
Circular Making

Our finite resources are under pressure and so we minimise waste at every step while imagining new production methods to optimise and help preserve natural resources.

To do this, we apply 5 key principles at each step of our product lifecycle: Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Respect.

What we are doing

With net-zero science-based targets in line with a 1.5°C trajectory approved by SBTi, we are committed to tackling climate change throughout our value chain. 

In order to do this, we are reducing our carbon emissions in our own operations by turning to new technologies and alternative energies, by procuring renewable electricity for our sites and offices, and by neutralising residual emissions through projects to reduce or capture carbon emissions. Since FY18, we have reduced our scope 1&2 carbon emissions in absolute terms by 12%. We are also working with our supply chain to help reduce our overall carbon footprint linked to the procurement of packaging and agricultural materials as well as transportation. Since FY18, we have reduced our scope 3 emissions by 18% in intensity. 

To reduce our carbon footprint and minimise waste, we are developing more sustainable packaging solutions by reducing the weight of our bottles, removing plastic from our labels, caps and secondary packaging, increasing their recycled content, and looking at ways of reducing carbon emissions in the making process. Therefore, 98% of our packaging are recyclable, reusable or compostable. Moreover, our new sustainable packaging and point-of-sale guidelines have spurred us to phase out all single use plastic POS by 2021.  

Our affiliates are currently developing water reduction roadmaps, helping to reduce our overall water consumption intensity (per unit of distilled alcohol) by 8.1% since FY18. We also have strong water replenishment programmes in countries identified as high risk.

Our commitments

SDG 12 logo - Responsible Consumption and Production     SDG 14 logo - Life Below Water

  • Reduce the environmental impacts of our packaging and the waste it generates throughout each step of production chain to the consumer.


    Ban single-use plastic in point of sale materials from 2021.


    Ensure all packaging is recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2025. 


    Pilot five new circular ways of distributing wine & spirits by 2030.


    Support recycling in 9 key markets with low recycling rates by 2030. 

  • Water is an essential component of the products manufactured by Pernod Ricard. From irrigating crops to processing raw materials, distilling, blending eaux-de-vie and formulating products, water is involved in every stage of the product’s life cycle. We aim to reduce our water consumption on production sites and to replenish the water used for production in high-risk areas.


    Reduce overall water consumption intensity (per unit of distilled alcohol) by 20% vs FY18, by 2030.


    Replenish 100% of water in watersheds for production sites and dedicated copackers located in high-risk areas by 2030. 

  • Pernod Ricard generates carbon emissions:

    • directly, through the use of fossil fuels on sites (Scope 1) and due to the electricity, heat or steam, purchased and consumed which generates greenhouse gases emissions (Scope 2);
    • indirectly, through products (agricultural raw materials, packaging, etc.) and services (such as transport) purchased (Scope 3).

    To help reduce climate change, we follow a two-step approach consisting of:

    • assessing our carbon footprint to identify priorities;
    • implementing relevant measures: energy efficiency measures, working with farmers and suppliers to reduce their carbon footprint. 

    Use only renewable electricity on production sites and in administrative offices by 2025. 


    By 2030, reduce absolute scope 1 & 2 emissions by 54% by FY30 from a FY22 baseline. Reduce absolute scope 3 FLAG (forest, land and agriculture) emissions by 30.3% and non-FLAG emissions (purchased goods and services, upstream transportation and distribution) by 25% within the same timeframe.


    By 2050, reduce absolute scope 1 & 2 emissions and its scope 3 non-FLAG emissions by 90% by FY50 from a FY22 baseline, and reduce absolute scope 3 FLAG emissions by 72% within the same timeframe.

  • Ensure that our packaging evolutions projects are managed according to circular design principles, ensuring each change is an improvement in the product lifecycle and end waste is minimised or eliminated.


    Apply eco-design principles to reduce impact according for all New Product Developments since 2022. 


    Certify 100% of cardboard and paper used according to standards ensuring sustainable forest management by 2025.


    Reach 50% of post-consumer recycled content for glass by 2025. 


    Reach 25% of post-consumer recycled content in PET bottles, by 2025.


    Ensure all point of sale material spend is reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025.


    Reduce by 5% the weight of virgin plastic used vs FY20, by 2025.

We are proud signatories of


Business Ambtition for 1.5°C


WFA planet pledge

A global coalition of UN agencies, business and industry leaders, in partnership with the Race to Zero, urging companies to set science-based net-zero carbon reduction targets in line with a 1.5°C and net-zero future.


A CMO-led framework designed to galvanise action from marketers to promote and reinforce attitudes and behaviours which support the global Race to Zero campaign and help the world meet the UN SDGS.



We are a proud partner of


Beverage Industry

CEO Wanter mandate


Ellen MacArthur

A technical coalition of leading global beverage companies working together to advance environmental sustainability within the beverage sector to ensure a sustainable continuity and future of the industry.


An initiative that seeks to mobilize a critical mass of business leaders to address global water challenges through corporate water stewardship in partnership with the United Nations, governments, civil society and other stakeholders.


A charity committed to creating a circular economy, which is designed to eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials (at their highest value), and regenerate nature.


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