Selected S&R initiatives


Reduction of CO2 emissions

At Wyborowa Pernod Ricard, we undertake many actions to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions in Poland. We are constantly optimizing production processes to increase efficiency and maintain the same production volumes while using less energy. Both production plants and offices use renewable electricity sources, resulting in zero CO2 emissions from electricity consumption. To this end, we have also taken steps in other segments, including further replacement of our car fleet with more environmentally friendly hybrid cars in the sales department.

kropla wody

Conserving water resources

As part of our commitment to sustainability and seeking to become a more responsible company to its consumers, employees and local communities, at Wybrowa Pernod Ricard we are committed to conserving water resources. Over the past 5 years, we have reduced the water consumption required to produce one litre of alcohol at our production facilities. At our production facility in Zielona Góra, we have introduced new bottle washing technologies, optimized the water treatment process and modernized the water installation. Thanks to these measures we are an efficient enterprise and a "good neighbour" for local communities.


Sustainable production of packaging and POSM materials

The Pernod Ricard Group has introduced clear guidelines on what packaging and POS materials should look like and how they should be produced. As a consumer-oriented company, we know our consumers are looking for brands operating in a responsible and sustainable manner. In 2021, we resigned from single-use plastic POS materials. Paper, cardboard and wood materials are sourced from certified productions such as FSC.

green office

Green Office

In the Warsaw office of Wyborowa Pernod Ricard a "Green Office" project is being implemented. The company uses renewable electricity sources and most processes are being transferred to a digital system, thus reducing paper consumption. To this end, we have also introduced network printers with predefined duplex settings and tracking of paper consumption. Plastic water bottles have been replaced with filtered water dispensers. Aerators have been installed in washbasin faucets and the use of dishwashers has been optimized to reduce water consumption. The design of the Wyborowa Pernod Ricard office includes large windows to save electricity. Waste segregation is also used in the offices.

dwie trzymające się ręce

Safety Champions

Employee safety is a priority for us, which is why we have set a goal of "zero accidents" at Wyborowa Pernod Ricard. As part of our work to achieve this goal, all employees regularly participate in training on safety rules and have been included in the "Safety Champions" program through, among other things, first aid training and specialized courses in safe driving (for the sales department), as well as regular information campaigns on safety rules. Through the "Safety Champions" practice, we are strengthening the culture of caring for each other among our staff and passing on knowledge how to keep safe. Thanks to this initiative, Wyborowa Pernod Ricard's employees learn practical safety tips, which they implement in their daily work, both at production sites and in the office or field.

cztery trzymające się ręce

Suppliers' obligations

All the suppliers we collaborate with that deliver dry and wet POSM & VAP materials have signed commitments on responsible cooperation standards. The Supplier Standards document was created to engage suppliers in meeting the Group's S&R commitments and to encourage them to improve their direct impact on people and the environment. It includes 28 standards grouped into five thematic areas: labour and human rights, occupational health and safety, environmental impact, integrity and fair business practices, and responsible alcohol consumption. By introducing responsible supplier standards at Wyborowa Pernod Ricard, we not only oblige suppliers to comply with the signed standards, but encourage them to cascade expectations and disseminate their own document among their suppliers.

The Bar World of Tomorrow

The Bar World of Tomorrow

The Bar World of Tomorrow app is a tool aimed primarily at the bartending industry, but also at amateur drink makers. It is a series of free trainings on sustainable and responsible bar management, creating cocktail recipes and conscious alcohol consumption. App users can learn simple tricks how to run an eco-friendly bar according to the 5Rs idea: Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Respect.

Responsible Party

Responsible Party

Pernod Ricard is taking steps to counteract excessive alcohol consumption among young adults. Striving to achieve this goal, we engage in partnerships and projects that help influence attitudes and behaviour. With the Responsible Party project, Pernod Ricard supports the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) in promoting responsible alcohol consumption at student parties.
In Poland, activities promoting responsible alcohol consumption are carried out at selected Erasmus events and in social media campaigns. A "party squad" composed of students participates in selected events educating peers about responsible alcohol consumption.

Responsible event organization

We frequently organize or participate in industry or consumer events, and therefore all employees at Wyborowa Pernod Ricard are familiar with the Global Responsible Alcohol Consumption Policy, and staff have been trained in serving alcohol responsibly. We also pay attention to sustainable and responsible purchasing, as well as the management of internal events. We have resigned from the use of single-use plastic materials at events, vegetarian and vegan options are always offered on the menu and the food and cocktail menus are based on seasonal products. For the sake of the environment, we have introduced a waste management policy when serving cocktails in accordance with the principles outlined in our The Bar World of Tomorrow application.