmens duomenis, jeigu Asmens duomenys yra tvarkomi jūsų sutikimo pagrindu arba siekiant įvykdyti sutartį ir duomenų tvarkymas yra vykdomas automatiškai.
    - Turite teisę bet kada prieštarauti, kad mes tvarkytume jūsų Asmens duomenis tiesioginės rinkodaros ar tiesioginės rinkodaros paremtos profiliavimu, tikslais, arba jeigu duomenų tvarkymas yra vykdomas teisėtais Bendrovės interesais (nebent būtų galima įrodyti, kad egzistuoja įtikinamas teisinis pagrindas tvarkyti duomenis).
    - Turite teisę pateikti skundą priežiūros institucijai, jei manote, kad jūsų Asmens duomenų tvarkymas pažeidžia BDAR.

    Kaip galite susisiekti su mumis?

    Jei turite bet kokių klausimų, skundų ar pastabų dėl šio Pranešimo arba mūsų informacijos rinkimo tvarkos, rašykite mums:

    UAB „Pernod Ricard Lietuva“
    Spaudos g. 8-1, Vilnius, Lietuva
    arba el. paštu


    Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how the Company processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.

    If you are applying for a position at UAB Pernod Ricard Lietuva, the Company is UAB Pernod Ricard Lietuva.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)
    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant
    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)
    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations)
    - other personal data provided in CV or motivation letter.
    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.
    How do we collect your Personal Data?
    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:
    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:
    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - service providers of the Company, e.g. IT service providers
    - regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates upon separate written consent

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations. At the end of the recruitment process the Company shall delete and / or destroy applicant’s personal data within 5 business days after the contract has been signed with the selected candidate. In case the consent of candidate is received, the Company shall maintain the personal data of candidate for the period, established in the consent.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.
    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.
    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?
    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    UAB "Pernod Ricard Lietuva"
    Spaudos g. 8-1, Vilnius, Lietuva
    or sending an email to

  • Bahasa Malaysia translation of data protection information notice for candidates

    Melindungi privasi dan data peribadi anda adalah sangat penting bagi Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard menghormati hak privasi anda apabila anda memohon pekerjaan melalui platform/laman web ini, selaras dengan peruntukan undang-undang dan peraturan perlindungan data yang berkenaan, seperti General Data Protection Regulation (kemudian dari ini “GDPR”) dan Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 (“PDPA”). Notis Maklumat Perlindungan Data untuk Calon (kemudian dari ini “Notis”) perlu dibaca bersama dengan Terma & Syarat untuk menggunakan laman web pemohon kerja.

    Tujuan Notis ini adalah untuk menerangkan bagaimana Pernod Richard Malaysia Sdn Bhd (“Syarikat”) di Suite 13 A 01, Menara PJ, Amcorp Trade Centre, No. 18 Jalan Persiaran Barat, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia memproses, sebagai Pengguna Data, Data Peribadi yang berkaitan dengan individu-individu yang memohon pekerjaan.

    Apakah Data Peribadi yang kami kumpulkan?

    Syarikat mengumpul Data Peribadi yang berikut:

    - data pengenalan dan pentadbiran (seperti identiti pemohon, tarikh dan tempat kelahiran, jantina, alamat kediaman, nombor telefon peribadi dan alamat e-mel, kewarganegaraan, butiran pasport, atau apa-apa kebenaran yang diperlukan bagi perekrutan pemohon)

    - keputusan ujian/penilaian yang mungkin dilakukan semasa proses perekrutan, yang tetap sulit dan yang mana kami akan hanya berkomunikasi dengan pemohon untuk diperoleh

    - data yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan dan kemahiran profesional (seperti sekolah sebelumnya, kemahiran, latihan, diploma, sejarah pengalaman profesional dan, seperti mana yang berlaku, laluan kerjaya masa lalu dalam Kumpulan Pernod Ricard)

    - maklumat yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan yang dipohon oleh pemohon (seperti pangkat pekerjaan, tugas, sifat tanggungjawab),

    Data Peribadi, seperti yang ditakrifkan dalam Seskyen 4 PDPA, boleh diproses jika anda memberi kami persetujuan anda secara nyata. Persetujuan ini boleh ditarik balik pada bila-bila masa.

    Bagaimanakah kami mengumpul Data Peribadi anda?

    Syarikat menggunakan kaedah-kaedah dan teknik-teknik sebagai sebahagian daripada perekrutan yang relevan dan yang diperlukan dan terdiri daripada yang berikut:

    - Temuduga kerja oleh Pernod Ricard dan/atau syarikat penyedia pihak ketiga khusus dalam merekrut,
    - Pengesahan kelayakan pendidikan, rujukan, latar belakang dan pengalaman profesional oleh penyedia pihak ketiga khusus dalam merekrut,
    - Pemeriksaan perubatan oleh pembekal perubatan pihak ketiga untuk mana-mana calon yang berjaya dan sebelum permulaan pekerjaan rasmi,
    - Ujian logik, ujian Bahasa Inggeris seperti mana yang diperlukan untuk pangkat tersebut
    - Penilaian profesional (penyelesaian kes praktikal secara bertulis, dsb.)

    Mengapa kami mengumpul Data Peribadi?

    Syarikat mengumpul, menyimpan, menggunakan dan memproses Data Peribadi calon semata-mata untuk tujuan mengurus proses perekrutan.

    Oleh itu, pemprosesan Data Peribadi diperlukan untuk mengambil langkah-langkah sebelum kontrak pekerjaan dimasuki, bagi kepentingan sah Syarikat, iaitu untuk menilai calon sebelum membuat tawaran pekerjaan.

    Data Peribadi juga diperlukan bagi memproses permohonan calon, bagi menghubungi pemohon semasa pemprosesan tersebut, bagi menjawab soalan-soalan pemohon dan/atau bagi membuat permintaan maklumat tambahan.

    Siapakah penerima Data Peribadi anda?

    Penerima Data Peribadi anda termasuk:

    - syarikat perkhidmatan khusus dalam merekrut yang dimandatkan oleh Syarikat
    - syarikat pihak ketiga khusus dalam menjalankan pemeriksaan latar belakang atau pemeriksaan rujukan
    - pembekal perubatan pihak ketiga khusus dalam menjalankan pemeriksaan kesihatan
    - jabatan HR
    - badan pengawalseliaan atau kehakiman, sebagaimana yang diperlukan
    - ahli gabungan Pernod Ricard

    Berapa lama kami menyimpan Data Peribadi anda?

    Data Peribadi disimpan oleh Jabatan Sumber Manusia mengikut dasar dan prosedur penyimpanan Syarikat yang terpakai dan seperti yang diperlukan oleh undang-undang dan peraturan tempatan.

    Adakah Data Peribadi anda dipindahkan ke negara lain?

    Oleh kerana Kumpulan Pernod Ricard adalah organisasi di seluruh dunia, sebahagian Data Peribadi yang berkaitan dengan pemohon mungkin diproses oleh entiti lain dari Kumpulan di seluruh dunia. Data Peribadi mungkin dipindahkan ke negara-negara yang mempunyai undang-undang perlindungan data yang berbeza daripada undang-undang yang ada di negara dari mana anda menyerahkan Data Peribadi anda.

    Dalam kes ini, Kumpulan Pernod Ricard mengambil langkah-langkah yang sesuai untuk mengekalkan keselamatan Data Peribadi anda semasa transit dan di lokasi penerima dengan melaksanakan fasal kontrak seperti yang ditetapkan oleh Suruhanjaya Eropah, selaras dengan undang-undang yang berkenaan.

    Apakah hak anda mengenai Data Peribadi anda?

    - Anda boleh meminta untuk mengakses Data Peribadi anda.
    - Anda boleh meminta untuk membetulkan Data Peribadi anda jika Data Peribadi anda tidak tepat, tidak lengkap atau tidak terkini.
    - Anda boleh meminta pemadaman Data Peribadi anda (i) jika Data Peribadi anda tidak lagi diperlukan bagi tujuan memproses data, (ii) anda telah menarik balik persetujuan anda terhadap pemprosesan data, yang didasarkan secara eksklusif atas persetujuan tersebut, (iii) anda membantah pemprosesan data, (iv) pemprosesan Data Peribadi menyalahi undang-undang, (v) Data Peribadi mesti dipadamkan untuk mematuhi kewajipan undang-undang yang terpakai kepada Syarikat.
    - Anda boleh meminta sekatan pemprosesan (i) sekiranya ketepatan Data Peribadi anda dipertandingkan untuk membolehkan Pernod Ricard memeriksa ketepatan itu, (ii) sekiranya anda ingin menyekat Data Peribadi anda sebalik memadamkannya walaupun pemprosesan tersebut menyalahi undang-undang, (iii) sekiranya anda ingin Syarikat menyimpan Data Peribadi anda kerana anda memerlukannya untuk pembelaan dalam konteks tuntutan undang-undang (iv) sekiranya anda telah membantah pemprosesan tetapi Syarikat menjalankan pengesahan untuk memeriksa sama ada Syarikat mempunyai alasan yang sah untuk pemprosesan tersebut, yang mungkin mengatasi hak-hak and ajika pemprosesan data berdasarkan atas kepentingan sah Syarikat.
    - Anda boleh meminta pemudahalihan Data Peribadi anda yang diberikan kepada kami, jika pemprosesan Data Peribadi adalah berdasarkan persetujuan anda atau atas pelaksanaan kontrak dan dilakukan secara berautomasi.
    - Anda mempunyai hak untuk membantah pemprosesan Data Peribadi anda oleh kami, pada bila-bila masa, untuk tujuan pemasaran langsung, untuk tujuan pemasaran berdasarkan profil, atau jika pemprosesan data adalah berdasarkan kepentingan sah Syarikat (kecuali jika Syarikat boleh menunjukkan alasan undang-undang yang kuat untuk pemprosesan).
    - Anda mempunyai hak untuk membuat aduan dengan pihak berkuasa jika anda menganggap bahawa pemprosesan Data Peribadi anda melanggar GDPR atau PDPA.

    Bagaimana anda boleh menghubungi kami?

    Sekiranya anda mempunyai sebarang soalan, aduan atau komen mengenai Notis ini atau atas amalan pengumpulan maklumat kami, sila hubungi kami secara bertulis di:

    Pernod Ricard Malaysia Sdn Bhd
    Suite 13 A 01, Menara PJ
    Amcorp Trade Centre, No. 18 Jalan Persiaran Barat, 
    46050, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

    atau menghantar e-mel kepada

    Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”) and the Malaysia Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how Pernod Ricard Malaysia Sdn Bhd (the “Company”) at Suite 13 A 01, Menara PJ, Amcorp Trade Centre, No. 18 Jalan Persiaran Barat, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.  

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, nationality, passport details, or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to education and professional skills (such as previous schools, skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Personal Data, as defined in Section 4 of the PDPA, may be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting,
    - Verification of educational qualifications, references, background and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Medical checks by a third-party medical provider for any candidate who is successful and prior to formal employment,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialized in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - third-party companies specialized in conducting background or reference checks
    - third-party medical providers specialized in conducting medical checks
    - the HR department
    - regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR or the PDPA.

    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Malaysia Sdn Bhd
    Suite 13 A 01, Menara PJ
    Amcorp Trade Centre, No. 18 Jalan Persiaran Barat, 
    46050, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
    or sending an email to

  • Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos

    La protección de su privacidad y de sus datos personales es muy importante para Pernod Ricard México, S.A. de C.V (en adelante “Pernod Ricard”). Pernod Ricard respeta su derecho a la privacidad cuando solicita empleo a través de esta plataforma/sitio web, de acuerdo con las disposiciones contenidas en las leyes y reglamentos aplicables en materia de protección de datos, tales como el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (en adelante el "RGPD") y la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares (en adelante la "LFPDPPP”). Este Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos (en adelante el "Aviso") deberá leerse de forma conjunta con los Términos y Condiciones aplicables a la utilización del sitio web para solicitantes de empleo.

    El objeto del Aviso es describir cómo Pernod Ricard con dirección en Río Tíber 29, Colonia Cuauhtémoc, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, Ciudad de México, C.P. 06500, México, en su condición de responsable del tratamiento, trata los Datos Personales relativos a las personas que solicitan empleo.

    ¿Qué Datos Personales recopilamos?

    Pernod Ricard recopila los siguientes Datos Personales:

    - datos identificativos y administrativos (como, por ejemplo, la identidad del solicitante, la fecha y lugar de nacimiento, género, domicilio personal, número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico personal, permiso de residencia o cualquier otra autorización necesaria para la contratación de un solicitante de nacionalidad extranjera),

    - los resultados de los test/evaluaciones que puedan realizarse a lo largo del proceso de contratación, los cuales serán confidenciales y cuya comunicación solamente podrá ser obtenida por el solicitante,

    - datos relativos a las competencias profesionales (como, por ejemplo, competencias, formación, diplomas, experiencia profesional y, si procede, carrera profesional dentro del Grupo Pernod Ricard),

    - la información relativa al puesto de trabajo que esté solicitando el solicitante (como, por ejemplo, la denominación del puesto de trabajo y función, naturaleza de las obligaciones).

    Los Datos Personales de categorías especiales y/o sensibles, en el sentido definido en el Artículo 9 del RGPD y del Artículo 9 de la LFPDPPP, sólo podrán tratarse si nos ha dado su consentimiento explícito. Este consentimiento podrá retirarse en cualquier momento.

    ¿Cómo recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    Pernod Ricard utiliza los siguientes métodos y técnicas, considerados pertinentes y necesarios, como parte de su proceso de contratación:

    - Entrevistas de trabajo realizadas por Pernod Ricard y/o por cualquier sociedad proveedora de servicios especializada en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Verificación de títulos, referencias y experiencia profesional por parte de un proveedor de servicios especializado en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Pruebas de lógica, pruebas de inglés en la medida en que se requieran para el puesto,
    - Evaluaciones profesionales (resolución de casos prácticos por escrito, etc.)

    ¿Por qué recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    Pernod Ricard recopila, almacena, utiliza y trata los Datos Personales del candidato únicamente con la finalidad de gestionar el proceso de contratación.

    Por consiguiente, el tratamiento de Datos Personales es necesario para poder adoptar medidas previas a la formalización de un contrato de trabajo en el interés legítimo de la Pernod Ricard que es, en concreto, el de evaluar al candidato antes de proponerle una oferta de trabajo.
    Los Datos Personales son también necesarios para tratar la solicitud del candidato, para contactarle durante dicho proceso, para contestar a sus preguntas y/o para pedirle información adicional.

    ¿Quiénes son los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales?

    Entre los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales se encuentran:

    - las compañías de servicios especializadas en contratación encargadas por la Sociedad
    - el departamento de Recursos Humanos
    - los organismos regulatorios o judiciales, en la medida necesaria
    - otras filiales de Pernod Ricard

    ¿Durante cuánto tiempo conservamos sus Datos Personales?

    El departamento de Recursos Humanos conserva los Datos Personales con arreglo a lo establecido en la política y procedimientos de retención aplicables de Pernod Ricard, así como en la medida requerida por las leyes y reglamentos locales.

    ¿Son sus Datos Personales transferidos a otros países?

    Dado que el Grupo Pernod Ricard es una organización mundial, algunos Datos Personales relativos a los solicitantes de empleo podrán ser tratados por otras entidades del Grupo repartidas por todo el mundo. Los Datos Personales podrán ser transferidos a países que cuenten con un nivel de leyes de protección de datos personales diferente al existente en el país en el que usted facilitó sus Datos Personales.

    En tal caso, el Grupo Pernod Ricard adoptará las medidas adecuadas para preservar la seguridad de sus Datos Personales tanto durante el tránsito como en el lugar de recepción de éstos, mediante la implementación de cláusulas contractuales establecidas por las Comisión Europea, de conformidad con lo establecido en la ley aplicable.

    ¿Cuáles son sus derechos en relación con sus Datos Personales?

    - Puede solicitar el acceso a sus Datos Personales.
    - Puede solicitar la rectificación de sus Datos Personales si son inexactos, incompletos o están desactualizados.
    - Puede solicitar la cancelación de sus Datos Personales si (i) éstos ya no son necesarios para las finalidades del tratamiento de datos, (ii) ha retirado su consentimiento para el tratamiento de Datos Personales basado exclusivamente en dicho consentimiento (iii) se ha opuesto al tratamiento de datos, (iv) el tratamiento de los Datos Personales es ilegal, (v) los Datos Personales deben suprimirse para cumplir con una obligación legal aplicable a Pernod Ricard.
    - Podrá solicitar la limitación del tratamiento (i) en caso de que se impugne la exactitud de sus Datos Personales para permitir que Pernod Ricard pueda verificar su exactitud, (ii) en el caso de que desee ejercer el derecho a limitar el uso de sus Datos Personales en lugar de eliminarlos a pesar del hecho de que el tratamiento sea ilícito, (iii) en el caso de que desee que Pernod Ricard conserve sus Datos Personales debido a que el interesado los necesite para su defensa dentro del contexto de reclamaciones jurídicas, (iv) en el caso de que se haya opuesto al tratamiento pero Pernod Ricard lleve a cabo una verificación para comprobar si tiene motivos legítimos para realizar dicho tratamiento, los cuales prevalecerán sobre sus propios derechos en caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la portabilidad de los Datos Personales que nos haya facilitado si el tratamiento de los mismos se basa en su consentimiento o en el cumplimiento de un contrato y se lleva a cabo por medios automatizados.
    - Usted tendrá el derecho de oponerse, en cualquier momento, al tratamiento por nosotros de sus Datos Personales, con fines de marketing directo, con fines de marketing basados en la elaboración de perfiles, o en el caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de Pernod Ricard (salvo que pueda demostrar la existencia de fundamentos jurídicos imperiosos para la realización del tratamiento).
    - Usted tendrá derecho a presentar una reclamación ante una autoridad de control si considera que el tratamiento de sus Datos Personales infringe la legislación aplicable.

    ¿Cómo puede contactarnos?

    En caso de tener cualquier pregunta, reclamación o comentario relativo al presente Aviso o a nuestras prácticas de recopilación de información, le rogamos se ponga en contacto con nosotros por escrito dirigiéndose a:

    Pernod Ricard México, S.A. de C.V.
    Río Tíber 29, Colonia Cuauhtémoc, 
    Delegación Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06500
    Ciudad de México, México.
    o enviar un correo electrónico a

  • Note d’information relative à la protection des données à l’attention des candidats

    Pernod Ricard porte une attention particulière à la protection de votre vie privée et de vos Données Personnelles. Pernod Ricard respecte votre droit à la vie privée lorsque vous postulez à un emploi via ce site Internet, conformément aux dispositions des lois et réglementations applicables en matière de protection des données, telles que le Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (ci-après « RGPD »). La présente note d'information relative à la protection des données à l'attention des candidats (ci-après « Note ») doit être lue conjointement avec les conditions générales d'utilisation du site Internet dédié aux candidatures.

    La présente Note décrit la façon dont la Société traite, en tant que responsable de traitement, les Données Personnelles relatives aux personnes postulant à un emploi.

    Si vous postulez à un emploi au sein de PERNOD RICARD MAROC S.A, dont le siège est Green Office, Angle Boulevard Abderrahim Bouabid et Route d’El Jadida, 5ème étage, Casablanca, Maroc, la Société est Pernod Ricard Maroc.

    Quelles sont les Données Personnelles que nous collectons ?

    La Société recueille les Données Personnelles qui présentent un lien direct et nécessaire avec l’emploi proposé ou avec l’évaluation des aptitudes professionnelles du candidat. Les Données Personnelles que la Société collecte sont les suivantes :

    - Les données d’identification et administratives (telles que l'identité du candidat, sa date et son lieu de naissance, son sexe, son adresse de résidence, son numéro de téléphone personnel et son adresse courriel, son titre de séjour ou toute autre autorisation nécessaire pour le recrutement d'un candidat de nationalité étrangère),

    - Les résultats des tests/évaluations qui peuvent être effectués au cours du processus de recrutement. Ces résultats restent confidentiels et seul le candidat peut en obtenir communication,

    - Les données relatives aux compétences professionnelles (telles que les compétences, la formation, les diplômes, l'historique des expériences professionnelles passées et, le cas échéant, le parcours professionnel au sein du Groupe Pernod Ricard),

    - Les informations relatives à l’emploi pour lequel le candidat présente sa candidature (telles que l’intitulé du poste et de la fonction, la nature des obligations).

    Les Données Personnelles Sensibles, telles que définies à l’article 9 du RGPD, ne peuvent être traitées que si le candidat donne son consentement exprès. Ce consentement pourra être retiré à tout moment. Aucune information sensible portant sur son numéro de sécurité sociale, sa famille, ses opinions politiques ou son appartenance syndicale ne sera demandée au candidat.

    Comment collectons-nous vos Données Personnelles ?

    Dans le cadre du recrutement, la Société utilise des méthodes et des techniques pertinentes et nécessaires au regard des finalités poursuivies. Ces méthodes et techniques sont composées des éléments suivants :

    - Entretiens d'embauche par Pernod Ricard et/ou une société tierce spécialisée dans le recrutement,

    - Vérification des diplômes, des références et de l'expérience professionnelle par un prestataire tiers spécialisé dans le recrutement,

    - Tests de logique, test d'anglais si nécessaire pour le poste,

    - Évaluations professionnelles (cas pratiques par écrit, etc.).

    Pourquoi collectons-nous vos Données Personnelles ?

    La Société recueille, stocke, utilise et traite les Données Personnelles du candidat aux seules fins de la gestion du processus de recrutement.

    Le traitement des Données Personnelles est donc nécessaire afin de pouvoir évaluer la capacité du candidat à occuper l’emploi proposé ou évaluer ses aptitudes professionnelles préalablement à la conclusion d'un contrat de travail, dans l'intérêt légitime de la Société.

    Les Données Personnelles sont également nécessaires au traitement de la candidature du candidat, pour contacter le candidat pendant le traitement, répondre à ses questions et/ou demander des informations complémentaires.

    Qui sont les destinataires de vos Données Personnelles ?

    Les destinataires des Données Personnelles sont :

    - les sociétés de services spécialisées dans le recrutement mandatées par la Société,

    - le département Ressources Humaines de la Société, le ou les départements de la Société concernés par le recrutement, ainsi que l’équipe en charge des questions juridiques pour la Société,

    - les organismes de réglementation ou les instances judiciaires, selon les besoins,

    - d’autres filiales ou sociétés du Groupe Pernod Ricard.

    Combien de temps conservons-nous vos Données Personnelles ?

    Les Données Personnelles du candidat sont conservées par le service des ressources humaines pour la durée nécessaire à la finalité du traitement, conformément à la politique de la Société et aux dispositions légales et règlementaires applicables.

    Les données ne seront conservées que pendant une durée n’excédant pas celle nécessaire à la réalisation des finalités pour lesquelles elles ont été collectées et pour lesquelles elles sont traitées ultérieurement.

    Vos Données Personnelles font-t-elles l’objet d’un transfert dans d’autres pays ?

    Le Groupe Pernod Ricard étant une organisation internationale, certaines Données Personnelles relatives aux candidats peuvent être traitées par d'autres entités du Groupe dans le monde. Les Données Personnelles peuvent être transférées dans des pays qui ont un niveau de protection des données différent de celui existant dans le pays à partir duquel les candidats ont soumis leurs Données Personnelles.

    Dans ce cas, le Groupe Pernod Ricard prend les mesures appropriées pour assurer la sécurité des Données Personnelles tant pendant leur transfert que sur le lieu de réception en mettant en œuvre les clauses contractuelles prévues par la Commission Européenne, conformément à la législation applicable.

    Dans le cas du Maroc et selon la Délibération n°236-2015 du 18 Décembre 2015 de la CNDP portant modification de la délibération n°465-2013 du 06 Septembre 2013 établissant la liste des Etats assurant une protection suffisante de la vie privée et des libertés et droits fondamentaux des personnes à l’égard du traitement des données à caractère personnel, les données personnelles collectées ne peuvent faire l’objet de transfert vers d’autres pays que dans les cas suivants :

    - les pays qui figurent dans la liste établie et autorisée par la CNDP : Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Canada, Chypre, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, République Tchèque, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Suisse ;

    - pour les autres pays : sous réserve de l’autorisation et du consentement express de la personne concernée ou d’une autorisation expresse de la CNDP.

    Ainsi les données ne peuvent être transférées aux filiales du groupe que sous les conditions susmentionnées.

    Quels sont vos droits relatifs à vos Données Personnelles ?

    - Vous pouvez demander à accéder à vos Données Personnelles.

    - Vous pouvez demander la rectification de vos Données Personnelles si elles sont inexactes ou incomplètes.

    - Vous pouvez demander l'effacement de vos Données Personnelles (i) si vos Données Personnelles ne sont plus nécessaires au regard des finalités pour lesquelles elles ont été collectées, (ii) si vous avez retiré votre consentement au traitement des données qui était fondé sur la base exclusive de ce consentement, (iii) si vous vous êtes opposé au traitement des données, (iv) si le traitement est illicite, (v) si les Données Personnelles doivent être effacées pour respecter une obligation légale applicable à la Société.

    - Vous pouvez demander la limitation du traitement (i) en cas de contestation de l'exactitude de vos Données Personnelles pour permettre à Pernod Ricard de vérifier cette exactitude, (ii) si vous souhaitez limiter vos Données Personnelles plutôt que de les supprimer alors que le traitement est illicite, (iii) si vous souhaitez que la Société conserve vos Données Personnelles parce que vous en avez besoin pour votre défense dans le cadre d'actions en justice, (iv) si vous vous opposez au traitement mais que la Société procède à une vérification pour vérifier si elle a des motifs légitimes pour un tel traitement.

    - Vous pouvez demander la portabilité des Données Personnelles que vous nous avez fournies, si le traitement des Données Personnelles est basé sur votre consentement ou sur l'exécution d'un contrat et est effectué par des procédés automatisés.

    - Vous avez le droit de vous opposer à tout moment au traitement de vos Données Personnelles à des fins de marketing direct, de marketing basé sur le profilage ou si le traitement des données est basé sur l'intérêt légitime de la Société (sauf si elle peut démontrer l’existence de motifs légitimes et impérieux pour un tel traitement).

    - Vous avez le droit de définir des directives relatives à la conservation, à l’effacement et à la communication des Données Personnelles après votre décès.

    - Vous avez le droit d’introduire une réclamation auprès de la CNDP - Commission Nationale de Contrôle de la Protection des Données à Caractère Personnel - (Angle Boulevard Annakhil et Avenue Mehdi ben Barka, Immeuble Les Patios, 3ème étage Hay Riad – Rabat) si vous considérez que le traitement de vos Données Personnelles constitue une violation du RGPD. Le site internet de la CNDP est accessible à l’adresse suivante :


    Comment nous contacter ?

    Si vous avez des questions, des plaintes ou des commentaires concernant la présente Note ou les pratiques de traitement de Données Personnelles de la Société, veuillez nous contacter à l’adresse de la Société indiquée ci-dessus ou en envoyant un courriel à

  • Aviso de Informação sobre a Protecção de Dados para Candidatos

    A protecção da sua privacidade e dos seus dados pessoais é muito importante para a Pernod Ricard. A Pernod Ricard respeita o seu direito à privacidade quando você se candidata ao emprego por meio desta plataforma/site, de acordo com as disposições de quaisquer leis e regulamentos de proteção de dados aplicáveis, como o Regulamento Geral de Protecção de Dados (doravante denominado “GDPR”). Este Aviso sobre a Informação de Protecção de Dados para Candidatos (doravante “Aviso”) deve ser lido em conjunto com os Termos e Condições para usar o site do candidato a emprego.
    O objectivo do Aviso é descrever como a Empresa processa, como Controlador de Dados, os Dados Pessoais relativos a indivíduos que se candidatam a um emprego.
    Se você é candidato a uma vaga na Pernod Ricard Moçambique (“Empresa”).

    Quais são os dados pessoais que colectamos?
    A Empresa colecta os seguintes dados pessoais:
    - dados de identificação e administrativos (tais como a identidade do candidato, data e local de nascimento, sexo, endereço de residência, número de telefone pessoal e endereço de correio electrónico, autorização de residência ou qualquer outra autorização necessária para o recrutamento de um candidato de nacionalidade estrangeira);
    - resultados dos testes/avaliações que podem ser realizados durante o processo de recrutamento, que permanecem confidenciais e cuja comunicação só pode ser obtida pelo candidato;
    - dados relativos a competências profissionais (tais como competências, formação, diplomas, história de experiências profissionais passadas e, conforme o caso, o percurso profissional no Grupo Pernod Ricard);
    - informações relativas ao trabalho para o qual o candidato se candidata (como o cargo e título da função, a natureza das obrigações);
    Os Dados Pessoais Sensíveis, conforme o definido no Artigo 9 do GDPR, só poderão ser processados ​​se você tiver dado o seu consentimento expresso. Este consentimento pode ser revogado a qualquer momento.
    Como colectamos os seus dados pessoais?
    A Empresa usa métodos e técnicas como parte do seu recrutamento que sejam relevantes e necessários que consistem no seguinte:
    - Entrevistas de emprego conduzidas pela Pernod Ricard e/ou por uma empresa terceirizada especializada em recrutamento;
    - Verificação de diplomas, referências e experiência profissional por uma empresa terceirizada especializada em recrutamento;
    - Testes de lógica, teste de inglês podem ser necessário para a posição;
    - Avaliações profissionais (solução de casos práticos por escrito, etc.)

    Por que coletamos dados pessoais?
    A Empresa colecta, armazena, usa e processa os Dados Pessoais do candidato unicamente para fins de gestão do processo de recrutamento.
    O processamento de Dados Pessoais é, portanto, necessário para se poder tomar medidas antes da conclusão de um contrato de trabalho, no interesse legítimo da Empresa, ou seja, avaliar o candidato antes de se fazer uma oferta de emprego.
    Os Dados Pessoais também são necessários para o processamento do pedido do candidato, para entrar em contato com o solicitante durante tal processamento, para responder suas perguntas e/ou solicitar informações adicionais.

    Quem são os destinatários dos seus dados pessoais?
    Os destinatários dos seus dados pessoais incluem:
    - empresas de serviços especializadas em recrutamento mandatadas pela Empresa;
    - o departamento de RH;
    - órgãos reguladores ou judiciais, conforme necessário;
    - outras afiliadas da Pernod Ricard.

    Por quanto tempo mantemos seus dados pessoais?
    Os dados pessoais são mantidos pelo departamento de Recursos Humanos de acordo com as políticas e procedimentos de retenção aplicáveis ​​da Empresa e conforme exigido pelas leis e regulamentações locais.

    Seus dados pessoais são transferidos para outros países?
    Porque o Grupo Pernod Ricard é uma organização mundial, alguns Dados Pessoais relacionados aos solicitantes podem ser processados ​​por outras entidades do Grupo em todo o mundo. Os Dados Pessoais podem ser transferidos para países que tenham um nível diferente de leis de protecção de dados do que o existente no país de onde você enviou seus Dados Pessoais.
    Neste caso, o Grupo Pernod Ricard toma as medidas apropriadas para manter a segurança dos Dados Pessoais, tanto durante o trânsito como no local de destino, através da implementação de cláusulas contratuais estabelecidas pela Comissão Europeia, de acordo com a lei aplicável.

    Quais são os seus direitos em relação aos seus dados pessoais?
    - Você pode solicitar acesso aos seus dados pessoais.
    - Você pode solicitar a correção de seus dados pessoais, se estiverem imprecisos, incompletos ou desactualizados.
    - Você pode solicitar que os seus Dados Pessoais sejam apagados (i) se os seus Dados Pessoais não forem mais necessários para o propósito do processamento de dados, (ii) se tiver revogado o seu consentimento no processamento de dados baseado exclusivamente em tal consentimento (iii) tiver feito objecção ao processamento de dados, (iv) o processamento de Dados Pessoais ser ilegal, (v) os Dados Pessoais devem ser apagados para cumprir uma obrigação legal aplicável à Empresa.
    - Você pode solicitar a restrição do processamento (i) caso a precisão dos seus Dados Pessoais seja contestada para permitir que a Pernod Ricard verifique tal precisão, (ii) se você deseja restringir seus Dados Pessoais em vez de excluí-los apesar do facto de o processamento ser ilegal, (iii) se você deseja que a Empresa mantenha seus Dados Pessoais porque você precisa deles para sua defesa no contexto de reivindicações legais (iv) se você se opôs ao processamento, mas a Empresa realiza a verificação para verificar se tem motivos legítimos para tal processamento que podem anular seus próprios direitos se o processamento de dados for baseado no interesse legítimo da Empresa.
    - Você pode solicitar a portabilidade dos Dados Pessoais que nos forneceu, se o processamento de Dados Pessoais for baseado em seu consentimento ou no cumprimento de um contrato e for realizado por meios automatizados.
    - Você tem o direito de se opor ao processamento de seus Dados Pessoais por nós, a qualquer momento, para fins de marketing directo, para fins de marketing com base em perfis, ou se o processamento de dados for baseado no interesse legítimo da Empresa (excepto se puder demonstrar motivos legais convincentes para o processamento).
    - Você tem o direito de apresentar uma reclamação junto a uma autoridade de supervisão se considerar que o processamento de seus Dados Pessoais viola o GDPR e a privacidade de dados aplicável relevante do seu país.

    Como você pode entrar em contacto connosco?
    Se você tiver dúvidas, reclamações ou comentários sobre este Aviso ou nossas práticas de colecta de informações, por favor contacte-nos, escrevendo para:

    Pernod Ricard Mozambique
    Edificio Millenium Park, 1° Andar
    Avenida Vladimir Lenine, 174
    Ou enviando email para ou

    Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how the Company processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.  

    If you are applying for a position at Pernod Ricard Mozambique (“Company”).

    What Personal Data do we collect?
    The Company collects the following Personal Data:
    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)
    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant
    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)
    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),
    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?
    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:
    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?
    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.
    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:
    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the HR department
    - regulatority or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?
    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries? 
    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.
    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?
    -  You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR and the relevant applicable data privacy of your country.

    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Mozambique
    Edificio Millenium Park,1 Andar
    Avenida Vladimir Lenine, 174
    or sending an email to or

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how Pernod Ricard Namibia at 39 Kallie Roodt Street, Northern Industrial, Windhoek., the Company, processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, work visa, banking details or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, degrees, diplomas, history of past professional experiences, professional bodies and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations, salary information),

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of degrees, diplomas, references, criminal and credit checks, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Psychometric evaluation and assessment if required for the position

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the HR department
    - regulatority or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by Pernod Ricard South Africa and other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Namibia 
    Po Box 91008, Klein Windhoek, 

    or sending an email

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how Pernod Ricard Nederland NDSM-plein 34 in Amsterdam processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.  

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the HR department
    - regulatority or judicial bodies, as may be required
    -other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations. In case your application does not result in employment by the Company, we will delete your Personal Data within 4 weeks after the end of the recruitment process, unless we have asked your consent to keep your Personal Data available for possible future job opportunities. In that case, we will not keep your Personal Data longer than 1 year.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to Group companies in countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law. In case you wish to receive more information about such contractual safeguards  implemented by Pernod Ricard Group please send us a request through the email address mentioned below (“How can you contact us”).

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (‘Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens’) if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Nederland
    NDSM-Plein 34
    1033 WB Amsterdam
    or sending an email to

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how the Company processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.  

    If you are applying for a position at Pernod Ricard Nigeria (“Company”).

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the HR department
    - regulatority or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Nigeria
    7th Floor CBC Towers,
    Plot 11 Olubunmi Owa Street,
    Lekki Phase 1, Lekki
    Lagos, Nigeria
    or sending an email to

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your personal data is a serious commitment for us and we respect your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website. 

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how each of our companies processes, as Data Controller, (hereafter “Company”) Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.   

    If you are applying for a position at Pernod Ricard Norway, Fridtjof Nansens vei 17, NO-0369 Oslo, the Company is Pernod Ricard Norway AS. 

    1. What Personal Data do we collect? 

    The Company collects the following mandatory and/or optional Personal Data: 

    identification and administrative data (such as name, personal identification number, nationality, date of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality),


    results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant,


    data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group), and


    information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations)

    The Company does not request sensitive personal data, for example racial or ethnical origin, political  
    views, religious or philosophical conviction, union membership, health or sexual orientation so please do not submit that information in your application, unless the Company or you are compelled to do so by law.  

    2. How do we collect your Personal Data? 

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following: 

    Job interviews performed by the Company and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting,

    Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,

    Tests of logic and/or English tests as may be required for the position, and

    Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    3. Why do we collect Personal Data? 

    The Company collects, stores, uses, and processes your Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.  

    The processing of Personal Data is necessary to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.   Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information. Personal data may also be processed to safeguard our rights in case of a dispute as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of the Company’s recruitment process.  

    Purpose and legal basis:  

    To provide you with job alerts and related corporate information, based on consent

    To establish, exercise, or defend against legal claims, based on legal obligations (e.g. labor, data protection, and non-discrimination laws as well as penal codes)

    To perform a contract to which you are a party or to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract. For instance, to take steps prior to entering an employment contract with you, based on fulfilment of contract

    For recruiting purposes, to determine your qualifications for employment, perform candidate screening, administrate talent pools and referral programs, to process referee data and surveys, based on the legitimate interest of the Company

    4. Who are the recipients of your Personal Data? 

    The recipients of your Personal Data include: 

    the service companies specialized in recruiting mandated by the Company,

    the HR department, the recruiting manager(s) and/or other members of the team affected by the position,

    regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required,

    other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    5. How long do we keep your Personal Data? 

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in each Company in accordance with the Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations. 

    Retention Time:  

    Spontaneous Applications: 24 months (based on fulfilment of contract)

    Regular Applications: 24 months (based on legitimate interest, considering the possibility of a claim under the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Act)

    6. Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?  

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Pernod Ricard Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data. 

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by taking the appropriate measures required by law, such as implementing standard contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission. 

    7. What are your rights regarding your Personal Data? 

    Right to access: You can request to access your Personal Data.

    Right to rectification: You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete, or out-of-date.

    Right to erasure: You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.

    Right to restriction: You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow the Company to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.

    Right to portability: You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.

    Right to object to processing based on our legitimate interest: You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).  

    Right to Refuse or Withdraw Consent: In case we ask for your consent to processing, you are free to refuse to give consent and you can withdraw your consent at any time without detriment by contacting us using the contact information provided below or, in case of direct marketing e-mail communications, by clicking on the unsubscribe link. The lawfulness of any processing of your personal data that occurred prior to the withdrawal of your consent will not be affected.

    8. How do you exercise your rights?  

    You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR. The relevant contact info can be found here:  

    For further information on how to complain to the Norwegian Data Protection Agency, we refer to the Norwegian Data Protection Agency's website:

    9. How can you contact us? 
    If you have any questions, complaints, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact:  

    10. DPO  
    We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to ensure that we continuously process your personal data in an open, accurate and legal manner. You can contact the DPO at the following address: 

    Att: Florence Raynal 
    Pernod Ricard SA  
    5 cours Paul Ricard 
    75783 Paris Cedex 16 

    or by sending an email to

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”) if you are an EU applicant. This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how Pernod Ricard Winemakers New Zealand Ltd (hereafter “the Company”) processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment in New Zealand.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:
    - identification and contact information (such as the applicant’s full name, date of birth, age, gender, marital status, postal address, telephone number(s) and email address or any other necessary information for the recruitment of an applicant)
    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant
    data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)
    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations).

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialised in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)


    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data is also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the Company’s Human Resources department
    - regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data is kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Is your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data if (i) your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing of your Personal Data by us (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, a complaint or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Corporate Lawyer
    Pernod Ricard Winemakers New Zealand Ltd
    Private Bag 92030
    Auckland 1142, NZ

    or sending an email to

  • Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos

    La protección de su privacidad y de sus datos personales es muy importante para Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respeta su derecho a la privacidad cuando solicita empleo a través de esta plataforma/sitio web, de acuerdo con las disposiciones contenidas en las leyes y reglamentos aplicables en materia de protección de datos, tales como el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (en adelante el "RGPD"). Este Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos (en adelante el "Aviso") deberá leerse de forma conjunta con los Términos y Condiciones aplicables a la utilización del sitio web para solicitantes de empleo.

    El objeto del Aviso es describir cómo la Sociedad, en su condición de responsable del tratamiento, trata los Datos Personales relativos a las personas que solicitan empleo.

    En el caso de que esté solicitando un puesto en Pernod Ricard Perú S.A. en la Avenida Paseo de la República No. 6010 Int. 1101, Miraflores, Lima, Perú, la Sociedad es Pernod Ricard Perú S.A.

    ¿Qué Datos Personales recopilamos?

    La Sociedad recopila los siguientes Datos Personales:

    - datos identificativos y administrativos (como, por ejemplo, la identidad del solicitante, la fecha y lugar de nacimiento, género, domicilio personal, número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico personal, permiso de residencia o cualquier otra autorización necesaria para la contratación de un solicitante de nacionalidad extranjera),

    - los resultados de los test/evaluaciones que puedan realizarse a lo largo del proceso de contratación, los cuales serán confidenciales y cuya comunicación solamente podrá ser obtenida por el solicitante,

    - datos relativos a las competencias profesionales (como, por ejemplo, competencias, formación, diplomas, experiencia profesional y, si procede, carrera profesional dentro del Grupo Pernod Ricard),

    - la información relativa al puesto de trabajo que esté solicitando el solicitante (como, por ejemplo, la denominación del puesto de trabajo y función, naturaleza de las obligaciones).

    Los Datos Personales de categorías especiales, en el sentido definido en el Artículo 9 del RGPD, sólo podrán tratarse si nos ha dado su consentimiento explícito. Este consentimiento podrá retirarse en cualquier momento.

    ¿Cómo recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    La Sociedad utiliza los siguientes métodos y técnicas, considerados pertinentes y necesarios, como parte de su proceso de contratación:

    - Entrevistas de trabajo realizadas por Pernod Ricard y/o por cualquier sociedad proveedora de servicios especializada en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Verificación de títulos, referencias y experiencia profesional por parte de un proveedor de servicios especializado en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Pruebas de lógica, pruebas de inglés en la medida en que se requieran para el puesto,
    - Evaluaciones profesionales (resolución de casos prácticos por escrito, etc.)

    ¿Por qué recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    La Sociedad recopila, almacena, utiliza y trata los Datos Personales del candidato únicamente con la finalidad de gestionar el proceso de contratación.

    Por consiguiente, el tratamiento de Datos Personales es necesario para poder adoptar medidas previas a la formalización de un contrato de trabajo en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad que es, en concreto, el de evaluar al candidato antes de proponerle una oferta de trabajo.
    Los Datos Personales son también necesarios para tratar la solicitud del candidato, para contactarle durante dicho proceso, para contestar a sus preguntas y/o para pedirle información adicional.

    ¿Quiénes son los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales?

    Entre los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales se encuentran:

    - las compañías de servicios especializadas en contratación encargadas por la Sociedad
    - el departamento de Recursos Humanos
    - los organismos regulatorios o judiciales, en la medida necesaria
    - otras filiales de Pernod Ricard

    ¿Durante cuánto tiempo conservamos sus Datos Personales?

    El departamento de Recursos Humanos conserva los Datos Personales con arreglo a lo establecido en la política y procedimientos de retención aplicables de la Sociedad, así como en la medida requerida por las leyes y reglamentos locales.

    ¿Son sus Datos Personales transferidos a otros países?

    Dado que el Grupo Pernod Ricard es una organización mundial, algunos Datos Personales relativos a los solicitantes de empleo podrán ser tratados por otras entidades del Grupo repartidas por todo el mundo. Los Datos Personales podrán ser transferidos a países que cuenten con un nivel de leyes de protección de datos personales diferente al existente en el país en el que usted facilitó sus Datos Personales.

    En tal caso, el Grupo Pernod Ricard adoptará las medidas adecuadas para preservar la seguridad de sus Datos Personales tanto durante el tránsito como en el lugar de recepción de éstos, mediante la implementación de cláusulas contractuales establecidas por las Comisión Europea, de conformidad con lo establecido en la ley aplicable.

    ¿Cuáles son sus derechos en relación con sus Datos Personales?

    - Puede solicitar el acceso a sus Datos Personales.
    - Puede solicitar la rectificación de sus Datos Personales si son inexactos, incompletos o están desactualizados.
    - Puede solicitar la supresión de sus Datos Personales si (i) éstos ya no son necesarios para las finalidades del tratamiento de datos, (ii) ha retirado su consentimiento para el tratamiento de Datos Personales basado exclusivamente en dicho consentimiento (iii) se ha opuesto al tratamiento de datos, (iv) el tratamiento de los Datos Personales es ilegal, (v) los Datos Personales deben suprimirse para cumplir con una obligación legal aplicable a la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la limitación del tratamiento (i) en caso de que se impugne la exactitud de sus Datos Personales para permitir que Pernod Ricard pueda verificar su exactitud, (ii) en el caso de que desee ejercer el derecho a limitar el uso de sus Datos Personales en lugar de eliminarlos a pesar del hecho de que el tratamiento sea ilícito, (iii) en el caso de que desee que la Sociedad conserve sus Datos Personales debido a que el interesado los necesite para su defensa dentro del contexto de reclamaciones jurídicas, (iv) en el caso de que se haya opuesto al tratamiento pero la Sociedad lleve a cabo una verificación para comprobar si tiene motivos legítimos para realizar dicho tratamiento, los cuales prevalecerán sobre sus propios derechos en caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la portabilidad de los Datos Personales que nos haya facilitado si el tratamiento de los mismos se basa en su consentimiento o en el cumplimiento de un contrato y se lleva a cabo por medios automatizados.
    - Usted tendrá el derecho de oponerse, en cualquier momento, al tratamiento por nosotros de sus Datos Personales, con fines de marketing directo, con fines de marketing basados en la elaboración de perfiles, o en el caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad (salvo que pueda demostrar la existencia de fundamentos jurídicos imperiosos para la realización del tratamiento).
    - Usted tendrá derecho a presentar una reclamación ante una autoridad de control si considera que el tratamiento de sus Datos Personales infringe el RGPD.

    ¿Cómo puede contactarnos?

    En caso de tener cualquier pregunta, reclamación o comentario relativo al presente Aviso o a nuestras prácticas de recopilación de información, le rogamos se ponga en contacto con nosotros por escrito dirigiéndose a:

    Pernod Ricard Perú S.A. 
    Avenida Paseo de la República No. 6010 Int. 1101, Miraflores, Lima, Perú. 
    o enviando un correo electrónico a

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”) and the Data Privacy Act (“DPA”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how Pernod Ricard Philippines Inc (the “Company”) at 4C One E-Com Ctr Building, Mall of Asia Complex, 76, Pasay, Metro Manila, Philippines processes, as Data Controller, Personal Information (“Personal Data”) relating to individuals applying for employment.  

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, nationality, passport details, or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to education and professional skills (such as previous schools, skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Personal Data, as defined as “Personal Information” in Section 3 of the DPA, may be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of educational qualifications, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Background and reference checks by a third-party provider specialized in conducting such checks,
    - Medical checks by a third-party medical provider for any candidate who is successful and prior to formal employment,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialized in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - third-party companies specialized in conducting background or reference checks
    - third-party medical providers specialized in conducting medical checks
    - the HR department
    - regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.


    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR or the DPA.

    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Philippines Inc
    4C One E-Com Ctr Building, Mall of Asia Complex,
    76, Pasay, Metro Manila, Philippines
    or sending an email to

  • Wyborowa
    Pernod Ricard

    Informacja dla kandydatów do pracy dotycząca ochrony danych

    Pernod Ricard przywiązuje ogromną wagę do ochrony prywatności i danych osobowych. Pernod Ricard szanuje prawo do prywatności osoby ubiegającej się o pracę za pośrednictwem niniejszej platformy/strony internetowej, zgodnie ze wszystkimi obowiązującymi przepisami prawa i regulacjami dotyczącymi ochrony danych, takimi jak Ogólne Rozporządzenie o Ochronie Danych (dalej: „RODO”). Niniejszą Informację dla kandydatów do pracy dotyczącą ochrony danych (dalej: „Informacja”) należy czytać zgodnie z Warunkami korzystania ze strony internetowej przeznaczonej dla osób ubiegających się o zatrudnienie.

    Celem niniejszej Informacji jest przedstawienie sposobu, w jaki Spółka działając jako administrator przetwarza dane osobowe dotyczące osób ubiegających się o pracę.

    W przypadku ubiegania się o pracę w Wyborowa S.A. ul. Janikowska 23, 61-070 Poznań, Spółką będzie Wyborowa S.A.

    W przypadku ubiegania się o pracę w Dobry Wybór sp. z o.o. sp.k. ul. Złota 59, 00-120 Warszawa, Spółką będzie Dobry Wybór sp. z o.o. sp.k.

    Jakie dane osobowe zbieramy?

    Spółka zbiera następujące dane osobowe:

    - dane identyfikacyjne i administracyjne (takie jak tożsamość osoby ubiegającej się o pracę, data i miejsce jej urodzenia, płeć, imiona rodziców, adres zamieszkania, numer telefonu prywatnego oraz adres emailowy, zezwolenie na pobyt lub jakiekolwiek inne zezwolenie niezbędne dla celów rekrutacji osoby będącej cudzoziemcem),

    - wyniki testów/ocen przeprowadzanych w czasie procesu rekrutacji, które będą poufne, a informacja o nich może zostać uzyskana wyłącznie przez osobę ubiegającą się o pracę,

    - informacje dotyczące umiejętności zawodowych (takich jak posiadane umiejętności, odbyte szkolenia, dyplomy, dotychczasowy przebieg kariery zawodowej i w stosownych przypadkach, stanowiska zajmowane w Grupie Pernod Ricard),

    - informacje dotyczące stanowiska, o jakie ubiega się kandydat (takie jak nazwa stanowiska, funkcja, charakter obowiązków),

    inne dane podane przez kandydata np. w jego/jej curriculum vitae.

    Wrażliwe dane osobowe zdefiniowane w Artykule 9 RODO mogą być przetwarzane wyłącznie po udzieleniu nam wyraźnej zgody. Taka zgoda może zostać w dowolnym czasie wycofana.

    W jaki sposób zbieramy dane osobowe kandydata?

    W ramach procedury rekrutacji Spółka stosuje odpowiednie i konieczne metody i techniki  obejmujące:

    - rozmowy kwalifikacyjne prowadzone przez Pernod Ricard lub niezależny podmiot zajmujący się świadczeniem usług rekrutacyjnych,
    - weryfikację dyplomów, referencji i doświadczenia zawodowego przez niezależny podmiot zajmujący się świadczeniem usług rekrutacyjnych,
    - sprawdzenie umiejętności myślenia logicznego, znajomości języka angielskiego, jeśli jest wymagany na danym stanowisku,
    - oceny zawodowych umiejętności (pisemne rozwiązywanie przypadków praktycznych, itp.)

    Dlaczego zbieramy dane osobowe?

    Spółka zbiera, przechowuje, używa i przetwarza dane osobowe kandydata wyłącznie w celach związanych z rekrutacją oraz w stosownych przypadkach, w celu przestrzegania zobowiązań prawnych Spółki.

    W związku z powyższym przetwarzanie danych osobowych jest konieczne do podjęcia działań niezbędnych przed zawarciem umowy o pracę, w uzasadnionym interesie Spółki, a mianowicie w celu oceny kandydata przed złożeniem mu oferty pracy.

    W pewnych sytuacjach Spółka może przetwarzać dane osobowe kandydata na podstawie udzielonej przez niego/nią zgody (np. dodatkowe dane podane w jego/jej curriculum vitae).
    Dane osobowe są również niezbędne w celu  przetworzenia wniosku kandydata o zatrudnienie, kontaktowania się z kandydatem w czasie przetwarzania jego wniosku, udzielania odpowiedzi na jego/jej pytania oraz żądania dodatkowych informacji.

    Kim są odbiorcy danych osobowych kandydata?

    Odbiorcami danych osobowych kandydata są:

    - firmy usługowe specjalizujące się w świadczeniu usług rekrutacyjnych zlecanych przez Spółkę,
    - dział personalny,
    - organy regulacyjne lub sądowe, w stosownych przypadkach,
    - inne spółki zależne Pernod Ricard.

    Jak długo przechowujemy dane osobowe kandydata?

    Dane osobowe są przechowywane przez dział personalny zgodnie z obowiązującymi w Spółce zasadami i procedurami przechowywania informacji oraz zgodnie z wymogami lokalnych przepisów prawa i regulacji, a zwłaszcza Spółka może przechowywać dane kandydata do czasu zakończenia procedury rekrutacji. W szczególnych przypadkach Spółka może przechowywać dane kandydata w celach związanych z przeprowadzaniem rekrutacji w przyszłości.

    Czy dane osobowe kandydata są przekazywane do innych krajów?

    Z uwagi na to, że Grupa Pernod Ricard jest organizacją międzynarodową niektóre dane osobowe dotyczące osób ubiegających się o pracę mogą być przetwarzane przez inne podmioty Grupy na całym świecie. Dane osobowe mogą być przekazywane do państw, w których obowiązują prawa zapewniające poziomy ochrony danych odmienne niż w kraju, z którego kandydat przekazał swoje dane.
    W takim przypadku Grupa Pernod Ricard podejmuje odpowiednie środki w celu zachowania bezpieczeństwa danych osobowych zarówno w czasie przekazywania ich jak i w lokalizacji je otrzymującej poprzez wdrażanie klauzul umownych określonych przez Unię Europejską zgodnie z wymogami obowiązującego prawa.

    Jakie prawa przysługują kandydatowi w odniesieniu do jego/jej danych osobowych?

    - Kandydat może zażądać dostępu do swoich danych osobowych.
    - Kandydat może zażądać sprostowania swoich danych osobowych, które są nieprawidłowe,  niekompletne lub nieaktualne.
    - Kandydat może zażądać usunięcia swoich danych osobowych, jeśli (i) nie będą już potrzebne w celu ich przetwarzania, (ii) kandydat cofnął swoją zgodę na przetwarzanie danych wyłącznie na podstawie takiej zgody, (iii) kandydat wniósł sprzeciw wobec przetwarzania swoich danych, (iv) przetwarzanie danych osobowych jest niezgodne z prawem, (v) dane osobowe muszą zostać usunięte w celu wykonania prawnego obowiązku obowiązującego Spółkę.
    - Kandydat może zażądać ograniczenia przetwarzania (i) aby umożliwić Pernod Ricard sprawdzenie dokładności jego/jej danych osobowych, jeśli dokładność jego/jej danych osobowych jest kwestionowana, (ii) jeśli kandydat chce ograniczyć przetwarzanie swoich danych osobowych, a nie usuwanie ich pomimo faktu niezgodności z prawem takiego przetwarzania, (iii) jeśli kandydat chce, aby Spółka przechowywała jego dane osobowe z uwagi na to, iż mogą stanowić dowód przemawiający za jego obroną w przypadku jakichkolwiek roszczeń prawnych (iv) jeśli kandydat wniósł sprzeciw wobec przetwarzania, ale Spółka prowadzi czynności sprawdzające czy posiada uzasadnione podstawy do takiego przetwarzania, które mogą być nadrzędne w stosunku do praw kandydata jeśli dane są przetwarzane na podstawie uzasadnionego interesu Spółki.
    - Kandydat może zażądać przeniesienia danych osobowych, które nam, przekazał, jeśli dane osobowe są przetwarzanie na podstawie jego zgody lub w ramach wykonania umowy i jest przeprowadzane w sposób zautomatyzowany.
    - Kandydat ma prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania przez nas swoich danych osobowych, w  dowolnym czasie, w celach marketingowych na podstawie profilowania lub jeśli dane są przetwarzane na podstawie uzasadnionego interesu Spółki (chyba że Spółka wykaże istnienie prawnych podstaw do przetwarzania).
    - Kandydat może w dowolnym czasie wycofać swoją zgodę bez wpływu na zgodność z prawem  przetwarzania jego/jej danych na podstawie zgody przez niego/nią udzielonej przed jej wycofaniem – w przypadkach gdy Spółka przetwarza jego/jej dane na podstawie udzielonej przez niego/nią zgody.
    - Kandydat ma prawo wnieść do organu nadzorczego sprzeciw, jeśli uzna, że przetwarzanie jego danych osobowych narusza RODO.

    Jak można się z nami skontaktować?

    W przypadku pytań, skarg lub komentarzy dotyczących niniejszej Informacji lub naszych zasad zbierania informacji prosimy o pisemny kontakt na adres:

    Wyborowa S.A. 
    ul. Złota 59 
    00-121 Warszawa
    lub wysłanie do nas emaila na adres

  • Nota informativa sobre Proteção de Dados para Candidatos

    Proteger sua privacidade e dados pessoais é muito importante para a Pernod Ricard. A Pernod Ricard respeita o seu direito à privacidade quando se candidata a um emprego por meio desta plataforma/site, de acordo com as disposições de quaisquer leis e regulamentos de proteção de dados aplicáveis, como o Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados (doravante denominado “RGPD”). Esta Nota Informativa sobre Proteção de Dados para Candidatos (doravante "Nota") deve ser lido em conjunto com os Termos e Condições para usar o site do candidato a emprego.

    O objetivo desta Nota é descrever como a Pernod Ricard Portugal, empresa localizada em Edifício D. Diniz, Rua dos Malhões, nº2 2770-071 Paço de Arcos - Portugal, processa, enquanto Controlador de Dados, Dados Pessoais relativos a indivíduos que se candidatam a um emprego.

    Que Dados Pessoais recolhemos?

    A Empresa recolhe os seguintes Dados Pessoais:

    - dados de identificação e administrativos (tais como a identidade do candidato, data e local de nascimento, sexo, endereço de residência, número de telefone pessoal e endereço de correio electrónico, autorização de residência ou qualquer outra autorização necessária para o recrutamento de um candidato de nacionalidade estrangeira);
    - resultados de testes / avaliações que podem ser realizados durante o processo de recrutamento, que permanecem confidenciais e cuja comunicação só pode ser obtida pelo candidato;
    - dados relativos a competências profissionais (tais como competências, formação, diplomas, história de experiências profissionais passadas e, conforme o caso, percurso profissional no Grupo Pernod Ricard);
    - as informações relativas ao trabalho ao qual o requerente se candidata (tais como o cargo e título da função, a natureza das obrigações);

    Os Dados Pessoais Sensíveis, conforme definido no Artigo 9 do RGPD, só podem ser processados ​​se você nos der o seu consentimento expresso. Este consentimento pode ser retirado a qualquer momento.

    Como recolhemos os seus Dados Pessoais?

    A Empresa utiliza métodos e técnicas como parte de seu recrutamento que são relevantes e necessários e consiste no seguinte:
    - Entrevistas de emprego da Pernod Ricard e/ou de uma empresa fornecedora especializada em recrutamento;
    - Verificação de diplomas, referências e experiência profissional por um fornecedor especializado em recrutamento;
    - Testes de lógica, teste de inglês se for relevante para a posição;
    - Avaliações profissionais (solução de casos práticos por escrito, etc.)

    Por que recolhemos Dados Pessoais?

    A Empresa recolhe, arquiva, usa e processa os Dados Pessoais do candidato somente com o objetivo de gerir o processo de recrutamento.

    O processamento de Dados Pessoais é, portanto, necessário para poder tomar medidas antes da conclusão de um contrato de trabalho, no interesse legítimo da Empresa, ou seja, avaliar o candidato antes de fazer uma oferta de emprego.

    Os Dados Pessoais também são necessários para processar o requerimento do candidato, entrar em contato com o solicitante durante tal processamento, responder às suas perguntas e/ou solicitar informações adicionais.

    Quem são os destinatários dos seus Dados Pessoais?

    Os destinatários dos seus Dados Pessoais incluem:

    - as empresas de serviços especializadas em recrutamento mandatadas pela Empresa;
    - o departamento de RH;
    - órgãos reguladores ou judiciais, conforme necessário;
    - outras afiliadas da Pernod Ricard.

    Por quanto tempo guardamos os seus Dados Pessoais?

    Os Dados Pessoais são arquivados pelo departamento de Recursos Humanos de acordo com as políticas e procedimentos de retenção aplicáveis ​​da Empresa e conforme exigido pelas leis e regulamentações locais.

    Os seus Dados Pessoais são transferidos para outros países?

    Como o Grupo Pernod Ricard é uma organização mundial, alguns Dados Pessoais dos candidatos podem ser processados ​​por outras entidades do Grupo em todo o mundo. Os Dados Pessoais podem ser transferidos para países que tenham um nível diferente de leis de proteção de dados do que o existente no país de onde você enviou seus Dados Pessoais.

    Neste caso, o Grupo Pernod Ricard toma as medidas apropriadas para manter a segurança dos Dados Pessoais, tanto durante o trânsito como no local de destino, através da implementação de cláusulas contratuais estabelecidas pela Comissão Europeia, de acordo com a lei aplicável.

    Quais são os seus direitos em relação aos seus Dados Pessoais?

    - Você pode solicitar o acesso aos seus dados pessoais;
    - Você pode solicitar a correção dos seus dados pessoais, se estiverem imprecisos, incompletos ou desatualizados;
    - Você pode solicitar a eliminação dos seus Dados Pessoais se (i) os seus Dados Pessoais deixarem de ser necessários para o propósito do processamento de dados, (ii) você retirou o seu consentimento sobre o processamento de dados baseado exclusivamente em tal consentimento, (iii) você objeta ao processamento de dados, (iv) o processamento de Dados Pessoais é ilegal, (v) os Dados Pessoais devem ser apagados para cumprir uma obrigação legal aplicável à Empresa;
    - Você pode solicitar a restrição do processamento (i) caso a precisão dos seus Dados Pessoais seja contestada para permitir que a Pernod Ricard verifique tal precisão, (ii) se você deseja restringir os seus Dados Pessoais em vez de excluí-los, (iii) se você deseja que a Empresa mantenha os seus Dados Pessoais porque você precisa deles para sua defesa no contexto de reivindicações legais (iv) se você se opôs ao processamento, mas a Empresa realiza verificação para averiguar se tem motivos legítimos para tal processamento, que podem anular os seus próprios direitos se o processamento de dados for baseado no interesse legítimo da Empresa;
    - Você pode solicitar a portabilidade dos Dados Pessoais que você nos forneceu, se o processamento dos seus Dados Pessoais for baseado em seu consentimento ou no cumprimento de um contrato e for realizado por meios automatizados;
    - Você tem o direito de se opor ao processamento dos seus Dados Pessoais por nós, a qualquer momento, para fins de marketing direto, para fins de marketing com base em perfis, ou se o processamento de dados for baseado no interesse legítimo da Empresa (exceto se se demonstrarem motivos legais convincentes para o processamento);
    - Você tem o direito de apresentar uma reclamação junto a uma autoridade de supervisão se considerar que o processamento dos seus Dados Pessoais viola o RGPD.

    Como pode contactar-nos?

    Se tiver dúvidas, reclamações ou comentários sobre esta Nota Informativa ou sobre as nossas práticas de recolha de informação, entre em contacto connosco:

    Pernod Ricard Portugal
    Quinta da Fonte - Edif. D. Diniz
    Rua dos Malhões, 2
    2770-071 Paço de Arcos

    ou envie um e-mail para

  • Informare privind
    politica de confidentialitate

    Pernod Ricard Romania 
    Societate comercială cu răspundere limitată


    In vigoare incepnad cu data: 25.05.2018

    Scopul documentului

    Protejarea confidențialității și a datelor personale este foarte importantă pentru Pernod Ricard România. Pernod Ricard Romania respectă dreptul dumneavoastră la intimitate atunci când aplicați pentru unui post de lucru in cadrul companiei prin intermediul oricarei platforme operate sau gestionate de companie, în conformitate cu prevederile oricăror legi aplicabile privind protecția datelor, cum ar fi Regulamentul general de protecție a datelor (denumit în continuare GDPR). Această notificare privind privind protecția datelor pentru candidați (denumită în continuare "notificare") treburie coroborata cu termenii și condițiile pentru utilizarea site-ului prin care se aplică la locul de muncă.
    Scopul acestei notificări este de a descrie cum Pernod Ricard România, în calitate de Operator de Date, procesează datle personale ale personalor care aplică pentru o poziție sau iau parte în orice mod la un proces de recrutare derulat de Pernod Ricard România.

    Ce fel de date cu caracter personal colectăm?

    Compania colectează următoarele date cu caracter personal:
    - date de identificare și administrative (cum ar fi identitatea solicitantului, data și locul nașterii, sexul, adresa de reședință, numărul de telefon personal și adresa de e-mail, permisul de ședere sau orice alte autorizații necesare pentru recrutarea unui solicitant de cetățenie străină)
    - rezultatele testelor/evaluărilor care pot fi efectuate în timpul procesului de recrutare, care rămân confidențiale și ale care pot fi puse la dispoziția aplicantului
    - datele referitoare la aptitudinile profesionale (cum ar fi aptitudini, cursuri, diplome, istoricul experiențelor profesionale anterioare și, după caz, calea carierei anterioare în cadrul grupului Pernod Ricard)
    - informațiile referitoare la locul de muncă pentru care solicitantul aplică (cum ar fi titlul poziției, funcția și natura obligațiilor)

    Datele cu caracter personal sensibile, astfel sunt definite la articolul 9 din Regulamentul General de Protecție a Datelor (GDPR), pot fi prelucrate numai dacă ne-ați dat consimțământul dumneavoastră expres. Acest consimțământ poate fi retras în orice moment.

    Regulile se aplică tuturor departamentelor operatorului, tuturor persoanelor fizice angajate de operator (indiferent de tipul de relație juridică de desfășurare a activității), precum și de Persoanele care doresc să stabilească relații de muncă cu operatorul (denumite în continuare colectiv "personal").

    Operatorul și procesatorul de date

    În ceea ce privește prelucrarea datelor descrise în această politică, operatorul este Pernod Ricard Romania,  cu sediul in Bucuresti, B-dul Corneliu Coposu Nr 6-8, etaj 8, sector 3, 030606, inregistrata la Registrul Comertului cu numarul J40/3859/2000, cod unic de inregisrare RO 12938183,

    Operatorul poate utiliza terțe persoane autorizate pentru a efectua procesarea datelor în conformitate cu prezentul prevederile legale și ale prezentei notificări, care poat efectua operațiuni în numele operatorului (de exemplu, stocarea datelor cu caracter personal).

    Ce date personale colectăm?

    Compania colectează următoarele date cu caracter personal:
    - date de identificare și administrative (cum ar fi identitatea solicitantului, data și locul nașterii, sexul, adresa de reședință, numărul de telefon personal și adresa de e-mail, permisul de ședere sau orice alte autorizații necesare pentru recrutarea unui solicitant de cetățenie străină)
    - rezultatele testelor/evaluărilor care pot fi efectuate în timpul procesului de recrutare, care rămân confidențiale și care pot fi comunicate, la cerere, doar aplicantului
    - date referitoare la aptitudinile profesionale (cum ar fi aptitudinile, educația, cursurile absolvite, diplomele, istoria experiențelor profesionale anterioare și, după caz, istoricul carierei anterioare în cadrul grupului Pernod Ricard)
    - informațiile referitoare la locul de muncă pentru care solicitantul aplică (cum ar fi titlul și funcția obiect a aplicației, descrierea atribuțiilor, etc)

    Datele cu caracter personal sensibile, după cum sunt definite la art. 9 din Regulamentul General de Protecție a Datelor (GDPR), pot fi prelucrate numai dacă ne-ați dat consimțământul dumneavoastră expres. Acest consimțământ poate fi retras în orice moment.

    Cum colectăm datele dumneavoastră personale?

    Ca parte a procesului de recrutare, compania folosește metode și tehnici relevante și necesare care constau în, fără însă a se limita la, următoarele:
    - interviuri de locuri de muncă organizate direct de către Pernod Ricard prin angajați proprii și/sau o companie terță parte furnizor specializată în recrutare,
    - verificarea diplomelor, referințelor și experienței profesionale de către un furnizor terț specializat în recrutare,
    - teste de logica, testul de limbi străine și orice alte teste specifice necesare pentru o anumită funcție
    - evaluări profesionale (cazuri practice în scris, etc)

    De ce colectăm date personale?

    Compania colectează, stochează, utilizează și procesează datele personale ale candidatului numai în scopul gestionării procesului de recrutare. Prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal este, așadar, necesară pentru a putea lua măsuri înainte de încheierea unui contract de muncă, fiind astfel în interesul legitim al societății, și anume de a evalua candidatul înainte de a face o ofertă de muncă.
    Datele cu caracter personal sunt, de asemenea, necesare pentru procesarea cererii candidatului, pentru a contacta solicitantul în timpul unei astfel de prelucrări,

    Cine va avea acces la și va primi datele tale cu character personal?

    Persoanele fizice și/sau juridice care vor primi acces la datele tale persponale suntȘ
    - Companiile de recrutare specializate, manadatate de Pernod Ricard Romania
    - Departamentul de HR și persoana care coordoneaza procesul de recrutare
    - Organe ale statului sau alte autorități, in conformitate cu prevederile legii
    - Alte companii parte ale grupului Pernod Ricard

    Cât timp păstrăm datele dvs. personale?

    Datele personale sunt păstrate de departamentul de Resurse Umane în conformitate cu politicile și procedurile de arhivare și stocare ale Companiei și conform legilor și reglementărilor în vigoare.

    Datele dvs. personale sunt transferate în alte țări?

    Întrucât Grupul Pernod Ricard este o organizație mondială, unele date personale referitoare la solicitanți pot fi prelucrate de alte entități ale grupului din întreaga lume. Datele personale pot fi transferate în țări care au o legislatie și un nivel diferit ale protecției datelor cu caracter personal decât cele existente în Romțnia sau Uniunea Europeană.

    În acest caz, Grupul Pernod Ricard se obligă să ia măsurile adecvate pentru a menține securitatea datelor dumneavoastră cu caracter personal, atât în ​​timpul tranzitului, cât și în locația de primire, prin aplicarea clauzelor contractuale stabilite de Comisia Europeană, în conformitate cu legislația aplicabilă.

    Care sunt drepturile dvs. privind datele dvs. personale?

    - Puteți solicita accesul la datele dvs. personale.
    - Puteți solicita rectificarea datelor dvs. personale dacă acestea sunt inexacte, incomplete sau neactualizate.
    - Puteți solicita ștergerea datelor dvs. personale (i) în cazul în care datele dvs. personale nu mai sunt necesare în scopul prelucrării datelor, (ii) v-ați retras consimțământul privind prelucrarea datelor bazate exclusiv pe consimțământul dvs. (iii) aveți obiecții referitoare la modul de procesare (iv) prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal este ilegală; (v) datele personale trebuie să fie șterse pentru a respecta o obligație legală aplicabilă societății.
    - Puteți solicita restricționarea procesării (i) în cazul în care precizia datelor dvs. personale este contestată pentru a permite Pernod Ricard să verifice o astfel de inexactitate, (ii) dacă doriți să restricționați datele dvs. personale în loc să le ștergeți în ciuda faptului că prelucrarea este ilegală; (iii) dacă doriți ca Pernod Ricard să păstreze datele personale deoarece aveți nevoie de ele pentru apărarea dumneavoastră într-o procedură judiciară (iv) dacă ați obiectat față de prelucrare, dar Compania efectuează cercetări pentru a verifica dacă are motive legitime pentru a efectua totuși procesarea, caz în care Compania va putea totuși să proceseze datele deoarece se bazează pe interesul său legitim
    - Puteți solicita transferarea datelor personale pe care ni le-ați furnizat, în cazul în care prelucrarea datelor personale se bazează pe consimțământul dvs. sau în baza unui contract și transferul se realizează prin mijloace automate.
    - Aveți dreptul să vă opuneți prelucrării datelor dvs. personale de către noi, în orice moment, în scopul comercializării directe, în scopul comercializării pe bază de profil sau dacă prelucrarea datelor se bazează pe interesul legitim al Companiei (cu excepția cazului în care poate demonstra motive juridice convingătoare pentru prelucrare).
    - Aveți dreptul să depuneți o plângere la o autoritate de supraveghere locală dacă considerați că prelucrarea datelor dvs. personale încalcă Regulamentul.

    Cum ne puteti contacta?

    Dacă aveți orice întrebări, plângeri sau sesizări legate de prezenta notificare vă rugăm să ne contactați în scris la:
    Pernod Ricard Romania
    B-dul Corneliu Coposu nr 6-8, etaj 8
    Sector 3, Bucuresti, 030606

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how the Company processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.  

    If you are applying for a position at Chivas Brothers Limited (SC268758), whose address is Stirling Road, Dumbarton, G82 2SS the Company is Chivas Brothers Limited.

    If you are applying for a position at World Brands Duty Free Limited (02754745) whose registered office is at Building 12, Chiswick Park, 566, Chiswick High Road, London, W4 5AN the Company is World Brands Duty Free Limited.

    If you are applying for a position at Pernod Ricard UK Limited (1870414), whose registered office is at Building 12, Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 5AN the Company is Pernod Ricard UK Limited.

    If you are applying for a position at Dillon Bass Limited (NI013022), whose registered office is at 41A Stockmans Way, Belfast, BT9 7ET the Company is Dillon Bass Limited.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address or any other necessary documentation),

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process together with our assessment of your application at all stages of the recruitment process (including for example interviewer notes and feedback),

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, where relevant, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group),

    - information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title and nature of the obligations),

    - information you have provided to us in your application form, including name, title, address, telephone number, personal email address, date of birth, gender, employment history, qualifications, experience, information in any CV or covering letter submitted, information you provide to us during an interview or at any stage of the application process,

    - information about your criminal convictions history if we would like to offer you a role (conditional on checks and any other conditions, such as references, being satisfactory). We are entitled to carry out a criminal records check in order to satisfy ourselves that there is nothing in your criminal convictions history which makes you unsuitable for the role. We will process information about criminal convictions in accordance with the appropriate policies and safeguards as required by law,

    - records relating to any previous jobs applied for within the Pernod Ricard group,
    any other information provided to us or a third party on our behalf (such as an agency) as part of the recruitment exercise,
    - CCTV footage and records of access to our premises.

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time. The following Sensitive Personal Data may be collected, stored and used:

    - Information about your race or ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or political opinions,
    - Information about your health, including any medical condition, health and sickness records,
    - Information about criminal convictions and offences.

    Sensitive Personal Data (Dillon Bass Ltd):

    The legal bases on which the Company processes any special categories of Personal Data (as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, such as health data or religious if the candidate chooses to provide it to us) in the manner described above are:

    - where such processing is necessary to comply with the Company’s obligations or to exercise the Company’s rights under employment and social security and social protection law;
    - to enable you to exercise your rights under employment and social security and social protection law; or
    - in limited circumstances, where you have given your explicit consent to such processing.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and which may consist of collecting information from a variety of sources including the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, foreign language test as may be required for the position,
    - Professional assessments,
    - Your named referees, from whom we request various information about your previous employment/experience and your suitability for the role applied for. This may include information on your character, ability, trustworthiness and confirmation of any statements you have made as part of the application process including dates of previous employment, roles, responsibilities and performance. During the reference process we may also request further information, or the referee may volunteer such information,
    - Recruitment agencies (if applicable),
    - in the case of Chivas Brothers Limited, Disclosure and Barring Service or Disclosure Scotland in respect of criminal convictions if applicable and any relevant background check provider or its equivalent in the case of World Brands Duty Free Limited, Pernod Ricard UK Limited and Dillon Bass Limited.

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Candidate’s Personal Data is collected in particular for the following reasons:
    - To assess your skills, qualifications, and suitability for the work/role.
    - To carry out background and reference checks, where applicable.
    - To communicate with you about the recruitment process.
    - To keep records related to our hiring processes.
    - To comply with legal or regulatory requirements.
    - To determine whether to offer you a position.

    Sensitive Personal Data may be collected for the following reasons:

    - We may use information about your health and disability status to consider whether we need to provide appropriate adjustments during the recruitment process, for example whether adjustments need to be made during a test or interview or to the role applied for.
    - We will use information about your race or national or ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or moral beliefs, or your sexual life or sexual orientation, to ensure meaningful equal opportunity monitoring and reporting.
    - We may collect information about your criminal convictions history if we would like to offer you a role (conditional on checks and any other conditions, such as references, being satisfactory). We are entitled to carry out a criminal records check in order to satisfy ourselves that there is nothing in your criminal convictions history which makes you unsuitable for the role. In particular:
    (i) If we are legally required to carry out criminal record checks for those carrying out the role that you have applied for.
    (ii) Certain roles require a high degree of trust and integrity (for example if it involves dealing with money/valuable products/security) and so we may ask for a basic disclosure of your criminal records history.
    We will process information about criminal convictions in accordance with the appropriate policies and safeguards as required by law.

    As part of our recruitment process we may use automated decision making (when an electronic
    system makes a decision without human intervention). This does not involve using any sensitive personal data. For some roles, we may use “Ace” questions which means that your response to a particular question could result in an automated decision being made not to progress your application further. If a decision is made not to progress your application as a result of automated decision making, you will be notified of this and you may, within a period of one month of receiving such notification, contact us to ask us to reconsider the result of that decision.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company,
    - the HR department,
    - regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required,
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates . We will only share your personal information with other members of our group, other third parties for the purposes of processing your application. For example, we may share information with the following third parties: recruitment agencies, legal services, background and criminal record check providers, document storage providers, IT/software providers, IT security (including Zscaler), external test providers, CCTV providers and outsourced security providers (including G4S). All our third-party service providers and other entities in the group are required to take appropriate security measures to protect your personal information in line with our policies. We do not allow our third-party service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes. We only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations. Copies of the applicable retention policies are available upon request.

    Is your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    The Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization. This means that some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In these cases, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?
    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to our Group Data Protection Officer at the following address:

    Pernod Ricard SA
    12 place des Etats-Unis
    75783 Paris Cedex 16
    or sending an email to

    Alternatively, please contact our Privacy Champion who has been appointed to oversee compliance with this privacy notice at

    We hope that we can resolve any query or concern you may raise.  You also have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues.

    If you have any questions about this privacy notice, or how we handle your personal data please email :

  • No Terms and Conditions

  • Obaveštenje za kandidate o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti

    PERNOD RICARD Srbija d.o.o.
    Belgrade, Bulevar Oslobođenja 211

    Zaštita Vaše privatnosti i podataka o ličnosti je od velike važnosti za Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard poštuje Vaše pravo na privatnost kada aplicirate za posao putem ove platfrome/veb stranice, u skladu sa odredbama svih primenjivih propisa u oblasti zaštite podataka, poput Opšte uredbe o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti (u daljem tekstu: Opšta uredba). Ovo Obaveštenje za kandidate o zaštiti podataka  o ličnosti (u daljem tekstu: Obaveštenje) treba čitati zajedno sa Uslovima korišćenja ove platfrome/veb stranice za apliciranje za posao.
    Svrha Obaveštenja je da opiše način na koji Pernod Ricard Srbija d.o.o, Bulevar Oslobođenja 211, Beograd (u daljem tekstu: “Kompanija”), kao Rukovalac podacima, obrađuje podatke o ličnosti pojedinaca koji apliciraju za posao.

    Koje podatke o ličnosti prikupljamo?
    Kompanija prikuplja sledeće podatke o  ličnosti:
    - identifikacione i administrativne podatke (npr. identitet kandidata, datum i mesto rođenja, pol, adresu stanovanja, privatni broj telefona i imejl adresu, boravišnu dozvolu ili bilo koju drugu dozvolu potrebnu za zapošljavanje stranca)
    - rezultate testova/procena koji mogu biti sprovedeni tokom procesa selekcije kandidata, koji ostaju poverljivi i mogu biti saopšteni isključivo kandidatu
    - podaci koji se odnose na profesionalne veštine (npr. veštine, obuka, diplome, ranije radno/profesionalno iskustvo, i, u slučaju da je primenjivo, ranija karijera u Pernod Ricard Grupi)
    - podaci koji se odnose na radno mesto za koje kandidat aplicira (npr. naziv radnog mesta I funkcija, - priroda obaveza),
    Naročito osetljivi podaci, odnosno posebne vrste podataka, definisane važećim zakonima o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti, mogu se obrađivati samo uz Vaš izričit pristanak. Svoj pristanak možete opozvati u svakom trenutku.

    Kako prikupljamo Vaše podatke o ličnosti?

    Kao deo procesa selekcije kandidata, Kompanija koristi metode i tehnike koje su relevantne za taj proces, a sastoje se u sledećem:
    - Intervjui kandidata od strane Kompanije i/ili trećeg lica koje je specijalizovano za proces selekcije kandidata,
    - Provera diploma, reference i informacija o prethodnom iskustvu od strane trećeg lica koje je specijalizovano za proces selekcije kandidata
    - Logički test, test engleskog jezika ukoliko je to zahtev za radno mesto
    - Procena profesionalnih sposobnosti (rešavanje praktičnih slučajeva pisanim putem, itd.)

    Zbog čega prikupljamo podatke o ličnosti?

    Kompanija prikuplja, pohranjuje, upotrebljava i obrađuje podatke o ličnosti kandidata isključivo u svrhu sprovođenja procesa selekcije kandidata.

    Obrada podataka o ličnosti je dakle neophodna kako bi se preduzele mere koje prethode zaključenju ugovora o radu, u legitimnom interesu kompanije, naime kako bi Kompanija mogla da proceni kandidata pre nego što mu ponudi posao.
    Podaci o ličnosti su takođe neophodni za obradu kandidatove aplikacije, radi kontaktiranja kandidata tokom te obrade, kako bi se odgovorilo na njegova/njena pitanja i/ili tražile dodatne informacije.

    Ko su primaoci podataka o ličnosti?
    Primaoci Vaših podataka o ličnosti uključuju:
    - agencije specijalizovane za selekciju kandidata koje postupaju po nalogu Kompanije
    - odeljenje za ljudske resurse
    - regulatorna ili sudska tela, ukoliko je to potrebno
    - druga povezana društva Kompanije

    Koliko dugo čuvamo Vaše podatke o ličnosti?

    Podatke o ličnosti čuva odeljenje za ljudske resurse u skladu sa primenjivim pravilima Kompanije o zadržavanju podataka i u skladu sa nacionalnim propisima.

    Da li se Vaši podaci o ličnosti prenose u druge države?

    Imajući u vidu da Pernod Ricard Srbija d.o.o. pripada Pernod Ricard Grupi koja je globalna organizacija, neki od podataka o ličnosti koji se odnose na kandidate mogu biti obrađeni od strane drugih entiteta Grupe širom sveta. Podaci o ličnosti mogu biti preneti u države članice Konvencije o zaštiti lica u odnosu na automatsku obradu ličnih podataka Saveta Evrope, kao i u druge države koje imaju drugačiji stepen zakonske zaštite podataka od onog koji postoji u državi u kojoj ste predali svoje podatke o ličnosti.
    U tom slučaju, Kompanija preduzima odgovarajuće mere kako bi obezbedila sigurnost podataka kako tokom tranzita, tako i na mestu prijema primenom standardnih ugovornih klauzula izrađenih od strane Poverenika za zaštitu podataka o ličnosti ili primenom drugih odgovarajućih mera zaštite predviđenih lokalnim zakonodavstvom o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti. U svakom slučaju, Kompanija će svaki transfer podataka o ličnosti van teritorije Republike Srbije izvršiti u skladu sa važećim zakonodavstvom Republike Srbije.

    Koja su Vaša prava u pogledu podataka o ličnosti?
    U odnosu na prikupljanje i obradu podataka o ličnosti u skladu sa ovim Obaveštenjem, imate sva prava koja pripadaju licu čiji se podaci o ličnosti obrađuju, a koja su predviđena važećim lokalnim propisima.

    U meri u kojoj to dozvoljavaju važeći lokalni propisi, imate sledeća prava:
    - Možete da zahtevate pristup Vašim podacima o ličnosti.
    - Možete da zahtevate ispravku Vaših podataka o ličnosti ukoliko su netačni,  nepotpuni ili zastareli.
    - Možete da zahtevate brisanje Vaših podataka o ličnosti (i) ukoliko Vaši podaci o ličnosti više nisu neophodni za svrhu obrade podataka, (ii) ukoliko ste opozvali pristanak za obradu podataka zasnovanu isključivo na tom pristanku (iii) ukoliko ste podneli prigovor na obradu podataka, (iv) ukoliko je obrada podataka o ličnosti nezakonita, (v) ukoliko podaci o ličnosti moraju biti obrisani u cilju izvršenja zakonske obaveze Kompanije.
    - Možete da zahtevate da se obrada Vaših podataka ograniči (i) ukoliko osporavate tačnost Vaših podataka o ličnosti, u roku koji omogućava Kompaniji da proveri tačnost tih podataka, (ii) u slučaju nezakonite obrade podataka o ličnosti, ukoliko želite da se obrada Vaših podataka ograniči umesto da se podaci brišu, (iii) ukoliko želite da Kompanija sačuva Vaše podatke o ličnosti jer su Vam potrebni u cilju podnošenja, ostvarivanja ili odbrane pravnih zahteva (iv) ukoliko ste podneli prigovor na obradu podataka ali Kompanija sprovodi procenu kako bi utvrdila da li ima pravni osnov za takvu obradu koji preteže nad Vašim interesima.
    - Možete da zahtevate prenošenje Vaših podataka o ličnosti drugom rukovaocu ukoliko je obrada podataka o ličnosti zasnovana na Vašem pristanku ili izvršenju ugovora i vrši se automatizovano.
    - Imate pravo da podnesete prigovor na obradu Vaših podataka o ličnosti, u svakom momentu, za potrebe direktnog oglašavanja, oglašavanja zasnovanog na profilisanju, ili ako je obrada podataka zasnovana na legitimnom interesu Kompanije (osim ako Kompanija može da dokaže da postoje zakonski razlozi za obradu koji pretežu nad Vašim pravima).
    - Imate pravo dа uložite žalbu nadzornom organu ukoliko smatrate da su odbradom Vaših podataka o ličnosti povređene odredbe Opšte uredbe ili merodavni lokalni propisi.

    Kako možete da nas kontaktirate?

    Ukoliko imate bilo kakva pitanja, prigovore ili primedbe u vezi sa ovim Obaveštenjem ili našim načinom prikupljajna podataka, molimo Vas pišite nam na:

    Pernod Ricard Srbija d.o.o 
    Bulevar Oslobođenja 211
    11000 Beograd

    ili pošaljite imejl na:


    Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    PERNOD RICARD Serbia d.o.o.
    Belgrade, Bulevar Oslobodjenja 211

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how Pernod Ricard Serbia d.o.o, Bulevar Oslobodjenja 211, Belgrade (hereafter “the Company”) processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.  

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data: 
    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)
    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant
    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)
    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),
    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined by the relevant Laws on Data Protection in Serbia, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:
    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.
    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.
    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?
    The recipients of your Personal Data include:
    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the HR department
    - regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other affiliates of the Company

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?
    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries? 
    Because the Pernod Ricard Srbija d.o.o. is part of the Pernod Ricard Group which is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that are party to the Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, as well as countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data._In this case, the Company takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing standard contractual clauses drafted by the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection or other appropriate measures of protection provided by local regulation on data protection. In any case, the Company conducts every transfer of Personal Data outside of the territory of the Republic of Serbia in accordance with the existing Serbian Laws.
    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?
    Regarding the collection and processing of Personal Data in accordance with this Notice you are entitled to all the rights afforded to the individual whose Personal Data is being processed and which are prescribed by the local regulation.
    To the extent provided by the local regulation in force, you have the following rights:
    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company
    - to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR or the relevant local laws.

    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Serbia d.o.o 
    Bulevar Oslobodjenja 211
    11000 Belgrade

    or sending an email to:

  • Oznámenie o ochrane osobných údajov uchádzačov o zamestnanie


    Zaistenie vášho súkromia a Ochrana osobných údajov sú pre koncern Pernod Ricard veľmi dôležité. Keď sa uchádzate o zamestnanie prostredníctvom tejto platformy/ webovej stránky, koncern Pernod Ricard rešpektuje vaše právo na ochranu súkromia a postupuje v súlade s ustanoveniami príslušných predpisov o ochrane osobných údajov, ako je napríklad obecné nariadenie o ochrane osobných údajov (ďalej len ,,GDPR“). Toto Oznámenie o ochrane osobných údajov, ktoré je určené pre uchádzačov o zamestnanie (ďalej len ,,Oznámenie“) je nutné interpretovať v spojení s Podmienkami pre používanie webových stránok pre uchádzačov.

    Účelom tohto Oznámenia je popísať, ako spoločnosť Pernod Ricard Slovakia s.r.o., IČO: 35755521, so sídlom na adrese Mlynské nivy 10, Bratislava – mestská časť Ružinov 821 09, zapísaná v obchodnom registre vedenom Okresným súdom Bratislava I, oddiel Sro, vložka číslo 18118/B (ďalej len „Spoločnosť“) ako prevádzkovateľ osobných údajov spracúva Osobné údaje fyzických osôb uchádzajúcich sa u nej o zamestnanie.

    Aké Osobné údaje zhromažďujeme?

    Spoločnosť zhromažďuje nasledujúce Osobné údaje:

    - identifikačné a administratívne údaje (napr. meno, priezvisko, kontaktné údaje (adresa, e- mailová adresa, telefóne číslo), ostatné údaje poskytnuté uchádzačom v životopise, alebo behom pohovoru dobrovoľne)
    - výsledky testov/hodnotení, ktoré môžu byť uskutočnené počas náboru zamestnancov

    - údaje týkajúce sa pracovných predpokladov (napr. zručnosti, kurzy, certifikáty, predchádzajúce pracovné skúsenosti, prípadne i informácie o predchádzajúcom zamestnaní v koncerne Pernod Ricard)

    - informácie týkajúce sa práce, o ktorú sa uchádzač uchádza (napr. názov pracovnej pozície a funkcie, povaha povinností).
    Citlivé osobné údaje, ak sú vymedzené v článku 9 nariadenia GDPR, sa počas náboru zamestnancov spravidla nespracúvajú.

    Ako zhromažďujeme vaše Osobné údaje?

    Spoločnosť využíva počas náboru zamestnancov výhradne nasledujúce relevantné a nevyhnutné postupy a techniky:
    - kontaktovanie uchádzačov prostredníctvom webových stránok pre uchádzača, alebo pomocou iných komunikačných prostriedkov,
    - pracovné pohovory uskutočňované Spoločnosťou alebo externou spoločnosťou špecializujúce sa na nábor zamestnancov,
    - overovanie certifikátov, referencií a pracovných skúseností,
    - vyhodnotenie profesijných a osobnostných predpokladov uchádzača v nadväznosti na popis pracovnej pozície,
    - testy logického myslenia alebo znalosti anglického jazyka, ktoré môžu byť pre pozíciu vyžadované,
    - testy odbornej kvalifikácie (riešenie praktických prípadov v písomnej forme apod.).

    Prečo zhromažďujeme Osobné údaje?

    Spoločnosť zhromažďuje, ukladá, využíva a spracúva Osobné údaje uchádzačov výhradne pre účely náboru zamestnancov.

    Spracúvanie Osobných údajov je nevyhnutné preto, aby bolo možné pred uzavretím pracovnej zmluvy prijať také opatrenia, ktoré sú v oprávnenom záujme Spoločnosti, a to posúdenie uchádzača pred tým, než mu bude ponúknutá pracovná pozícia.

    Osobné údaje sú takisto nevyhnutné k spracovaniu žiadosti uchádzača, kontaktovanie uchádzača počas tohto spracovania, zodpovedanie jeho/jej dotazov a vyžiadanie ďalších informácií.

    Kto sú príjemcovia vašich Osobných údajov?

    Príjemcovia vašich Osobných údajov (okrem Spoločnosti) môžu byť:

    - poskytovatelia webových stránok pre uchádzača
    - spoločnosti poverené Spoločnosťou, ktoré sa zameriavajú na nábor zamestnancov
    - ďalší poskytovatelia služieb (napr. IT služby), ktorých Spoločnosť využíva, vrátane ostatných spoločností z koncernu Pernod Ricard
    - prípadne regulačné a súdne orgány

    Ako dlho vaše Osobné údaje uchovávame?

    Spoločnosť uchováva Osobné údaje v súlade so svojimi zásadami a postupmi pre uchovanie osobných údajov a požiadavkami miestnych právnych a správnych predpisov.

    Sú vaše osobné údaje posielané do ďalších krajín?

    Koncern Pernod Ricard pôsobí po celom svete, preto môžu byť niektoré Osobné údaje týkajúce sa uchádzačov spracúvané inými členmi Koncernu v zahraničí. Osobné údaje môžu byť odovzdávané do krajín s odlišnou úrovňou právnych predpisov o ochrane údajov, než je tomu v prípade krajiny, v ktorej ste Osobné údaje poskytli.

    V takom prípade koncern Pernod Ricard príjme vhodné opatrenia k zaisteniu bezpečnosti Osobných údajov, a to ako počas ich odovzdávania, ako aj v krajine určenia, to všetko pomocou zmluvných doložiek stanovených Európskou komisiou v súlade s platnými právnymi predpismi.

    Aké sú vaše práva týkajúce sa Osobných údajov?

    - Môžete požiadať o prístup k vašim Osobným údajom.
    - Môžete požiadať o opravu svojich Osobných údajov v prípade, že budú nepresné či neúplné alebo neaktuálne.
    - Môžete požiadať o výmaz vašich Osobných údajov, (i) pokiaľ už nie sú potrebné pre daný účel spracúvania, (ii) pokiaľ ste odvolali svoj súhlas so spracúvaním údajov, ktoré je založené výhradne na tomto súhlase, (iii) pokiaľ ste vzniesli proti spracúvaniu údajov námietku, (iv) pokiaľ je spracúvanie Osobných údajov nezákonné, (v) pokiaľ je výmaz Osobných údajov nutný pre splnenie právnej povinnosti Spoločnosti.
    - Môžete požiadať o obmedzenie spracúvania v prípade, že (i) dôjde k spochybneniu presnosti vašich Osobných údajov, aby spoločnosť Pernod Ricard mohla ich presnosť preveriť, (ii) si prajete obmedziť spracúvanie vašich údajov, ale nie ich vymazať, aj napriek tomu, že ide o nezákonné spracúvanie, (iii) si prajete, aby Spoločnosť uchovávala vaše Osobné údaje, pretože ich potrebujete pre svoju obranu v súvislosti s právnymi nárokmi, (iv) vzniesli ste námietku proti spracúvaniu, avšak Spoločnosť overuje, či má pre takéto spracúvanie oprávnený dôvod, ktorý by mohol prevážiť nad vašimi vlastnými právami v prípade, že spracúvanie prebieha na základe oprávneného záujmu Spoločnosti.
    - Môžete požiadať o prenositeľnosť Osobných údajov, ktoré ste nám poskytli, pokiaľ spracúvanie Osobných údajov prebieha na základe vášho súhlasu či plnenia zmluvy a je vykonávané pomocou automatizovaných prostriedkov.
    - Máte právo kedykoľvek vzniesť námietku proti tomu, aby sme spracúvali vaše Osobné údaje pre účely priameho marketingu či marketingu založeného na profilovaní alebo v prípade, že spracúvanie údajov prebieha na základe oprávneného záujmu Spoločnosti (s výnimkou prípadov, kedy môže Spoločnosť doložiť presvedčivý právny dôvod spracúvania).
    - Pokiaľ sa domnievate, že spracúvanie vašich osobných údajov je v rozpore s nariadením GDPR, máte právo podať sťažnosť dozornému úradu.

    Ako nás môžete kontaktovať?

    V prípade dotazov, sťažností či komentárov v súvislosti s týmto Oznámením alebo v záujme o informácie o našich postupoch v súvislosti so zhromažďovaním údajov nás prosím kontaktujte písomne na adrese:

    Pernod Ricard Slovakia s.r.o.
    Mlynské nivy 10
    821 09 Bratislava

    alebo zašlite email na adresu
    V prípade potreby môžete takisto kontaktovať našu koncernovú Zodpovednú osobu pre ochranu osobných údajov na adrese



    Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates


    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard Group. Pernod Ricard Group respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how Pernod Ricard Slovakia s.r.o., ID no. 35755521, with registered seat at Mlynské nivy 10, Bratislava, ZIP 821 09, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the District Court in Bratislava I with file no. 18118/B, insert: Sro (referred to as the “Company”) processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as name, surname, contacts (address, e-mail address, telephone number), other data provided voluntarily by the applicant in CV or during interview)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, are generally not processed during the recruitment process.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Contacting applicants via job applicant websites or other communication means,
    - Job interviews by the Company and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience,
    - Assessment of professional and personal preconditions of the candidate in accordance with a Job
    - Description of the position,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data (apart from the Company) may include:

    - job applicant websites providers
    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - providers of other services (e.g. IT services) for the Company, including other Pernod Ricard affiliates
    - regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Company in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Slovakia s.r.o.
    Mlynské nivy 10
    821 09 Bratislava

    or sending an email to
    If necessary, our group Data Protection Officer may be contacted at

  • Obvestilo o varovanju zasebnosti za prosilce za zaposlitev

    PERNOD RICARD Slovenija d.o.o.
    Ljubljana, Vurnikova 2

    Zaščita vaše zasebnosti in osebnih podatkov sta zelo pomembni za Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard spoštuje vašo pravico do zasebnosti, ko se prijavite za zaposlitev prek te platforme/spletne strani, v skladu z določbami katere koli veljavne evropske in nacionalne zakonodaje s področja varstva osebnih podatkov in uredbe o varstvu podatkov, kot je splošna Uredba o varstvu podatkov (v nadaljnjem besedilu tudi: »Splošna uredba o varstvu podatkov (Uredba (EU) 2016/679) ali »GDPR«). To Obvestilo o varovanju zasebnosti za prosilce za zaposlitev (v nadaljnjem besedilu tudi: »Obvestilo«) se uporablja skupaj s Pogoji za uporabo spletne strani za prijavo za zaposlitev.

    Namen tega Obvestila je opisati, kako deluje družba PERNOD RICARD SLOVENIJA, trgovina in storitve, d.o.o., Vurnikova ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, matična številka: 5742552000 (v nadaljevanju tudi: »Družba«) kot upravljavec podatkov in kaj počnemo z osebnimi podatki o posameznikih, ki se prijavijo za zaposlitev.

    Če se prijavljate za položaj pri PERNOD RICARD SLOVENIJA, trgovina in storitve, d.o.o., Vurnikova ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana, je Družba PERNOD RICARD SLOVENIJA, trgovina in storitve, d.o.o.

    Katere vaše osebne podatke zbiramo in obdelujemo ?

    Družba zbira sledeče osebne podatke:

    - identifikacijske in administrativne podatke (kot so prosilčeva identiteta (ime in priimek), datum in kraj rojstva, spol, naslov prebivališča, osebna telefonska številka in elektronski naslov, dovoljenje za prebivanje ali katero koli drugo potrebno dovoljenje za zaposlitev prosilca tujega državljanstva),

    - rezultate preizkusov/ocen, ki se lahko izvajajo med postopkom zaposlovanja, ki ostanejo zaupni in katerih sporočanje lahko pridobi le prosilec,

    - podatke o strokovnih spretnostih (kot so spretnosti, usposabljanje, diplome, zgodovina preteklih poklicnih izkušenj in, odvisno od primera, pretekla poklicna pot v skupini Pernod Ricard),

    - informacije v zvezi z delom, za katerega se prosilec prijavlja (kot so naziv delovnega mesta in funkcija, narava obveznosti).

    Posebne vrste osebnih podatkov, kot so opredeljeni v 9/1. členu GDPR, se lahko obdelujejo le:  (i) če ste nam dali svojo izrecno pisno privolitev. Taka privolitev se lahko kadar koli umakne; (ii) če je obdelava potrebna zaradi izpolnjevanja obveznosti in posebnih pravic upravljavca osebnih podatkov na področju 
    zaposlovanja v skladu z zakonom, ki določa tudi ustrezna jamstva pravic posameznika; (iii) če je obdelava nujno potrebna za varovanje življenja ali telesa posameznika, na katerega se osebni podatki nanašajo, ali druge osebe, kadar posameznik, na katerega se osebni podatki nanašajo, fizično ali poslovno ni sposoben dati svoje privolitve ; (iv) če je posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo občutljivi osebni podatki, te javno objavil brez očitnega ali izrecnega namena, da omeji namen njihove uporabe; (v) če je to potrebno zaradi uveljavljanja ali nasprotovanja pravnemu zahtevku;

    Kako zbiramo in obdelujemo vaše osebne podatke?

    Družba v okviru svojega zaposlovanja uporablja ustrezne in potrebne metode in tehnike, ki so sestavljene iz:

    - Intervjuji za zaposlitev s strani podjetja Pernod Ricard in/ali tretjega ponudnika, specializiranega za zaposlovanje,
    - Preverjanja diplom, referenc in poklicnih izkušenj s strani tretjega ponudnika, specializiranega za zaposlovanje,
    - Preizkusov logike, testa angleščine, če so potrebni za posamezno delovno mesto,
    - Strokovne ocene (pisno reševanje praktičnih primerov itd.)

    Zakaj zbiramo in obdelujemo vaše osebne podatke?

    Družba zbira, hrani, uporablja in obdeluje osebne podatke prosilca za zaposlitev izključno za namen
    vodenja procesa zaposlovanja.

    Obdelava osebnih podatkov je torej nujna in v zakonitem interesu Družbe, da bi lahko sprejeli ukrepe pred sklenitvijo pogodbe o zaposlitvi, in sicer gre za oceno prosilca za zaposlitev pred ponudbo za zaposlitev.

    Osebni podatki so prav tako potrebni za obdelavo prosilčeve vloge, za stik s prosilcem med takšno obdelavo, za odgovor na njegova/njena vprašanja in/ali za zahtevanje dodatnih informacij.

    S kom delimo vaše osebne podatke?

    Vaše osebne podatke delimo z naslednjimi kategorijami :

    -  storitvena podjetja, specializirana za zaposlovanje, ki jih je pooblastila Družba, kadrovski oddelek,

    - zakonodajni ali sodni organi, kadar se to zahteva,

    - druga lastniško povezana podjetja Pernod Ricard.

    Kako dolgo hranimo vaše osebne podatke?

    Vaše osebne podatke hrani kadrovski oddelek le toliko časa, dokler je to potrebno za dosego namena, zaradi katerega so se zbirali ali nadalje obdelovali in v skladu z vsakokrat veljavnimi politikami in zakonskimi določbami, ki urejajo roke hrambe osebnih podatkov.

    Kako prenašamo vaše podatke v tretje države?

    Ker je skupina Pernod Ricard mednarodna organizacija, lahko nekatere osebne podatke, ki se nanašajo na prosilce za zaposlitev, obdelajo drugi subjekti skupine po vsem svetu. Osebni podatki se lahko prenesejo v države, ki imajo drugačno raven zakonov o varstvu podatkov od tiste, ki obstaja v državi, od koder ste oddali osebne podatke.

    V tem primeru skupina Pernod Ricard sprejme ustrezne ukrepe za ohranitev varnosti osebnih podatkov med prenosom in na lokaciji prejemnika z izvajanjem pogodbenih klavzul, kot jih je določila Evropska komisija, v skladu z vsakokrat veljavno zakonodajo.

    Kakšne so vaše pravice v zvezi z varstvom vaših osebnih podatkov?

    - Imate pravico dostopa do vaših osebnih podatkov.
    - Imate pravico do preklica privolitve. Preklic privolitve ne vpliva na zakonitost obdelave podatkov, ki se je izvajala do njenega preklica.

    - Lahko zahtevate, da upravljavec popravi vaše osebne podatke, če so netočni, nepopolni ali zastareli.
    - Lahko zahtevate izbris vaših osebnih podatkov: (i) če vaši osebni podatki niso več potrebni za namene obdelave podatkov; (ii) ste preklicali privolitev na
    - podlagi katere poteka taka obdelava podatkov, ki temelji izključno na takšni privolitvi; (iii) ste nasprotovali obdelavi podatkov; (iv) so bili osebni podatki obdelani nezakonito; (v) morajo biti osebni podatki izbrisani za izpolnitev pravne obveznosti v skladu s pravom Unije ali pravom države članice, ki velja za družbo.
    - Zahtevate lahko omejitev obdelave: (i) v primeru oporekanja točnosti vaših osebnih podatkov, da bi Pernod Ricard lahko preveril to točnost; (ii) če je obdelava nezakonita in nasprotujete izbrisu osebnih podatkov ter namesto tega zahtevate omejitev njihove uporabe; (iii) če želite, da družba obdrži vaše osebne podatke, ker jih potrebujete za uveljavljanje, izvajanje ali obrambo pravnih zahtevkov; (iv) če ste nasprotovali obdelavi, vendar družba opravi preverjanje, da preveri, ali ima utemeljene razloge za tako obdelavo, ki lahko prevlada nad vašimi pravicami, če obdelava podatkov temelji na zakonitem interesu Družbe.

    - Imate pravico do prenosljivosti osebnih podatkov, ki ste nam jih posredovali in lahko zahtevate, da te podatke posreduje drugemu upravljavcu, če obdelava osebnih podatkov temelji na vaši privolitvi ali izvedbi naročila in se izvaja z avtomatiziranimi sredstvi.
    - Imate pravico, da kadarkoli ugovarjate obdelavi vaših osebnih podatkov, kadar se osebni podatki obdelujejo za namene neposrednega trženja, za namene trženja, ki temeljijo na profiliranju, ali če obdelava podatkov temelji na zakonitem interesu podjetja razen, če
    - lahko dokaže, da je za obdelavo potrebna prepričljiva pravna podlaga.
    - Imate pravico vložiti pritožbo pri nadzornem organu, če menite, da je obdelava vaših osebnih podatkov v nasprotju z GDPR.

    Kontaktni podatki nadzornega organa:

    Informacijski pooblaščenec
    Dunajska cesta 22
    1000 Ljubljana
    Telefon: 01 230 97 30
    Faks: 01 230 97 78
    E-pošta: gp.ip(at)

    Kontaktni podatki upravljavca

    Če imate kakršna koli vprašanja, pritožbe ali pripombe v zvezi s tem Obvestilom ali našimi praksami zbiranja informacij, nam pišite na naslov:

    PERNOD RICARD SLOVENIJA, trgovina in storitve, d.o.o.
    Vurnikova ulica 2
    1000 Ljubljana

    ali pošljite e-sporočilo na:


    Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    PERNOD RICARD Slovenia d.o.o.
    Ljubljana, Vurnikova 2

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable European and local data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how the Company PERNOD RICARD SLOVENIJA, trgovina in storitve, d.o.o., Vurnikova ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, Registration number : 5742552000 (hereafter  also: “Company”) processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.

    If you are applying for a position at PERNOD RICARD SLOVENIJA, trgovina in storitve, d.o.o., Vurnikova ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, the Company is PERNOD RICARD SLOVENIJA, trgovina in storitve, d.o.o.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality),

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant,

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group),

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations).

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Paragraph 1 Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed: (i) if you have given us your written express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time; (ii) if processing is necessary in order to fulfill the obligations and special rights of the data controller in the field of employment in accordance with the law, which also provides appropriate guarantees for the rights of the individual; (iii) if processing is indispensable for the protection of the life or body of the data subject or other persons when the data subject is physically or commercially unable to give his consent ; (iv) if the individual to whom sensitive personal data relates has made publicly available without a clear or explicit intention to limit the purpose of their use; (v) if necessary for the purpose of enforcing or opposing a legal claim;

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position,
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company,
    - the HR department,
    - regulatority or judicial bodies, as may be required,
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department for as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected or further processed and in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You may withdraw your consent at any time. The withdraw of the consent does not affect the legality of the processing of the data that was carried out prior to its cancellation.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data: (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing; (ii) you have
    - withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent; (iii) you objected to the data processing; (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful; (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation in Union or Member State law, applicable to the Company.

    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy; (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful; (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims; (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    Contact details of the supervisory authority:

    Informacijski pooblaščenec
    Dunajska cesta 22
    1000 Ljubljana
    Telefon: 01 230 97 30
    Faks: 01 230 97 78
    E-pošta: gp.ip(at)

    How can you contact us

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    PERNOD RICARD SLOVENIJA, trgovina in storitve, d.o.o.
    Vurnikova ulica 2
    1000 Ljubljana

    or sending an e-mail to:

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”) and the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act (“PDPA”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how Pernod Ricard Singapore Private Limited at 1 Kim Seng Promenade #11-09/12 Great World City West Tower Singapore 237994 processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.  

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, nationality, passport details, or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to education and professional skills (such as previous schools, skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Personal Data, as defined in Section 2 of the PDPA, may be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting,
    - Verification of educational qualifications, references, background and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Medical checks by a third-party medical provider for any candidate who is successful and prior to formal employment,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialized in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - third-party companies specialized in conducting background or reference checks
    - third-party medical providers specialized in conducting medical checks
    - the HR department
    - regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR or the PDPA.

    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Singapore Pte Ltd
    1 Kim Seng Promenade #11-09/12 Great World City West Tower 
    Singapore 237994
    or sending an email to

  • No Terms and Conditions

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your personal data is a serious commitment for us and we respect your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website. 

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how each of our companies processes, as Data Controller, (hereafter “Company”) Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.   

    If you are applying for a position at The Absolut Group with registered address S-117 97 Stockholm (visiting address: Marieviksgatan 19C, S-117 43 Stockholm), the Company is The Absolut Company AB.     

    If you are applying for a position at Pernod Ricard Sweden, S-117 97 Stockholm (visiting address: Marieviksgatan 19C, S-117 43 Stockholm), the Company is Pernod Ricard Sweden AB. 

    1. What Personal Data do we collect? 

    The Company collects the following mandatory and/or optional Personal Data: 

    identification and administrative data (such as name, personal identification number, nationality, date of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality),


    results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant,


    data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group), and


    information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations)

    The Company does not request sensitive personal data, for example racial or ethnical origin, political  
    views, religious or philosophical conviction, union membership, health or sexual orientation so please do not submit that information in your application, unless the Company or you are compelled to do so by law.  

    2. How do we collect your Personal Data? 

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following: 

    Job interviews performed by the Company and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting,

    Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,

    Tests of logic and/or English tests as may be required for the position, and

    Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    3. Why do we collect Personal Data? 

    The Company collects, stores, uses, and processes your Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.  

    The processing of Personal Data is necessary to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.   Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information. Personal data may also be processed to safeguard our rights in case of a dispute as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of the Company’s recruitment process.  

    Purpose and legal basis:  

    To provide you with job alerts and related corporate information, based on consent

    To establish, exercise, or defend against legal claims, based on legal obligations (e.g. labor, data protection, and non-discrimination laws as well as penal codes)

    To perform a contract to which you are a party or to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract. For instance, to take steps prior to entering an employment contract with you, based on fulfilment of contract

    For recruiting purposes, to determine your qualifications for employment, perform candidate screening, administrate talent pools and referral programs, to process referee data and surveys, based on the legitimate interest of the Company

    4. Who are the recipients of your Personal Data? 

    The recipients of your Personal Data include: 

    the service companies specialized in recruiting mandated by the Company,

    the HR department, the recruiting manager(s) and/or other members of the team affected by the position,

    regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required,

    other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    5. How long do we keep your Personal Data? 

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in each Company in accordance with the Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations. 

    Retention Time:  

    Spontaneous Applications: 24 months (based on fulfilment of contract)

    Regular Applications: 24 months (based on legitimate interest, considering the possibility of a claim under the Discrimination Act 2008:567)

    6. Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?  

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Pernod Ricard Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data. 

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by taking the appropriate measures required by law, such as implementing standard contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission. 

    7. What are your rights regarding your Personal Data? 

    Right to access: You can request to access your Personal Data.

    Right to rectification: You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete, or out-of-date.

    Right to erasure: You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.

    Right to restriction: You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow the Company to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.

    Right to portability: You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.

    Right to object to processing based on our legitimate interest: You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).  

    Right to Refuse or Withdraw Consent: In case we ask for your consent to processing, you are free to refuse to give consent and you can withdraw your consent at any time without detriment by contacting us using the contact information provided below or, in case of direct marketing e-mail communications, by clicking on the unsubscribe link. The lawfulness of any processing of your personal data that occurred prior to the withdrawal of your consent will not be affected.

    8. How do you exercise your rights?  

    You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR. The relevant contact info can be found here:  

    For further information on how to complain to the Swedish Data Protection Agency, we refer to the Swedish Data Protection Agency's website:

    9. How can you contact us? 
    If you have any questions, complaints, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact:  

    We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to ensure that we continuously process your personal data in an open, accurate and legal manner. You can contact the DPO at the following address: 

    Att: Florence Raynal 
    Pernod Ricard SA  
    5 cours Paul Ricard 
    75783 Paris Cedex 16 

    or by sending an email to

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how Pernod Ricard Swiss SA (the “Company”) processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit (titre de séjour) or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the HR department
    - regulatority or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Swiss SA 
    Richtiarkade 16
    8304 Wallisellen/Zürich
    Phone: +41 44 575 80 00
    or sending an email to

  • 應徵者的資料保護參閱通知






    - 身份證明與行政資料(例如申請人的身份、出生日期和地點、性別、居住地址、個人電話號碼,以及電子郵件地址、居留證或雇用外籍申請人之任何其他必要授權書等)

    - 在招聘過程中可能進行的測驗/評量成績,這些成績維持保密,且唯有申請人才能接獲通知

    - 與專業技能相關的資料(例如技能、訓練、證書、過去工作經驗的歷史,以及視情況而定,保樂力加集團內部的過去職涯路徑等)

    - 與申請人所申請的工作相關的資料(例如職位和職稱、職責的性質等)

    敏感性個人資料,如《個資保護法》第 6 條中所定義,唯有在法律要求進行此項處理,或者您已給予我們書面同意的情況下方可處理,並得隨時撤銷這項同意。



    - 由保樂力加及/或第三方供應商公司進行的求職面試,
    - 由專營招聘的第三方供應商核實文憑、推薦信及工作經驗,
    - 該職位可能需要的邏輯測驗、英語測驗
    - 專業評鑑(採用書面形式的實際案例解決方案等)







    - 本公司授權的專營招聘服務公司
    - 人力資源部門
    - 監管或司法機構,視需要而定
    - 其他的保樂力加分支機構







    - 您可以要求存取自己的個人資料。
    - 如果個人資料不正確、不完整或過時了,則您可以要求更正。
    - 您可以要求刪除您的個人資料:(i)如果您的個人資料不再必要用於資料處理;(ii)您僅根據此方面同意而撤銷對資料處理的同意;(iii)您反對資料處理;(iv)個人資料處理違法;(v)必須刪除個人資料以遵守適用於本公司的法律義務。
    - 您可以要求限制處理:(i)如果您的個人資料準確性受到質疑,允許保樂力加核查此方面的準確性;(ii)如果您希望限制而不是刪除您的個人資料,儘管事實上此處理違法;(iii)如果您希望本公司保存您的個人資料,因為您需要將其用於法律求償過程中的辯護;(iv)如果您反對處理,但本公司仍進行核實,核查是否有合法理由進行此方面處理,如果資料處理是基於本公司的合法權益,則可能優先於您自己的權利。
    - 如果個人資料處理是基於您的同意或契約之履行,並透過自動化方法執行,則您可以要求可移動所提供給我們的個人資料。
    - 在任何時候,為了直接行銷目的、為基於分析之行銷目的,或者如果個人資料處理是基於本公司的合法權益時(除非能證明處理具有令人信服的法律依據),則您有權反對由我們進行您的個人資料處理。
    - 如果您認為您的個人資料處理侵犯了《個資保護法》,則您有權向監管機構提出控訴。





  • Oznámení o ochraně osobních údajů uchazečů o zaměstnání

    Zajištění vašeho soukromí a ochrana Osobních údajů jsou pro koncern Pernod Ricard velice důležité. Když se ucházíte o zaměstnání prostřednictvím této platformy/webové stránky, koncern Pernod Ricard respektuje vaše právo na ochranu soukromí a postupuje v souladu s ustanoveními příslušných předpisů o ochraně osobních údajů, jako je například obecné nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů (dále jen „GDPR“). Toto Oznámení o ochraně osobních údajů určené pro uchazeče o zaměstnání (dále jen „Oznámení“) je třeba vykládat ve spojení s Podmínkami pro používání webových stránek pro uchazeče.

    Účelem tohoto Oznámení je popsat, jak společnost Jan Becher – Karlovarská Becherovka, a.s., IČO: 49790765, se sídlem na adrese T.G. Masaryka 282/57, Karlovy Vary, PSČ: 360 01, zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Plzni pod sp. zn. B 401 (dále jen jako „Společnost“) jakožto Správce osobních údajů zpracovává Osobní údaje fyzických osob ucházejících se u ní o zaměstnání.

    Jaké Osobní údaje shromažďujeme?

    Společnost shromažďuje následující Osobní údaje:

    - identifikační a administrativní údaje (např. jméno, příjmení, kontaktní údaje (adresa, e-mailová adresa, telefonní číslo), ostatní údaje poskytnuté uchazečem dobrovolně v životopise nebo během pohovoru)

    - výsledky testů/hodnocení, jež mohou být uskutečněny během náboru zaměstnanců

    - údaje týkající se pracovních předpokladů (např. dovednosti, kurzy, certifikáty, předchozí pracovní zkušenosti, případně i informace o předchozím zaměstnání v koncernu Pernod Ricard)

    - informace týkající se práce, o kterou se uchazeč uchází (např. název pracovní pozice a funkce, povaha povinností).

    Citlivé osobní údaje, jak jsou vymezeny v článku 9 nařízení GDPR, se během náboru zaměstnanců zpravidla nezpracovávají.

    Jak shromažďujeme vaše Osobní údaje?

    Společnost využívá během náboru zaměstnanců výhradně následující relevantní a nezbytné postupy a techniky:

    - kontaktování uchazečů prostřednictvím webových stránek pro uchazeče nebo pomocí jiných komunikačních prostředků,
    - pracovní pohovory prováděné Společností nebo externí společností specializující se na nábor zaměstnanců,
    - ověřování certifikátů, referencí a pracovních zkušeností,
    - vyhodnocení profesních a osobnostních předpokladů uchazeče v návaznosti na popis pracovní pozice,
    - testy logického myšlení nebo znalosti anglického jazyka, které mohou být pro pozici vyžadovány,
    - testy odborné kvalifikace (řešení praktických případů v písemné formě apod.).

    Proč shromažďujeme Osobní údaje?

    Společnost shromažďuje, ukládá, využívá a zpracovává Osobní údaje uchazečů výhradně pro účely provádění náboru zaměstnanců.

    Zpracování Osobních údajů je nezbytné pro to, aby bylo možné před uzavřením pracovní smlouvy přijmout taková opatření, která jsou v oprávněném zájmu Společnosti, a to posouzení uchazeče před tím, než mu bude nabídnuta pracovní pozice.Osobní údaje jsou také nezbytné ke zpracování žádosti uchazeče, kontaktování uchazeče během takového zpracování, zodpovězení jeho/jejích dotazů a vyžádání dalších informací.

    Kdo jsou příjemci vašich Osobních údajů?

    Příjemci vašich Osobních údajů (kromě Společnosti) mohou být:

    - poskytovatelé webových stránek pro uchazeče
    - společnosti pověřené Společností, jež se zaměřují na nábor zaměstnanců
    - další poskytovatelé služeb (např. IT služby), jež Společnost využívá, včetně ostatních společností z koncernu Pernod Ricard
    - případně regulační a soudní orgány

    Jak dlouho vaše Osobní údaje uchováváme?

    Společnost uchovává Osobní údaje v souladu se svými zásadami a postupy pro uchování osobních údajů a požadavky místních právních a správních předpisů.

    Jsou vaše osobní údaje předávány do dalších zemí?

    Koncern Pernod Ricard působí po celém světě, proto mohou být některé Osobní údaje týkající se uchazečů zpracovávány jinými členy Koncernu v zahraničí. Osobní údaje mohou být předávány do zemí s odlišnou úrovní právních předpisů o ochraně údajů, než je tomu v případě země, v níž jste Osobní údaje poskytli.

    V takovém případě koncern Pernod Ricard přijme vhodná opatření k zajištění bezpečnosti Osobních údajů, a to jak během jejich předávání, tak i v zemi určení, a to pomocí smluvních doložek stanovených Evropskou komisí v souladu s platnými právními předpisy.

    Jaká jsou vaše práva týkající se Osobních údajů?

    - Můžete požádat o přístup k vašim Osobním údajům.
    - Můžete požádat o opravu svých Osobních údajů v případě, že budou nepřesné či neúplné nebo nebudou aktuální.
    - Můžete požádat o výmaz vašich Osobních údajů, (i) pokud již nejsou pro daný účel zpracování údajů potřeba, (ii) pokud jste odvolali svůj souhlas se zpracováním údajů, které je založeno výhradně na tomto souhlasu, (iii) pokud jste vznesli proti zpracování údajů námitku, (iv) pokud je zpracování Osobních údajů nezákonné, (v) pokud je výmaz Osobních údajů nutný pro splnění právní povinnosti Společnosti.
    - Můžete požádat o omezení zpracování v případě, že (i) dojde ke zpochybnění přesnosti vašich Osobních údajů, aby společnost Pernod Ricard mohla jejich přesnost prověřit, (ii) si přejete omezit zpracování vašich Údajů, nikoli je vymazat, i přesto, že jde o nezákonné zpracování, (iii) si přejete, aby Společnost uchovávala vaše Osobní údaje, neboť je potřebujete pro svou obranu v souvislosti s právními nároky, (iv) vznesli jste námitku proti zpracování, avšak Společnost provádí ověření, zda má pro takové zpracování oprávněný důvod, který by mohl převážit nad vašimi vlastními právy v případě, že zpracování probíhá na základě oprávněného zájmu Společnosti.
    - Můžete požádat o přenositelnost Osobních údajů, které jste námi poskytli, pokud zpracování Osobních údajů probíhá na základě vašeho souhlasu či plnění smlouvy a je prováděno pomocí automatizovaných prostředků.
    - Máte právo kdykoli vznést námitku proti tomu, abychom zpracovávali vaše Osobní údaje pro účely přímého marketingu či marketingu založeného na profilování nebo v případě, že zpracování údajů probíhá na základě oprávněného zájmu Společnosti (s výjimkou případů, kdy může Společnost doložit přesvědčivý právní důvod zpracování).
    - Pokud se domníváte, že zpracování vašich osobních údajů je v rozporu s nařízením GDPR, máte právo podat stížnost dozorovému úřadu.

    Jak nás můžete kontaktovat?
    V případě dotazů, stížností či komentářů v souvislosti s tímto Oznámením nebo zájmu o informace o našich postupech v souvislosti se shromažďováním údajů nás prosím kontaktujte písemně na adrese:

    Jan Becher – Karlovarská Becherovka, a.s.
    Luxembourg Plaza
    Přemyslovská 2845/43
    130 00 Praha 3

    nebo zašlete e-mail na adresu
    V případě potřeby můžete rovněž kontaktovat našeho koncernového Pověřence pro ochranu osobních údajů na adrese groupdpo@pernod-ricard.comȽ



    Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard Group. Pernod Ricard Group respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how Jan Becher – Karlovarská Becherovka, a.s., ID no. 49790765, with registered seat at T.G. Masaryka 282/57, Karlovy Vary, ZIP 360 01, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Pilsen with file no. B 401 (referred to as the “Company”) processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.  

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as name, surname, contacts (address, e-mail address, telephone number), other data provided voluntarily by the applicant in CV or during interview)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, are generally not processed during the recruitment process.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Contacting applicants via job applicant websites or other communication means,
    - Job interviews by the Company and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience,
    - Assessment of professional and personal preconditions of the candidate in accordance with a Job Description of the position,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data (apart from the Company) may include:

    - job applicant websites providers
    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - providers of other services (e.g. IT services) for the Company, including other Pernod Ricard affiliates
    - regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Company in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.

    How can you contact us?
    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Jan Becher – Karlovarská Becherovka, a.s.
    Luxembourg Plaza
    Přemyslovská 2845/43
    130 00 Praha 3

    or sending an email to
    If necessary, our group Data Protection Officer may be contacted at

  • No Terms and Conditions

  • Adaylar İçin Veri Koruma Bildirimi
    Mahremiyetinizin ve kişisel verilerinizin korunması, Pernod Ricard için çok önemlidir. Bu platformdan /web sitesinden iş başvurusu yaptığınızda, Pernod Ricard, özel hayatınızın gizliliğine Genel Veri Koruma Yönetmeliği (bundan böyle “GDPR” olarak anılacaktır) ve yürürlükte olan veri koruma kanun ve yönetmelikleri bağlamında saygı gösterir.
    İşbu Adaylar için Veri Koruma Bildirimi (bundan böyle “Bildirim” olarak anılacaktır), iş başvurusu için kullanılan web sitesinin Koşul & Hükümleri ile birlikte okunmalıdır.

    Bildirimin amacı; Veri Kontrolörü olarak Pernod Ricard Istanbul Ic ve Dis Tic. Ltd. Sti’nin (“Şirket”), iş başvurusu yapan bireylerin Kişisel Verilerini nasıl işlediğinin açıklanmasıdır.

    Hangi Kişisel Verileri topluyoruz?

    Şirket,  aşağıda listelenen Kişisel Verileri toplar:

    - Kimlik verileri ve idari veriler (başvuru sahibinin kimlik bilgileri, doğum yeri ve tarihi, cinsiyeti, ikamet adresi, kişisel telefon numarası ve e-posta adresi, oturma izni veya yabancı uyruklu bir başvuru sahibinin işe alınabilmesi için gerekli diğer izinler, vb.)

    - İşe alım süreci boyunca yapılan testlerin/değerlendirmelerin sonuçları. Söz konusu veriler gizli tutulacak olup yalnızca başvuru sahibi ile paylaşılacaktır.

    - Mesleki becerilere ilişkin veriler (beceriler, eğitim, diplomalar, geçmiş mesleki deneyimlerin özeti, ve varsa Pernod Ricard Grubu içerisindeki geçmiş kariyeri)

    - Başvuru sahibinin başvurduğu işe dair bilgiler (iş ve görev tanımı, görev sorumlulukları vb.),

    Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu’nun 6. maddesinde belirlenen Özel Nitelikli Kişisel Veriler, yalnızca tarafımıza izin vermeniz halinde işlenir.  Söz konusu izin, dilediğiniz zaman iptal edilebilir.

    Kişisel Verilerinizi Nasıl Topluyoruz?

    Şirket, işe alım sürecinin bir parçası olarak ilgili ve gerekli olan aşağıda listelenen yöntem ve teknikleri kullanır:

    - Pernod Ricard ve/veya işe alim konusunda uzmanlaşmış bir sağlayıcı üçüncü kişi tarafından yapılacak iş mülakatları,
    - İşe alım konusunda uzman bir sağlayıcı üçüncü kişi tarafından diplomalar, referanslar ve mesleki deneyimlerin teyidi,
    - Kişilik envanteri ve mantık testleri, pozisyon için gerekli olması halinde İngilizce testi.
    - Mesleki değerlendirme (pratik sorunların yazılı olarak çözümü, vb.)

    Kişisel Verileri neden topluyoruz?

    Şirket, adayın Kişisel Verilerini, yalnızca işe alım sürecini yönetebilmek maksadıyla toplar, saklar, kullanır ve işler.

    Dolayısıyla, Kişisel Verilerin işlenmesi; işe alım sözleşmesinin akdinden önce gerekli ölçümleri, Şirketin meşru menfaatleri bağlamında, gerçekleştirebilmek, yani iş teklifi yapmadan önce adayı değerlendirmek için gereklidir.

    Kişisel Veriler, adayın başvurusunu işleme alabilmek, böyle bir işlem esnasında başvuru sahibine ulaşabilmek, adayın sorularını yanıtlayabilmek ve/veya ek bilgi talep edebilmek için de gereklidir

    Kişisel Verileriniz kimlerle paylaşılır?

    Kişisel Verileriniz, aşağıda listelenen kişi ve kurumlarla paylaşılır:

    - Şirketin denetimi altında çalışan ve işe alım konusunda uzman, hizmet sağlayıcı firmalar
    - İnsan Kaynakları birimi,
    - gereği halinde, düzenleyici kurumlar ve yargı makamları
    - diğer Pernod Ricard iştirakleri

    Kişisel Verilerinizi ne kadar saklıyoruz?

    Kişisel Veriler, İnsan Kaynakları birimi tarafından, ilgili Şirketin veri saklama politika ve prosedürleri uyarınca ve yerel kanun ve yönetmeliklerin gerektirdiği şekilde saklanır.

    Kişisel Verileriniz diğer ülkelere aktarılıyor mu?

    Pernod Ricard Grubu dünya çapında bir kurum olduğundan, başvuru sahiplerine ait bazı bilgiler, Grubun dünya çapındaki iştirakleri tarafından işlenebilir. Kişisel Veriler, verileri sunduğunuz ülkenin mevcut veri koruma kanunlarından farklı bir seviyede veri koruma yönetmelikleri olan ülkelere aktarılabilir.

    Böyle bir durumda, Pernod Ricard Grubu hem aktarım esnasında hem de alıcı konumda Kişisel Verilerin emniyetini, ilgili kanun uyarınca Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından belirlenen maddeleri sözleşmelerine ekleyerek sağlar.
    Kişisel Verilerinİze ilişkin haklarınız nelerdir?

    - Kişisel Verilerinize erişim talep edebilirsiniz.
    - Hatalı ya da eksik olan veya güncel olmayan Kişisel Verilerinizin düzeltilmesini talep edebilirsiniz.
    (i) Verilerin işlenmesi için Kişisel Verilerinize ihtiyaç kalmaması halinde, (ii) hususi olarak bu işlem için verilerinizin işlenmesine dair verdiğiniz muvafakattan vazgeçmeniz halinde, (iii) verilerin işlenmesine itiraz etmeniz halinde, (iv) Kişisel Verilerin kanunsuz bir şekilde işlenmesi halinde, (v) Şirkete uygulanan bir yasal yaptırım neticesinde Kişisel Verilerin silinmesinin zorunlu olduğu hallerde, Kişisel Verilerinizin silinmesini talep edebilirsiniz.
    (i) Kişisel Verilerinizin doğruluğuna itiraz edilmesi halinde verilerin doğruluğunun Pernod Ricard tarafından teyit edilmesine izin vermek için, (ii) İşlem hukuksuz olmasına rağmen Kişisel Verilerinizi silmek yerine kısıtlamak istemeniz halinde, (iii) Hukuki hak talepleriniz çerçevesinde savunma yapabilmek için Kişisel Verilerinizin Şirket tarafından saklanmasını istemeniz halinde, (iv) verilerin işlenmesine itiraz ettiyseniz ancak Şirket, verilerin işlenmesi Şirketin meşru menfaatleri temelinde gerçekleştiriliyorsa kendi haklarınızı geçersiz kılabilecek bir yasal zemin olup olmadığını doğrulama işlemi sürdürüyorsa, verilerinizin işlenmesine ilişkin kısıtlama talep edebilirsiniz.
    - Kişisel Verilerin işlenmesi kendi rızanız veya belirli bir sözleşme temelinde ve otomatik yöntemlerle gerçekleştiriliyorsa, tarafımıza sağladığınız Kişisel Verilerin taşınırlığını talep edebilirsiniz.
    - Kişisel Verilerinizin tarafımızca doğrudan pazarlama, profilleme temelinde pazarlama amacıyla veya Şirketin meşru menfaatleri temelinde işlenmesine (verilerin işlenmesi için mücbir yasal nedenler olmadığı durumlarda) dilediğiniz zaman itiraz etme hakkına sahipsiniz.
    - Kişisel Verilerinizin işlenmesinin GDPR hükümlerine aykırı olduğunu düşünmeniz halinde bir denetim makamına şikayette bulunma hakkına sahipsiniz.

    Bize nasıl ulaşabiirsiniz?

    Bu Bildirimle veya bilgi toplama yöntemlerimizle ilgili herhangi bir soru, şikayet veya yorumunuz olması halinde, lütfen aşağıdaki adrese veya e-posta adresine yazarak bizimle iletişime geçiniz.

    Buyukdere Cad.Spine Plaza
    No:243 Kat:19 Maslak
    Sarıyer - Türkiye

  • Інформаційне повідомлення для кандидатів про захист персональних даних

    Захист вашого приватного життя та персональних даних є надзвичайно важливим для Перно Рікар. Ми поважаємо ваше право на приватність, згідно з вимогами законодавства з питань захисту персональних даних, зокрема Закону України «Про захист персональних даних» і Регламенту Європейського парламенту і Ради (ЄС) про захист фізичних осіб у зв’язку з обробкою персональних даних і про вільний рух таких даних, та про скасування Директиви 95/46/ЄС (Загальний регламент про захист даних) (надалі – «GDPR»), коли ви подаєте заявку на участь у конкурсі на заміщення посади через цю платформу/веб-сайт. Це інформаційне повідомлення для кандидатів про захист персональних даних (надалі – «Повідомлення») є невід’ємною частиною Загальних правил для користування веб-сайтом із пошуку роботи.

    Метою цього Повідомлення є надання інформації щодо того, яким чином дочірнє підприємство з іноземними інвестиціями «Перно Рікар Україна», що знаходиться за адресою: Україна, 04053, м. Київ, вул. Січових Стрільців, 47 (надалі – «Компанія»), як володілець персональних даних, здійснює обробку персональних даних осіб, які подають заявку на участь в конкурсі на заміщення посади.

    Які персональні дані ми збираємо?

    Компанія збирає такі персональні дані:

    - ідентифікаційні та адміністративні дані (прізвище, ім’я, по батькові заявника, дата та місце народження, стать, адреса проживання, особистий номер телефону та адреса електронної пошти (email), посвідка на тимчасове/постійне проживання або інша необхідна інформація, якщо заявником є іноземна особа).

    - результати тестів/оцінювань, що можуть проводитися протягом відбору на посаду. Такі результати залишаються конфіденційними і можуть біти отримані виключно заявником.

    - інформація про професійні здібності (навички, тренінги, дипломи, досвід роботи, а також, у відповідних випадках, попередній досвід роботи в межах Групи Перно Рікар).

    - Інформація, пов’язана з посадою, стосовно якої подається заявка на участь в конкурсі (назва посади, посадові обов’язки).

    Персональні дані, що визначені в статті 7 Закону України «Про захист персональних даних» і статті 9 GDPR, можуть бути оброблені за умови надання вами однозначної згоди на обробку таких даних. Ця згода може бути відкликана вами у будь-який час.

    Як чином ми здійснюємо обробку ваших персональних даних?

    Компанія використовує методи та підходи, що є необхідними для завершення процесу підбору персоналу, а саме:

    - Співбесіди, що проводяться Компанією та/або компаніями, що спеціалізуються на пошуку та підборі персоналу,
    - Перевірка дипломів, рекомендацій, професійного досвіду Компанією та/або компаніями, що спеціалізуються на пошуку та підборі персоналу,
    - Тестування, що є необхідним для перевірки знань та навичок кандидатів,
    - Персональне оцінювання (вирішення практичних завдань письмово тощо).

    Чому ми збираємо ваші персональні дані?

    Компанія збирає, зберігає, використовує та здійснює обробку персональних даних кандидата виключно з метою управління процесом підбору персоналу.

    Таким чином, обробка персональних даних є необхідною попередньою умовою для прийняття рішення щодо пропозиції про працевлаштування, відповідає законним інтересам Компанії та проводиться для оцінки кандидата перед запрошенням на роботу.

    Персональні дані є також необхідними для обробки заявки кандидата, для зв’язку з кандидатом протягом процесу відбору, для надання їй/йому відповідей на питання та/або для запиту додаткової інформації.

    Кому передаються ваші персональні дані?

    Отримувачами ваших персональних даних є:

    - треті особи, що надають послуги Компанії з пошуку та підбору персоналу,
    - відділ по роботі з персоналом Компанії,
    - органи державної влади, у випадках, передбачених законодавством,
    - інші компанії Перно Рікар.

    Як довго ми зберігаємо ваші персональні дані?

    Персональні дані зберігаються відділом по роботі з персоналом Компанії протягом строків, що визначені внутрішніми правилами Компанії, а також в межах строків, визначених законодавством.

    Чи пересилаються ваші персональні дані до інших країн?

    Оскільки Перно Рікар є міжнародною групою компаній, деякі персональні дані заявників можуть передаватися для обробки іншим компаніям Перно Рікар у світі. Персональні дані можуть передаватися до країн, де діють інші законодавчі правила із захисту персональних даних, ніж ті, які застосовуються в країні, де ви надали свої персональні дані.

    У цьому випадку Перно Рікар реалізовує відповідні заходи для захисту персональних даних як під час їх передачі, так і під час їх отримання іншою стороною, встановлюючи необхідні договірні зобов’язання, передбачені законодавством, зокрема, Європейською Комісією.

    Які ви маєте права стосовно своїх персональних даних?

    - Ви маєте право на доступ до своїх персональних даних.
    - Ви маєте право вимагати змінити свої персональні дані, якщо вони є неточними, неповними або застарілими.

    - Ви маєте паво вимагати знищити свої персональні дані (і) якщо відсутня ціль для обробки ваших персональних даних, (іі) ви відкликали свою згоду на обробку персональних даних, що можуть оброблятися виключно за наявності такої згоди, (ііі) ви заперечили проти обробки свої персональних даних, (іv) обробка ваших персональних даних є незаконною, (v) ваші персональні дані мають бути знищені відповідно до юридичних зобов’язань Компанії.

    - Ви маєте право обмежити обробку своїх персональних даних (і) якщо виникає сумнів щодо достовірності ваших персональних даних, для проведення Перно Рікар перевірки щодо їх точності, (іі) якщо ви бажаєте обмежити доступ до ваших персональних даних, а не знищити їх, у разі якщо обробка таких даних є незаконною, (ііі) якщо ви бажаєте, щоб Компанія зберігала ваші персональні дані, оскільки вам вони потрібні для захисту своїх інтересів в процесі розгляду скарг, (іv) якщо ви заперечили проти обробки персональних даних, проте Компанія проводить перевірку наявності законних підстав для такої обробки, що можуть мати пріоритет перед вашими правами, якщо обробка персональних даних відповідає законним інтересам Компанії.

    - Ви можете вимагати мобільність персональних даних, що ви нам передали, зокрема, якщо персональні дані обробляються на підставі вашої згоди або в рамках виконання договору за допомогою автоматизованих засобів.
    - Ви маєте право заперечити проти обробки ваших персональних даних нами у будь-який час для цілей прямого маркетингу, для маркетингових цілей, заснованих на аналізі вашого профілю, або якщо обробка даних здійснюється відповідно до законних інтересів Компанії (окрім випадків, коли така обробка здійснюється на підставі закону).
    - Ви маєте право податки скаргу до контролюючого органу, якщо ви вважаєте, що обробка ваших персональних даних порушує Закон України «Про захист персональних даних» або GDPR.

    Як ви можете з нами зв’язатися?

    Якщо у вас є будь-які питання, скарги або зауваження до цього Повідомлення чи до наших методів збору інформації, будь ласка, надішліть нам листа (з поміткою «Для юридичного підрозділу»):

    ДПзІІ «Перно Рікар Україна»
    Україна, 03110, м. Київ, вул. Солом’янська, 11

    або напишіть нам на електронну адресу:


    Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” and the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how subsidiary with foreign investments “Pernod Ricard Ukraine” at the address: Ukraine, 04053, Kyiv, 47 Sichovykh Striltsiv St., (the “Company”) processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, residence permit or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant of foreign nationality)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to professional skills (such as skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Sensitive Personal Data, as defined in Article 7 the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” and Article 9 of the GDPR, may only be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by the Company and/or a third-party provider company specialised in recruiting,
    - Verification of diplomas, references, and professional experience by the Company and/or a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialised in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - the HR department
    - regulatority or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.

    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.

    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.

    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.

    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.

    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.

    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).

    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR.


    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing (mentioning “to Legal Division”) to:

    Pernod Ricard Ukraine, SFI
    Ukraine, 03110, Kyiv, 11 Sychovykh Striltsiv St.

    or sending an email to:

  • Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos

    La protección de su privacidad y de sus datos personales es muy importante para Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respeta su derecho a la privacidad cuando solicita empleo a través de esta plataforma/sitio web, de acuerdo con las disposiciones contenidas en las leyes y reglamentos aplicables en materia de protección de datos, tales como la Ley Nacional de Protección de Datos Personales N° 18.331 y demás normativa complementaria (la “Normativa”) y el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (en adelante el "RGPD"). Este Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos (en adelante el "Aviso") deberá leerse de forma conjunta con los Términos y Condiciones aplicables a la utilización del sitio web para solicitantes de empleo.

    El objeto del Aviso es describir cómo Pernod Ricard Uruguay SA (la “Sociedad”), en su condición de responsable del tratamiento, trata los Datos Personales relativos a las personas que solicitan empleo.

    ¿Qué Datos Personales recopilamos?

    La Sociedad recopila los siguientes Datos Personales:

    - datos identificativos y administrativos (como, por ejemplo, la identidad del solicitante, la fecha y lugar de nacimiento, género, domicilio personal, número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico personal, permiso de residencia  o cualquier otra autorización necesaria para la contratación de un solicitante de nacionalidad extranjera),

    - los resultados de los test/evaluaciones que puedan realizarse a lo largo del proceso de contratación, los cuales serán confidenciales y cuya comunicación solamente podrá ser obtenida por el solicitante,

    - datos relativos a las competencias profesionales (como, por ejemplo, competencias, formación, diplomas, experiencia profesional y, si procede, carrera profesional dentro del Grupo Pernod Ricard),

    - la información relativa al puesto de trabajo que esté solicitando el solicitante (como, por ejemplo, la denominación del puesto de trabajo y función, naturaleza de las obligaciones).

    ¿Cómo recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    La Sociedad utiliza los siguientes métodos y técnicas, considerados pertinentes y necesarios, como parte de su proceso de contratación:

    - Entrevistas de trabajo realizadas por Pernod Ricard y/o por cualquier sociedad proveedora de servicios especializada en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Verificación de títulos, referencias y experiencia profesional por parte de un proveedor de servicios especializado en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Pruebas de lógica, pruebas de inglés en la medida en que se requieran para el puesto,
    - Evaluaciones profesionales (resolución de casos prácticos por escrito, etc.)

    ¿Por qué recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    La Sociedad recopila, almacena, utiliza y trata los Datos Personales del candidato únicamente con la finalidad de gestionar el proceso de contratación.

    Por consiguiente, el tratamiento de Datos Personales es necesario para poder adoptar medidas previas a la formalización de un contrato de trabajo en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad que es, en concreto, el de evaluar al candidato antes de proponerle una oferta de trabajo.
    Los Datos Personales son también necesarios para tratar la solicitud del candidato, para contactarle durante dicho proceso, para contestar a sus preguntas y/o para pedirle información adicional.

    ¿Quiénes son los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales?

    Entre los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales se encuentran:

    - las compañías de servicios especializadas en contratación encargadas por la Sociedad
    - el departamento de Recursos Humanos
    - los organismos regulatorios o judiciales, en la medida necesaria y si ello correspondiera.
    - otras filiales de Pernod Ricard

    ¿Durante cuánto tiempo conservamos sus Datos Personales?

    El departamento de Recursos Humanos conserva los Datos Personales con arreglo a lo establecido en la política y procedimientos de retención aplicables de la Sociedad, así como en la medida requerida por las leyes y reglamentos locales.

    Sus datos podrán hacer almacenados por la Sociedad por más tiempo que el que dure la búsqueda puntual para la cual Usted aplicó con el fin de poder ser contactado ante búsquedas afines.

    ¿Son sus Datos Personales transferidos a otros países?

    Dado que el Grupo Pernod Ricard es una organización mundial, algunos Datos Personales relativos a los solicitantes de empleo podrán ser tratados por otras entidades del Grupo repartidas por todo el mundo. Los Datos Personales podrán ser transferidos a países que cuenten con un nivel de leyes de protección de datos personales diferente al existente en el país en el que usted facilitó sus Datos Personales.

    En tal caso, el Grupo Pernod Ricard adoptará las medidas adecuadas para preservar la seguridad de sus Datos Personales tanto durante el tránsito como en el lugar de recepción de éstos, mediante la implementación de cláusulas contractuales establecidas por las Comisión Europea, de conformidad con lo establecido en la ley aplicable internacional y local.

    ¿Cuáles son sus derechos en relación con sus Datos Personales?

    - Puede solicitar el acceso a sus Datos Personales.
    - Puede solicitar la rectificación de sus Datos Personales si son inexactos, incompletos o están desactualizados.
    - Puede solicitar la supresión de sus Datos Personales si (i) éstos ya no son necesarios para las finalidades del tratamiento de datos, (ii) ha retirado su consentimiento para el tratamiento de Datos Personales basado exclusivamente en dicho consentimiento (iii) se ha opuesto al tratamiento de datos, (iv) el tratamiento de los Datos Personales es ilegal, (v) los Datos Personales deben suprimirse para cumplir con una obligación legal aplicable a la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la limitación del tratamiento (i) en caso de que se impugne la exactitud de sus Datos Personales para permitir que Pernod Ricard pueda verificar su exactitud, (ii) en el caso de que desee ejercer el derecho a limitar el uso de sus Datos Personales en lugar de eliminarlos a pesar del hecho de que el tratamiento sea ilícito, (iii) en el caso de que desee que la Sociedad conserve sus Datos Personales debido a que el interesado los necesite para su defensa dentro del contexto de reclamaciones jurídicas, (iv) en el caso de que se haya opuesto al tratamiento pero la Sociedad lleve a cabo una verificación para comprobar si tiene motivos legítimos para realizar dicho tratamiento, los cuales prevalecerán sobre sus propios derechos en caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la portabilidad de los Datos Personales que nos haya facilitado si el tratamiento de los mismos se basa en su consentimiento o en el cumplimiento de un contrato y se lleva a cabo por medios automatizados.
    - Usted tendrá el derecho de oponerse, en cualquier momento, al tratamiento por nosotros de sus Datos Personales, con fines de marketing directo, con fines de marketing basados en la elaboración de perfiles, o en el caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad (salvo que pueda demostrar la existencia de fundamentos jurídicos imperiosos para la realización del tratamiento).
    - Usted tendrá derecho a presentar una reclamación ante una autoridad de control si considera que el tratamiento de sus Datos Personales infringe el RGPD.

    ¿Cómo puede contactarnos?

    En caso de tener cualquier pregunta, reclamación o comentario relativo al presente Aviso o a nuestras prácticas de recopilación de información, le rogamos se ponga en contacto con nosotros por escrito dirigiéndose a:

    Pernod Ricard Uruguay SA
    Luis A. de Herrera 1248, Torre WTC, Of. 2001.
    o enviando un correo electrónico a

  • Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos

    La protección de su privacidad y de sus datos personales es muy importante para Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respeta su derecho a la privacidad cuando solicita empleo a través de esta plataforma/sitio web, de acuerdo con las disposiciones contenidas en las leyes y reglamentos aplicables en materia de protección de datos, tales como el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (en adelante el "RGPD"). Este Aviso Informativo sobre Protección de Datos para Candidatos (en adelante el "Aviso") deberá leerse de forma conjunta con los Términos y Condiciones aplicables a la utilización del sitio web para solicitantes de empleo.

    El objeto del Aviso es describir cómo la Sociedad, en su condición de responsable del tratamiento, trata los Datos Personales relativos a las personas que solicitan empleo.

    En el caso de que esté solicitando un puesto en Pernod Ricard Venezuela C.A. en la Av. Orinoco, Edif Torre D&D, Piso 7, Ofic 7-SO, Las Merecedes, Estado Miranda, Caracas , Zona Postal 1060, Venezuela, la Sociedad es Pernod Ricard Venezuela C.A.

    ¿Qué Datos Personales recopilamos?

    La Sociedad recopila los siguientes Datos Personales:

    - datos identificativos y administrativos (como, por ejemplo, la identidad del solicitante, la fecha y lugar de nacimiento, género, domicilio personal, número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico personal, permiso de residencia o cualquier otra autorización necesaria para la contratación de un solicitante de nacionalidad extranjera),

    - los resultados de los test/evaluaciones que puedan realizarse a lo largo del proceso de contratación, los cuales serán confidenciales y cuya comunicación solamente podrá ser obtenida por el solicitante,

    - datos relativos a las competencias profesionales (como, por ejemplo, competencias, formación, diplomas, experiencia profesional y, si procede, carrera profesional dentro del Grupo Pernod Ricard),

    - la información relativa al puesto de trabajo que esté solicitando el solicitante (como, por ejemplo, la denominación del puesto de trabajo y función, naturaleza de las obligaciones).

    Los Datos Personales de categorías especiales, en el sentido definido en el Artículo 9 del RGPD, sólo podrán tratarse si nos ha dado su consentimiento explícito. Este consentimiento podrá retirarse en cualquier momento.

    ¿Cómo recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    La Sociedad utiliza los siguientes métodos y técnicas, considerados pertinentes y necesarios, como parte de su proceso de contratación:

    - Entrevistas de trabajo realizadas por Pernod Ricard y/o por cualquier sociedad proveedora de servicios especializada en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Verificación de títulos, referencias y experiencia profesional por parte de un proveedor de servicios especializado en servicios de contratación de personal,
    - Pruebas de lógica, pruebas de inglés en la medida en que se requieran para el puesto,
    - Evaluaciones profesionales (resolución de casos prácticos por escrito, etc.)

    ¿Por qué recopilamos sus Datos Personales?

    La Sociedad recopila, almacena, utiliza y trata los Datos Personales del candidato únicamente con la finalidad de gestionar el proceso de contratación.

    Por consiguiente, el tratamiento de Datos Personales es necesario para poder adoptar medidas previas a la formalización de un contrato de trabajo en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad que es, en concreto, el de evaluar al candidato antes de proponerle una oferta de trabajo.
    Los Datos Personales son también necesarios para tratar la solicitud del candidato, para contactarle durante dicho proceso, para contestar a sus preguntas y/o para pedirle información adicional.

    ¿Quiénes son los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales?

    Entre los destinatarios de sus Datos Personales se encuentran:

    - las compañías de servicios especializadas en contratación encargadas por la Sociedad
    - el departamento de Recursos Humanos
    - los organismos regulatorios o judiciales, en la medida necesaria
    - otras filiales de Pernod Ricard

    ¿Durante cuánto tiempo conservamos sus Datos Personales?

    El departamento de Recursos Humanos conserva los Datos Personales con arreglo a lo establecido en la política y procedimientos de retención aplicables de la Sociedad, así como en la medida requerida por las leyes y reglamentos locales.

    ¿Son sus Datos Personales transferidos a otros países?

    Dado que el Grupo Pernod Ricard es una organización mundial, algunos Datos Personales relativos a los solicitantes de empleo podrán ser tratados por otras entidades del Grupo repartidas por todo el mundo. Los Datos Personales podrán ser transferidos a países que cuenten con un nivel de leyes de protección de datos personales diferente al existente en el país en el que usted facilitó sus Datos Personales.

    En tal caso, el Grupo Pernod Ricard adoptará las medidas adecuadas para preservar la seguridad de sus Datos Personales tanto durante el tránsito como en el lugar de recepción de éstos, mediante la implementación de cláusulas contractuales establecidas por las Comisión Europea, de conformidad con lo establecido en la ley aplicable.

    ¿Cuáles son sus derechos en relación con sus Datos Personales?

    - Puede solicitar el acceso a sus Datos Personales.
    - Puede solicitar la rectificación de sus Datos Personales si son inexactos, incompletos o están desactualizados.
    - Puede solicitar la supresión de sus Datos Personales si (i) éstos ya no son necesarios para las finalidades del tratamiento de datos, (ii) ha retirado su consentimiento para el tratamiento de Datos Personales basado exclusivamente en dicho consentimiento (iii) se ha opuesto al tratamiento de datos, (iv) el tratamiento de los Datos Personales es ilegal, (v) los Datos Personales deben suprimirse para cumplir con una obligación legal aplicable a la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la limitación del tratamiento (i) en caso de que se impugne la exactitud de sus Datos Personales para permitir que Pernod Ricard pueda verificar su exactitud, (ii) en el caso de que desee ejercer el derecho a limitar el uso de sus Datos Personales en lugar de eliminarlos a pesar del hecho de que el tratamiento sea ilícito, (iii) en el caso de que desee que la Sociedad conserve sus Datos Personales debido a que el interesado los necesite para su defensa dentro del contexto de reclamaciones jurídicas, (iv) en el caso de que se haya opuesto al tratamiento pero la Sociedad lleve a cabo una verificación para comprobar si tiene motivos legítimos para realizar dicho tratamiento, los cuales prevalecerán sobre sus propios derechos en caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad.
    - Podrá solicitar la portabilidad de los Datos Personales que nos haya facilitado si el tratamiento de los mismos se basa en su consentimiento o en el cumplimiento de un contrato y se lleva a cabo por medios automatizados.
    - Usted tendrá el derecho de oponerse, en cualquier momento, al tratamiento por nosotros de sus Datos Personales, con fines de marketing directo, con fines de marketing basados en la elaboración de perfiles, o en el caso de que el tratamiento de datos esté basado en el interés legítimo de la Sociedad (salvo que pueda demostrar la existencia de fundamentos jurídicos imperiosos para la realización del tratamiento).
    - Usted tendrá derecho a presentar una reclamación ante una autoridad de control si considera que el tratamiento de sus Datos Personales infringe el RGPD.

    ¿Cómo puede contactarnos?

    En caso de tener cualquier pregunta, reclamación o comentario relativo al presente Aviso o a nuestras prácticas de recopilación de información, le rogamos se ponga en contacto con nosotros por escrito dirigiéndose a:

    Pernod Ricard Venezuela C.A. 
    Av. Orinoco, Edif Torre D&D, Piso 7, Ofic 7-SO, Las Merecedes, Estado Miranda, Caracas , Zona Postal 1060, Venezuela
    o enviando un correo electrónico a

  • Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates

    Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard respects your right to privacy when you apply for employment through this platform/website, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable data protection laws and regulation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter “GDPR”). This Data Protection Information Notice for Candidates (hereafter “Notice”) should be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions for using the job applicant website.

    The purpose of the Notice is to describe how Pernod Ricard Vietnam Company Ltd (the “Company”) at 5 Me Linh Square, Vietcombank Building, Floor 26, Ho Chi Minh, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, processes, as Data Controller, Personal Data relating to individuals applying for employment.  

    What Personal Data do we collect?

    The Company collects the following Personal Data:

    - identification and administrative data (such as the applicant’s identity, date and place of birth, gender, address of residence, personal phone number and email address, nationality, passport details, or any other necessary authorization for the recruitment of an applicant)

    - results of tests/assessments which may be conducted during the recruitment process, which remain confidential and the communication of which may only be obtained by the applicant

    - data relating to education and professional skills (such as previous schools, skills, training, diplomas, history of past professional experiences and, as the case may be, past career path within the Pernod Ricard Group)

    - the information relating to the job for which the applicant is applying (such as the job and function title, nature of the obligations),

    Personal Data, as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, may be processed if you have given us your express consent. This consent may be withdrawn at any time.

    How do we collect your Personal Data?

    The Company uses methods and techniques as part of its recruitment that are relevant and necessary and consists of the following:

    - Job interviews by Pernod Ricard and/or a third-party provider company specialized in recruiting,
    - Verification of educational qualifications, references, and professional experience by a third-party provider specialized in recruiting,
    - Background and reference checks by a third-party provider specialized in conducting such checks,
    - Medical checks by a third-party medical provider for any candidate who is successful and prior to formal employment,
    - Tests of logic, English test as may be required for the position
    - Professional assessments (solution of practical cases in writing, etc.)

    Why do we collect Personal Data?

    The Company collects, stores, uses and processes the candidate’s Personal Data solely for the purpose of managing the recruitment process.

    The processing of Personal Data is therefore necessary in order to be able to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract, in the legitimate interest of the Company, namely to evaluate the candidate before making a job offer.

    Personal Data are also necessary for processing the candidate’s application, to contact the applicant during such processing, to answer his/her questions and/or to request additional information.

    Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

    The recipients of your Personal Data include:

    - the service companies specialized in recruiting mandated by the Company
    - third-party companies specialized in conducting background or reference checks
    - third-party medical providers specialized in conducting medical checks
    - the HR department
    - regulatory or judicial bodies, as may be required
    - other Pernod Ricard affiliates

    How long do we keep your Personal Data?

    Personal Data are kept by the Human Resources department in accordance with the applicable Company’s retention policies and procedures and as required by local laws and regulations.

    Are your Personal Data transferred to other countries?

    Because the Pernod Ricard Group is a worldwide organization, some Personal Data relating to applicants may be processed by other entities of the Group worldwide. Personal Data may be transferred to countries that have a different level of data protection laws than the one existing in the country from where you submitted your Personal Data.

    In this case, Pernod Ricard Group takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of Personal Data both during transit and at the receiving location by implementing contractual clauses as set out by the European Commission, in accordance with applicable law.


    What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

    - You can request to access your Personal Data.
    - You can request to rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
    - You can request the erasure of your Personal Data (i) if your Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data processing, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent on the data processing based exclusively on such consent (iii) you objected to the data processing, (iv) the Personal Data processing is unlawful, (v) the Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation applicable to the Company.
    - You can request the restriction of the processing (i) in the event the accuracy of your Personal Data is contested to allow Pernod Ricard to check such accuracy, (ii) if you wish to restrict your Personal Data rather than deleting it despite the fact that the processing is unlawful, (iii) if you wish the Company to keep your Personal Data because you need it for your defense in the context of legal claims (iv) if you have objected to the processing but the Company conducts verification to check whether it has legitimate grounds for such processing which may override your own rights if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company.
    - You can request the portability of the Personal Data you provided to us, if the Personal Data processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means.
    - You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data by us, at any time, for direct marketing purpose, for marketing purpose based on profiling, or if the data processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Company (except if it can demonstrate compelling legal grounds for the processing).
    - You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervision authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR or the PDPA.

    How can you contact us?

    If you have any questions, complaint, or comments regarding this Notice or our information collection practices, please contact us by writing to:

    Pernod Ricard Vietnam Company Limited
    5 Me Linh Square, Vietcombank Building,
    Floor 26, Ho Chi Minh, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
    or sending an email to